2022 Road Hunt


Active Member
Maybe not so much road hunting actually..... Started this year off by lucking out and drawing a mountain goat tag from the western hunting expo so that's been all I've been thinking about. So far most of my free time has been spent hiking and at the gym trying to get as ready as I can. (I doubt it'll ever be enough though haha). Now just waiting on Wyo draw results. Did have a few good days shed hunting this year but like last season there wont be to many exciting posts until the hunts start. I will actually be able to post goat scouting pictures though just no deer ?! Good luck everyone!



Hiked into a spot I usually check every year for deer but in the past I haven't actually ever made it to the top. I figured having a goat tag this year I might as well try it just to prove to myself I either could or couldn't. Well I finally did it! I really was trying to find water somewhere in there due to it being to much of a hike for one day (or atleast for someone like me that isn't a athlete ?) the hike ended up being 4 miles 1 way and 3,800 feet of climb. Also got to see what I wanted to but not having water available ill either have to start packing water in to stash and hope the grizzlies/black bears leave it alone or find another buck to focus on. I'm definitely not a high country hunter and honestly don't know what im doing hunting that way, but as I said above I've checked this spot every year then never hunted it haha. I'm sure there will end up bring 100 people in there on the September circus but I guess the bucks lived this long maybe I can be the lucky one!


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Well with only a little over a month left before the goat hunt starts I've started using a 55lb pack on the stair climber. I've been shooting for atleast 110 flights every day in 30 minutes. Last I checked I was down 35lbs from when I found out I drew the tag and my fit bit finally says I'm getting in better shape ?. Mostly posting these for motivation cause I've definitely never tried this hard to get in shape for a hunt before. I'm sure it still won't be enough for when the hunt gets here but hopefully I'll atleast be able to make it to the goats.


I was so nervous for this tag. I really thought i was going to go without a goat due to not having horses and the crazy terrain. When I drew it I thought it would be like alot of the goat tags you hear about and see goats everywhere.. I was wrong.... I knew the Uintas were rugged but didn't think they'd be that bad.. I was wrong... Dad scouted with me and a couple times when I couldn't go. He actually glassed up this billy and another one on our last scouting trip. Fast forward and we was able to locate them on the 9th the day before the hunt. This country is crazy I didn't think we would have any way of getting to them. Dad, my buddy Chad, cousins John and Brandon and I came up with a plan on what to do this morning. So before light we started hiking and Chad saw the billies as we topped on to the 1st ridge. We got to be best spot we could find and had them at 657 yards. I've dry heaved and thrown up before after I've shot about everything due to excitement but this one I was losing it before the shot. Finally after settling down I got my shot. That was the best "you hit it"! I've ever heard. Just as I got on him again he tipped over. I lost it and I even bawled on this one ???. Luckily he didn't fall off any ledges or break anything. Dad stayed down below us to watch from another angle to see where it went if it happened to go after the shot. Thank you guys so much for all the help I never could have did it without you guys! I probably won't even score him cause I really don't care but we did kind of measure length with our hands and figured him between 9 1/2" - 9 3/4".







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Was able to fill my buck tag with a unique one. I have passed him a couple of times looking for a 80"+ buck but haven't been able to turn one up and with deer and elk coming up in October I wanted to get antelope done. I know he won't score anything but definitely the coolest looking one I've found!



Well today is a not so happy post. I let greed and big horns get the better of me a couple or days ago on my #1 buck I've been watching and took a dumb shot I knew I shouldn't have. I thought I had missed him because he never reacted to the shot and he ran about 100 yards and stopped to look back my direction. While he stood there for 30 seconds I was looking for blood oh his side and never could see anything then when he ran over the top Ashleigh was watching with the kowas and said she didn't think he was hit and he wasn't acting hit at all when he went into a draw where she lost sight of him. I went over to where he was standing when I shot and when I found my arrow my heart sank when there was meat strung down it and fat. I gave him some time and had ashleigh get me to where she had last seen him. I was able to pick up his tracks and about 200 yards of following tracks I found the 1st pin drop of blood. After 1000 yards and finding a pin drop every 100 yards he got into hard dirt where I couldn't follow his tracks anymore and I never could find blood again. I went back yesterday and glassed everywhere for birds and zig zagged everywhere. I have been out this morning glassing for him or birds and can't turn up either. I'm hoping where it was meat and fat on the arrow he is still alive and I just haven't seen him but I'm kicking myself for taking a shot I knew I shouldn't have. So don't let greed and big horns make you do stupid stuff like I did.
Well tonight is a happy post! Was able fill my general deer tag tonight! There was actually a taller 3 point with short beams that I planned on shooting but when I got into position to shoot I couldn't see him. This buck had me spotted and the muley stare showed me the boxy frame so I decided he was good enough and that was it! When i walked up on him he was the biggest bodied deer I've ever shot and ended up being quite a bit bigger than i thought. We have 4 elk tags and a doe antelope to go!



Well thats it for antlered animals for us this year! We lucked out (if you wanna say that when the work began) but anyways we lucked out and doubled up on bulls today! Been a long day but they are finally at the house! This was Ashleighs 1st elk so it was way exciting! We have 2 more cow elk tags to go but not sure if we will go after them or not. Probably will though can't have tags and not try ?

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