3 Mules Encounter


Very Active Member
I invited this guy to camp out in my back yard night before last.

Click here to see him.

He has lived this life style for over 30 years, only refers to him self as a Mule.

Offered the guest house to him, but he refused,, just made camp in the corrals with the other 2 Mules. (Little Girl and Frank)

Also offered him dinner which he did take me up on,, but refused to come in the house to eat.

He has not slept or taken a meal under a roof in many many years.

He does not talk much, but is very smart and extremely social media savvy.

He is a great advocate for open spaces, and freedom to travel where you want.

If you have any interest in Pack Mules his website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel are all a great source of info on all aspects of Pack Mules.

You can see a photo of me with Little Girl and Frank in my front yard on his Facebook page from yesterday.
lol....that's a clown show

LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-18 AT 10:34PM (MST)[p]Ye this guy has what most would consider a strange life style, but he ain?t
nothing like those duggies that you see laying all over the sidewalks.

He has been around for years, and is a welcomed guest when he shows up at some cattle ranches.

He really is one tuff old dude. I don't know many people that could break camp every morning, walk 15 or 20 miles, make camp for the night. Then get up the next day and do it again day after day for years on end.

He does it all in advocation of the protection and accessibility of open spaces.

I have seen hundreds of posters here on MM start threads complaining about the
lack of protection, and loss of access to open spaces.

Hundreds more MMers chiming in to those same posts with there keyboard solutions to the loss of access.

Yet this guy is a clown, and a worthless lollygager.

I think it is safe to say there are few here ( including myself ) who would have the mental or physical stamina to hold this guys lead rope for a week.
?Land once open and free is being privatized, developed, fenced, or charged fees. We?re claiming our right to use public space be it city, county, state or federal?.
The above is a quote from his webpage. he lost me when he claims he has a right to use public space in cities. Once you give anyone that right they will be squatters. I did not see anywhere on his site where he is advocating for protection of public land other than his right to sleep on it.

All These Years & He still hasn't Learned Not to Walk behind a Mule!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-18 AT 06:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-18 AT 06:47?AM (MST)

I agree he's quite a character and pretty self sufficient. As long as he keeps moving I think he could camp on BLM or Forest Service land. Ride into town for supplies once in awhile.
Edit: Or he can camp on private property, with permission of course.
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces

Next line in your tag line song;

? They want to get away and enjoy the life but the buisiness their in has taken
control. They want to be let out and free their SOLE.?

Looks like you and Mule man are SOLE mates!
Taking a dump under a blanket in a park is very debonair. Looks like a glamorous lifestyle.

In the other hand, I'm more grateful for the tough coots who break camp every day in preparation and the labor of, engineers, pilots, soldiers, longshoremen, railroaders, miners, doctors, steel workers, builders, nurses, and pretty well anyone doing an honest days work for an honest days pay.

To each his own but if we were all nomadic wanderers it would look like Mongolia or pick your place Middle East. To say this dude has any significant impact on our quality or way of life may be true, below all the aforementioned and slightly above the grocery cart nomads Eel speaks of. Let's at least keep things in context here.
...one of them craps in a sack under a tarp.....the dust pan must be for cleaning up after the donkey....

Homer, you could not resist coming back 2 hours later to take one more swipe at this old guy who is harming no

Go ahead kick him again if it makes you feel good.
>Homer, you could not resist coming
>back 2 hours later to
>take one more swipe at
>this old guy who is
>harming no
>Go ahead kick him again if
>it makes you feel good.

you can have him...worship him all you want.Keep him in your backyard and feed him dinner.....you'll soon sour. He contributes nothing other than utopian fantasies to guys like you.

who's tax money pays to clean up after him???....that trash can full of his crap bags and horeshit don't empty themselves...

I own a large piece of farmland right against suburbia.....I get to deal with the homeless daily.

I do somewhat envy him and his worry free existence....

But we are a civilized country and we all can't be gypsies.....

read 1911's post....he gets it.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-18 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]Homer, I own property too, but I don't find the need to belittle people who don't.

With all your wisdom you say I will sour soon enough, and you may be right,,,but you sound kind of sour yourself.

I may be wrong. I only know you by what you write.
Damn it Homer!

I wanna be a Gypsy!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>AT 08:51?PM (MST)

>Homer, I own property too, but
>I don't find the need
>to belittle people who don't.
>With all your wisdom you say
>I will sour soon enough,
>and you may be right,,,but
>you sound kind of sour
>I may be wrong. I only
>know you by what you

sour is an understatement......

I like it when they take a dump next to my place and my dog rolls in it and then he rolls in some dust , and we all run from him ?

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