3rd season


Active Member
I had a great hunt and it was over to soon. I think the buck I got was because of the latter dates, it took a small group of deer walking past a small aspen patch that made my buck come out and chase a 4x4 in the group away, sniff the does and head back to the cover, this all was maybe 3 minutes worth is all I had and may have never seen him with out the other deer walking by. The thing that I have never seen before was when I came back with things for getting the buck out there was a larger buck at the kill site, and when it saw me it climbed out of the canyon maybe a 100 yards away from me and over the ridge not in a hurry right on top of my brother and he never saw it . We looked for that guy for 2 days and never turned him up.
I had a great hunt and it was over to soon. I think the buck I got was because of the latter dates, it took a small group of deer walking past a small aspen patch that made my buck come out and chase a 4x4 in the group away, sniff the does and head back to the cover, this all was maybe 3 minutes worth is all I had and may have never seen him with out the other deer walking by. The thing that I have never seen before was when I came back with things for getting the buck out there was a larger buck at the kill site, and when it saw me it climbed out of the canyon maybe a 100 yards away from me and over the ridge not in a hurry right on top of my brother and he never saw it . We looked for that guy for 2 days and never turned him up.View attachment 62300
Nice buck
Great buck-congrats!! I had a similar experience on my 3rd season CO buck as well.

Glassed a piece of his hind end in some very thick oakbrush. Made a move closer and lost him, but luckily spotted a bedded doe and then had a small 2 point buck move in on the doe which prompted my buck to jump out of his thick bed into sight again. After chasing off the 2 point, he bedded back down in the thick oak. Luckily, I had a little window to shoot through and shot him in his bed. He was definitely holding tight in the thick cover.
I had a great hunt and it was over to soon. I think the buck I got was because of the latter dates, it took a small group of deer walking past a small aspen patch that made my buck come out and chase a 4x4 in the group away, sniff the does and head back to the cover, this all was maybe 3 minutes worth is all I had and may have never seen him with out the other deer walking by. The thing that I have never seen before was when I came back with things for getting the buck out there was a larger buck at the kill site, and when it saw me it climbed out of the canyon maybe a 100 yards away from me and over the ridge not in a hurry right on top of my brother and he never saw it . We looked for that guy for 2 days and never turned him up.View attachment 62300
Great buck congrats!

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