2023 wyoming antelope


Active Member
Looking for some help in wyoming for 2023 antelope, I have 7pts and my son has 5pts, non resident, I'm not the type to ask for help, but I was diagnosed with kidney failure and I don't know how may hunts I have left, was hoping someone wouldn't mind giving a few pointers on units we could draw with good public access, any info would be great, good luck to all in the 2023 hunting season
Half my family lives in unit 75 and it has some really nice goats, lots of ground to hunt on there. And you should have a good shot at drawing there
Half my family lives in unit 75 and it has some really nice goats, lots of ground to hunt on there. And you should have a good shot at drawing there
? Last year it took over 6 points in the special to guarantee the draw in 75 and it took 8 points in the regular. They have 6 points combined so they will have basically no chance to draw unless points required is reduced which almost never happens.

To the OP - I sent a PM. Glad to help you out.
62% drew in special draw with 6 points in 75
I believe you are looking at the 2021 draw odds page.
Below is the 2022 page-

Assuming standard point creep, and the same number of tags issued, the applicant's odds in 2023 will be poor with 6 points.

Taking into consideration the OPs condition, I'm guessing he would like to apply for more of a sure thing.
You probably know this, but your options on units you can draw go way up in lots of units if you are willing/able to pay the higher "special price" for a tag. It's quite a bit more money for the tags, so you would have to decide if it's worth it to you or not.
Best of luck with drawing and your health. I hope you can find an adventure you two can share this fall.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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