And Even More Bucks to Look At


Founder Since 1999
Another day out there looking at bucks. Saw some pretty good ones. Are there any in the video that you all would shoot?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Thanks, fun to watch. Several nice bucks. Since I'm new, I'll ask.
Without sharing any secrets, approximately where are you videoing
your deer? What state even?
Nice bucks.
The last one got my attention with the height and mass.
The first few had good spread and tine length and with a little more mass would be really good.
Again good video work thanks for sharing
That last buck would be a definite shooter if only for a little more backs to him , some good up and comers. Nice to see regardless
I love the front end on the last buck, but missing a little on the back end , great footage . Thanks
Most of them are bigger than anything we saw on our general deer tags. So yes a couple of them would be shooters.

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