2024 Point Creep


Very Active Member
Well it is research season and speculation season for me now.

What will point Creep look like in 2024? Will it hold true with the dates moving 2 days earlier for each season?

Let's hear some opinions. I think we will see slight creep, less than a point in units with high tag numbers.
My guess is that it depends on the number of tags issued and which units. Hopefully the CPW put their thinking caps on and allow a few bucks to age and recover from winters in certain regions of Colorado.
There will be 10% less tags for nonresidents, correct? If so, I would say that's at least a point right there.
I would hope folks do some research with 2023 tag holders and their helpers. Points should decrease greatly in the Gunnison Baison. 3 years of late season dates have done exactly what was expected.
I'd be willing to bet that with the change in the NR quota, tag cuts, fear of the pending upcoming changes to the big game season structure, changes to the leftover process that it will increase creep.

Social media influences urging people to burn points, resident population increasing at an exponential rate... so many factors, it's never going to slow down...
I thought non-resident tags were only getting cut in certain units that take quite a few points to draw, correct?
I believe the change is a 75/25 allocation across the board, giving slightly more tags to NR's in harder to draw units and 10% less in all other units.
COwhitey, Those people that have 28-31 points will not burn their points in other units if tags get cut. They will just collect more points. They waited this long, what's a couple more years?

I didn't read anywhere in this thread where anyone is talking about point creep for 28-31 point holders?
I wasn’t aware that nonres tag quotas for 2024 were set in stone?

I just hope the cpw wake up and move the late rifle hunts out of the rut. They could potentially offer more rifle tags early in Oct with likely lower harvest rates and give the deer a break with no tags issued during the rut like it was a few years ago in the glory days!

Makes a heck of a lot more sense to me! The CPW would sell more tags and make more $ with season structure changes.
I have it on good authority that point creep is over and we can all expect tags next year. 🙏Good luck in the draws…next year. It really is too early for me to think about point creep.
When I started applying for Colorado the u it I wanted to draw took 4 points. I now have 24 points and am only one behind the break. I wish there was a good way to address the point creep. I would love to draw a decent elk tag and be done.

I realize that a lot of landowners on the west slope get tags they probably don't deserve. I have a few friends that get landowner vouchers on the plains that have to wait 3-6 years to draw a deer or antelope tag when the regular draw only takes 0-2 points. They feed the animals all year, fix the fence damage and still allow access to most requesting permission. Not all Landowners are bad.

I realize that a lot of landowners on the west slope get tags they probably don't deserve. I have a few friends that get landowner vouchers on the plains that have to wait 3-6 years to draw a deer or antelope tag when the regular draw only takes 0-2 points. They feed the animals all year, fix the fence damage and still allow access to most requesting permission. Not all Landowners are bad.
I agree that some landowners have to wait years to receive a voucher depending on the unit ect. And then some receive them yearly again depending on the specific unit. There is a lot of vouchers going to landowners that just have the required acreage and not necessarily the deer utilizing their land. I’m 100 % for a landowner to get a voucher if there’s deer there, but against it if they’re getting voucher/vouchers just because they have 160 or more continuous acres and no deer using there property. The system has and still gets abused quite a bit. I still can’t believe if using a voucher your preference points doesn’t get used or reset back to zero, doesn’t really seem fair to the average guy applying for years for a tag.
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As far as point creep goes add up the total landowner vouchers issued as well as the total re-issue tags sold. Preference points are not used on either of these, that’s a huge number if you add up all those total tags. They’re able to purchase a license and bank their preference points with both the landowner voucher system and the re- issue system . CPW tell me how this isn’t effecting point creep ?
As far as point creep goes add up the total landowner vouchers issued as well as the total re-issue tags sold. Preference points are not used on either of these, that’s a huge number if you add up all those total tags. They’re able to purchase a license and bank their preference points with both the landowner voucher system and the re- issue system . CPW tell me how this isn’t effecting point creep ?
Definitely need a revision in the landowner tag process. I agree 100% that pts should be burned if a tag is bought or drawn.
Definitely need a revision in the landowner tag process. I agree 100% that pts should be burned if a tag is bought or drawn.
I dont see the problem with it. I do think it should come equally from res and nonres. As far as using points on a tag,, I've hunted a unit that was leftover, and is now already down to 2nd choice. Why should I have to burn points to hunt there, if nobody else wants to? Ive been saving points, and when I burn them, I ll hunt my "bad" area for the remainder of my life. I really doubt I'll kill a bigger bull in my high point unit. If anything needs change, in my opinion, its the reissue process. Landowner deserves some advantage, and I've been been on the receiving end of vouchers, and really can use them to fill out my fall.
I dont see the problem with it. I do think it should come equally from res and nonres. As far as using points on a tag,, I've hunted a unit that was leftover, and is now already down to 2nd choice. Why should I have to burn points to hunt there, if nobody else wants to? Ive been saving points, and when I burn them, I ll hunt my "bad" area for the remainder of my life. I really doubt I'll kill a bigger bull in my high point unit. If anything needs change, in my opinion, its the reissue process. Landowner deserves some advantage, and I've been been on the receiving end of vouchers, and really can use them to fill out my fall.
That is the whole issue and why it will be a mess if they implement a process that you need to spend your points. If you are buying a zero or low-point unit you shouldn't have to spend the 20 points you are saving up for retirement. Maybe it should be like Point Banking where you would spend 1 of those 20 points for a 1-point landowner tag? Will be hard to implement and probably why it has just been punted down the hill.

Maybe if you buy a landowner tag or get a reissue tag for a certain year you are not allowed to get a point for that species in the same year? They just take the point away from you.
The CPW should be cutting tags again in the NW units hit hard by winter kill last year. This will displace a good number of hunters that will be applying in other units making those units go up in points.
Should be and will be are 2 different things. They still think they need to kill all the mature bucks in the name of CWD. End result will not be much different than this year.
PS the NW Corner of the state was done once they railroaded JT out...

As for landowner permits, they should get nothing. There should be no set aside, and the all the tags should be good only for the property they are awarded or at least limited to only deeded property.
the tags should be good only for the property they are awarded or at least limited to only deeded property.
Agree with this ^^ New Mexico requires unit wide voucher landowner recipients to let all public land hunters access and hunt their property. If it’s ranch only no public access. NM Public land hunters are able to hunt and access some great properties because of this.

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