5b south Rattlesnakes


Long Time Member
we are about to leave to hunt 5b south for elk near happy jack, the wife has this obsession of not being bit by a rattlesnake. what is the snake population in the area? thanks for the help. maybe a little info on taranculas too , is there any there?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-11 AT 09:22PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-11 AT 09:21?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-11 AT 05:58?PM (MST)

hey u r in the woods - anything is possible - i do not recall seein any snakes on my last few times in 5b -

don't set on any wood piles or fallin trees and you should be ok

make sure she carries a long walkin stick when she ventures out of camp!

go buy her a ski pole - /trekker pole - great for hikin gives you something to discourage any snake at a safe distance

good luck on ur hunt!
Not any tarantulas but I have seen some timber rattlers in that unit,their pretty cool looking,all dark and black markings,boy I bet their bite really stings. Have fun be safe
I got my feet all tangled up in a rattler last time I was there on an elk scout.

It was 61 degrees, raining, at the 7200 ft elevation and the last thing I was expecting. Here on the desert I am looking for one all the time. I wasn't there. I am now.
There are some of the timber rattlers and the AZ Black Rattlers up there, but they are few and far between. I have seen several tarantulas near clint's well, but they are not big like the ones in the desert. Neither have ever been a problem on any of my hunts in that area. Just enjoy the elk. This is going to be a good year.
I've hunted 5BS a couple times and have never seen a single snake, and wouldn't worry about it at all. Just watch where you step or put your hands and you'll be fine.

Those Arizona Black rattlers are sinister looking devils. I saw one in 22 South a few years ago. It was almost dark and I was walking down a two track and saw this black stick across the track, and then it moved! I walked up to a couple feet of it, and man did that thing ever look spooky. I'm told they're agressive, but this one was pretty docile. Of course, I had a walking stick that would have tamed him if he hadn't behaved.
Buddy just about stepped on a huge rattler in 6A across from 5B a couple of years ago. It was laying across the trail in the dark on his way back from hunting. In 5B we have never seen one in 20 years but I am sure there are a few there. I have walked in the dark through the woods there so many times and never worried about snakes.

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