07 NV desert bighorn checkout summery


Active Member
I just saw it today so far only two 170 rams taken, they both came from 253W. And 31 160 rams with 6 from area 161 and 4 from 181. This is not final there are still some seasons going and maybe some haven't been checked in yet.
Good numbers for sure! Thanks for the info Ryan! Do you know the exact numbers? If so, how many of those 160 rams are knocking on the book?
4 rams between 168 & 170. Two from area 181 and one from 161 and 183. Again these scores are not official. They are scored when they get checked in by NDOW biologist.
NV...is that info posted online or did you just see the raw data before it is posted?

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Kilbuc, It's not posted yet. There are still a few areas open right now. It will proabably be posted in a month or so. Didn't you have a NR tag for 205S there wasn't any info for that tag. Did you have it plugged by NDOW?
Ryan, I noticed that too and I know kilbuc shot a ram. I think sometimes those sheets get lost in the NDOW interoffice mail.

Pretty nice all those big rams being killed in 181 since a lot of them would have died anyway. But I wouldn't expect next year to look like that. Damn shame.

By the way, just so you know and can plan, 2008 is going to be my year to draw.
Carl, I hope so. Did you notice that the (only lady):) that had a tag for stonewall, it did have any infor on her either and she killed one. That the guy from Winn his ram scored 165 it sure looked alot bigger in the back of his truck. And I heard that they killed a 147 ram in 206. 263 looked like a tough hunt this year the hunters sure hunted alot of days and they didn't kill a B&C ram out of there. So have you heard of anything new about the sheep in 181?
NV...yes I did take a ram in 205S. Had it registered/plugged the 1st monday(Nov. 12th, at Reno Hdqs. As it turns out probably the 1st one registered in the State for 2007. Sort of humourous, called about 8:10 and got a recording to call back later. Then called a friend who is a biologist out of the Reno office and got his voice mail. Left a terse message about nonworking state emplyees...LOL. Went by Hdqs. and closed...WTF..turns out it was a holiday. Got friends home #, called and he came down and registered/plugged my ram. So all turned out well. Just want to send Kudos to NDOW, have always had positive dealings with them.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Boy, 268 is sure started to drop off. I loved that area as myself, my dad, and my uncle all killed 160 class rams out of there on the opening days of each of our hunts. Can't believe not a single ram over 160 this year. Always liked the long curled rams that came out of there (mine has 37 in. curl) but it seems like the glory days of the Muddys has passed. Maybe it will bounce back by the time I am due to draw again! Ryan, tell those NDOW guys that this isn't supposed to leak out till it is complete. Their email is like a sieve!

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