90 trophy deer unit?


Active Member
I've been looking at a lot of deer everywhere in unit 90 and have yet to see a decent buck. Is this really that great of a unit? Glass, Glass glass is what I am told. Anyone with any suggestions?
I'm not sure if I would go so far as to say 90 is a trophy unit. 90 actually doesn't have many deer/mile and you'll have to work to find a decent one. I would classify 90 more as a "quality" unit because there aren't many tags for how large an area it is. The reason there are few tags is because there are relatively few deer! Keep looking and you may find a good one.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-10 AT 01:51PM (MST)[p]Find some bad land looking country. Like Hells half acre, Grey dirt that looks like hell,
Or the moon. Locate some tall sage draws and hunt them Bucks like rabbits!!! Not very many deer per mile, 5 mile more like it. Have good boots and Glass for an antler tip... in what little cover there is. Locate water, Good luck...
I know what you mean. I had a antelope tag out there this year and a deer tag. I scouted 3 different times, seen lots of bucks(deer) in August, 4 good bucks. Went back in September after goats and could only find one of the deer I had seen in September. I was out there 2 days before the deer hunt started and could only turn up one of the bucks from before. Here is a picture of him. Grosses a little over 170".

Was out that way 15 times scouting and hunting for goats. Saw one branched antlerd deer the entire time. 90 would be towards the bottom of my list of area's that I'd consider a trophy deer area...

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