..a danger to the republic?

Yeah the electorate was influenced by the media via so called Russian hacking and therefore they voted for Trump. As Tog would say Otay! lol
So here we go...........the left is trying to steal, tarnish an election from the guy that played by the rules. I doubt it will happen but it shows you how corrupt the left is. Hillary lied, cheated, conspired against her own party and compromised our national security so how do we know they didn't hack her system to get the information since her server was hacked and they could have used hers or one of her reports to gain access and figure out how to hack our systems and the DNC.
Quite the legacy for Obama, he had 8 yrs. to protect the US from bad foreign players in cybersecurity... doesn't look so good. Maybe it was Iran? lol
Interesting? Trump is adamant that its nothing, but others like Sen John McCain say otherwise? I guess we will see
Who can prove it was the Russians? It also could have been a rogue agent in one of our intelligence agencies that had a strong dislike for Hillary or for what the DNC was doing to rig the primary to out Sanders.
The liberal left will blame everyone else and not themselves. Yes the election was rigged, and it was done by the Clinton group and the head of the Democrat National Party.
They need to look also inside this country for a possible suspect and not just the Russians. They are running a blame game and diverting from the real misdeeds of the Clinton regime and DNC.

Also if the computers were hacked by a foreign country, that just shows how much more Hillary put our intelligence reports out there for someone to seize when she used a un-secured computer and sent messages to other un-secured computers. Of course the liberal press will not touch that with a ten foot pole.

They cried all night, they tried a recount where he gained votes, they tried to switch electoral votes that were mandated in each state and now they are trying to overturn the election because some fat kids in Muldovia exposed their corruption. That includes the progressives as well as the never Trumpers like McCain and the old fag Lindsay Graham. After all of that they will just go back to crying and whining. Game is over.

If The 2nd Vote doesn't Satisfy them!

Maybe dude can Schedule a 3rd Vote!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I couldn't find a MaCain quote, so I used Rush Limbaugh instead:

Did Vladimir Putin secretly persuade Hillary Clinton to take off most of August? Did Vladimir Putin tell Hillary, "You don't need to go to Wisconsin! You got it in the bag. You don't need to go to these Blue Wall states. You own them, Hillary! Don't waste your time. In fact, Hillary, you don't even need to campaign. Just sit there and recuperate. You don't need to even leave your house, Hillary."

Did Vladimir Putin drug Hillary Clinton causing her to collapse into a van and have a seizure on 9/11? Did Putin secretly tell Trump where to go and do his campaign right in the middle of the urban core? Did Putin tell Trump to make a pitch for votes based on an economic message of jobs, jobs, jobs, and Make America Great Again? Did Putin do all that? Did Putin come up with Trump's campaign slogan? Did Putin secretly cut a deal with that babe on Saturday Night Live to portray Hillary Clinton to Millennials as an unlikable, power-hungry, humorless, robot politician?

Did Putin tell Trump, "Go out there and spend all kinds of money and hold all these rallies! You do all these rallies and just get thousands of people showing up at these rallies. You just keep shouting 'Make America Great Again! Make America Safe Again!'" Did Putin secretly fund Robert Creamer? Did he make Obama meet with Creamer and Black Lives Matter all those times in the White House? Did Putin run out there and tell Democrat Party to base their election on transgender bathrooms and gay marriage and Black Lives Matter and the cops deserve to be shot and all the other things the Democrat Party stood for?

Did Putin do that?

Was Putin responsible for the campaign strategy of the Democrat Party? Was Vladimir Putin responsible for Donald Trump's campaign strategy? Did Putin secretly influence this election so Donald Trump would put a bunch of warrior generals in positions of high responsibility in the U.S. military? You're telling me that Vladimir Putin wants a bunch of George Patton-type people in our cabinet? You're telling me that's what Vladimir Putin wanted and he cheated this election so that that's what Trump would do?

Versus a woman who would continue the disarmament policies of her predecessor, Barack Hussein Obama, who thinks that the nuclear arsenal of the United States poses the greatest threat to freedom in the world and so we had to downsize? You think Putin wants a Trump and all these great military guys, or would he have preferred to have Hillary who was going to disarm the United States anyway? This Putin? I tell you, folks, he's one sneaky, ingenious SOB the way he pulled all this off! He had to be a brilliant guy for the Clinton campaign to be so special kind of stupid the way they lost this election.

RUSH: Did Vladimir Putin tell Hillary Clinton to pile up all those votes in California and New York instead of focusing on electoral battleground states? When did Vladimir Putin tell Hillary Clinton to call half the country deplorables? Man, oh, man, oh, man. What power Putin has!
The question shouldn't be whether Trump won, he did, fair and square. For the whiners who say they want the electoral college to vote for Hillary and that they need a recount yada, yada, yada it very corrosive to our Republic.

To ignore all the information about Russian involvement in hacking is simply stupid. They don't have our best interest at heart and whether the fat man on the radio or Trump wants to admit, the Russian government is paying these hacker to attack our secure sites. That should worry any adult who wants to see the long term viability of our Republic and our ability to defend this nation. That is why guys like McConnell and Ryan are both worried about it.

It is dangerous game to continue to attack the results of the election and it is dangerous to ignore Russian hacking of our computer and information systems.

I don't disagree with that but wasn't Clapper the CIA guy who told bold faced lies under oath to congress? I mean get real, the CIA people are professional liars and they get paid to disrupt. The FBI disagrees so why wouldn't the media and others wait until an investigation proves old Vlad did the hacking to help Trump? The why is in Podesta's and Dirty Harry's involvement. Ready, fire, aim.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 10:11AM (MST)[p]Is there any outrage about Clapper from the guys holding Supoena power in the House? Seems like if that were accurate any self respecting American office holder with that power would be for looking into it, regardless of what their party affiliation is.

Podesta is a sore loser, just like Harry Reid is. Why would expect anything different from those two? They have been political goons forever.

I am not sure the assertion is that Vlad helped Trump. I think the assertion is that Vlad directed government sponsored hackers to hurt Hillary. Whether that is able to be proven, I don't have a clue.

If there isn't anything to worry about when it comes to Russia then why are both McConnell and Ryan saying there is a serious issue that needs to be looked at?

I don't believe Russia tipped the election to Trump, he won fair and square and is the rightful holder of the office after January 20th. Russian hacking is a security issue regardless and needs to be dealt with.

It absolutely should be investigated. That means they do an investigation then the media can draw accurate conclusions. If you watch CNN it is a constant droning about how the Russians hacked for the Trump team. Not doubting they could have since Hillary tried to get old Vlad to lose his last "election". He doesn't like her or Obama. Liberals all whine about Trump being a threat to democracy yet they do recounts and say the voting machines are a POS, they send death threats to electors and now they accuse him of being a Russian agent. They have no shame. Basically a bunch of sore losers.
.......lol....the left is suddenly worried about hacking.....they couldn't have cared less when the secretary of state was emailing unsecured all over hell and gone......

Ryan and McConnell are peeing their pants....
You know there is are a reason CNN is called the Clinton News Network, right?

Not sure that the accusation is that the Russian hack the Trump team. I think it is that they are alleged to have hacked Hillary's team and provided a constant dribble of emails that painted Hillary in a bad way.

Trump seem to know that there was Hacking going on at the DNC for certain, on the question of who it was there is less certainty:

"As far as the cyber, I agree to parts of what Secretary Clinton said. We should be better than anybody else, and perhaps we're not. I don't think anybody knows it was Russia that broke into the DNC. She's saying Russia, Russia, Russia, but I don't ? maybe it was. I mean, it could be Russia, but it could also be China. It could also be lots of other people. It also could be somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds, OK? You don't know who broke in to DNC." ? Donald Trump (presidential debate, transcript via CNN), Sept. 26, 2016




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