76 archery deer



Drew a archery tag for 76 and was just wondering if someone could or would share some info. Thanks.
I think (part of) the reason your post are not getting much of a response is because its not much of a deer unit. I have spent some time there and have seen exactly one doe.

It is a big unit, so maybe I am off base. Lots of 'above treeline' to hunt though...might be some deer around for the archery season.

Go have fun and if nothing else you will see a lot of elk. Good luck...
I have hunted Deer there but it has been a while. I would focus on the Aspen Thickets. Try the top ridge of Box Canyon above Rio Grande,Long Ridge and areas below Bristol Head. The areas East of Creede along Farmer Creek. There may not be a lot of deer in the unit but there are some whoppers. I have seen in years past some huge Bucks. Good Luck and let us know how it goes.
If I had a deer tag for 76, I would hunt Bristol... Seen some of the nicer 76 bucks in that area. Haven't been there for a few years, but will be scouting 76 this summer for my muzzy elk tag.
I too have an archery tag. To some extent tagless is correct, however, trust me as have I have spent a lot time in the unit, there are some pigs. That time of year you find the best above timberline in the buck brush. Hopefully you have sometime to scout, otherwise it is going to be no fun. We watched three deer last year that I would bet the ranch are 190 or better. Hopefully we can find them this year. Good luck
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-10 AT 08:04PM (MST)[p]That is a great tag. Wanna trade? For $20 I'll tie up a nice 200 class muley to a tree above Rio Grande Res. for you this weekend. Give it some thought. (GPS coordinates included +tax) BYA you'll stick one. later homeslice.

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