37 inch monster



Well here is the first monster of the season that I have heard of, and seen.

My brother in law shot a 37" wide 7 x 6. I dont have any pics up on here yet, but will very soon. It is one of those deer that makes you sick to look at it is so big, and besides the width the thing has massive antlers.

Has anyone else heard or seen any other big ones that have been taken?

Congrats to your Brother-in-law. Would love to see some pics and the story behind that one. I have high hopes for my cousin-in-law who's hunting locally here with a bow. I found a couple of nice bucks for him to chase but I haven't heard any news yet.
This thread is useless without pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>This thread is useless without pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my freind has a freind who has a freind whos brothers sisters boyfreind is married to a guy whos brothers buddy shot a deer 50 inches wide will post pictures when my buddies freind gets a new computer,,, yuk yuk , ha ha ,lets see em , pictures are proof in the puddin
Man you guys are rough, If you don't want to hear about a great buck, Maybe he would be better off waiting until the Magazine story comes out, He could then post picturs and tell you the story that you had already read in a magazine. Let's get him a chance to to post them instead of b!tching about NO pictures, Maybe the guy who shot the deer DON'T want them splashed on the web yet.
Yeah I want to put the pics on here guys, he is huge, but he is deciding on what to do, post them now or wait for the magazines.
Im going to ask him again today if he cares if we post one and Ill let you know.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-06 AT 11:21PM (MST)[p]the harvesting of a 37 inch deer ,nowadays,is big news ,if you wont post photos ,please tell us what magazine you are going to have the cover on. I would,as a muley fanatic,love to hear the story behind the hunt and as well see the photos, is it a big typical, nontypical, what are his characteristics, does he have any drops,eyeguards, kickers ,stickers ,big deep forks ,, the suspence is killing me ,please post more info
Ok guys

Im getting a pic of it today or tomorrow, whenever he gets back.
Then you willhave the pics you want.

Well he asked to not put any pics of it on the internet until he decides who gets the pics.
Bummer, but its a great looking deer.

Sorry about the hype, I guess youll just have to wait for it to come out in the mags.

What state?

Later, Brandon
Heck, Randy Ulmer sends his pictures out and he actually gets paid to write an article.
Next Rumple will probably say that his brother-in-law doesn't want to put it in a magazine and even though it would be the new world record he doesn't want to enter it.
i before e except after c


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Opening day and wouldn't you know it, first thing I see is the new world record! Sneak to with in 10 yards and make the perfect shot! I would post the pics, but since it is a bigfoot I can't. I am waiting to see if UFO magazine will put him on the cover.
dogwood, as a person who has hunted the same hills as randy and greg krough, and beleive me when I tell you that there is some definate tention between are groups, that I feel comfortable in saying ,NO, he does not hunt on fenced in grounds as far as his last two monster Nevada muleys are concerned ,I also can tell you that they put in a whole lot more time in the feild than most other hunters, they spend countless hours behind there glasses, hiking ,spotting, studiing the areas in wich they have drawn out for. Their success in the last few years is proof enough ,lets see ,1 state record archery elk ,1 world record mule deer in the velvet, a non typical over 240 and now a huge velvet buck this year, in wich the stats still have not been posted ,greg and I do not see eye to eye on some things but you have to give credit where credit is due. Go to MOGOLLON RIM OUTFITTERS.com and you will see that these guys are not just a lucky group of hunters ,BUT,they are very good at what they do
What's the latest on this Big Buck? Anything to report Rump and when and where we will see these pictures?

You guys can piss and moan all you want. He just asked me not to post them.
I asked him if he is getting paid and he said no, but Kings, Muleycrazy and one other one that I cant remember wants a story from him.

So cry all you want and call me a liar, you will see when his story comes out. He is 34 wide and his extras extend him out to 37 and a half.

You can come and see it all you want, even take pics if you want. He just asked politely that none of us put the pics we take up on the internet and I think that we can respect what he asks.
You bet they want the story so they can make money off of him. People need to quit giving their stories up for nothing, just to get their name in a magazine or bragging rights. Make them give something back and why not???? Make them start ponying up and pony up big time or no story. People start holding out and they pay or go out of business.
No doubt....especially coming from you kilowatt! Rumpstump?? Call him a cass wanabe? I thought you were a little better than that. Maybe he should have never brought it up, but this site isn't all about pictures. If the guy doesn't want it all over the net, I can't blame him. Guys would probably just pick the picture apart anyway.
Make the magazine pay the hunter for his story and kodak's?? Magazine and subscription prices are high enough as it is! There is nothing wrong with 5 pages of fame and sharing your once in a lifetime story with other trophy enthusiasts.

Congrats to this man and I will be looking for it in the magazines!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-06 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]if the guy who harvested this monster muley was actually a freind, he would put this whole thing to rest by posting a picture of the buck, reguardless of the magazine potential, if you where a freind of mine, I personly would help you tell all of us non beleivers to shuv it by showing a photo , the total story can wait for a mag ,lets see this 37 inch deer . the type of buck you are talking about is above and beyond the typical big buck, when you start talking bigger than 26 28 inches wide ,you are getting into what most of us call "a deer in a lifetime" please forgive the sarcasm,but you can stop all this madness by showing a photo , enough said, sincerly ,fuldraw

If I was your friend I would teach you how to use spell check!!!

The only bobcat offering free advice to all MM frIEnds!!!
Hey fool I agree that people with monster bucks should hold out for money from these magazines, then people will be reading about my incredible stalk on a forkie that ended in a 22 yard spine shot. Fascinating I know.

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