Any 2019 Unit 66 Deer


Very Active Member
Looking for reports from this last years hunt. Have enough points to draw 3rd season in 2020 and looking for pointers.
Western Colorado was down every where last year. Probably the worst season I’ve witnessed since 08. However cashing the points before things get to out of hand with the new season date structure is a good move. 66 is very cool country and always has the potential of producing something special. It honestly has been the only unit in the Gunnison basin that’s been on the upswing the past decade or so.
I was in Gunnison last November for third and fourth season. I wasn’t hunting unit 66 but I did chat with another hunter from Wyoming that was hunting 66/3 season. It was towards the end of the season and he hadn’t seen anything worth shooting yet. He said he has bigger bucks where he lives in Wyoming and didn’t want to shoot a 170 buck in Colorado and that was the best that he had seen on the 66 3rd season. I don’t know how the hunters did on the 66/4 season. I killed my buck on opening day 4th season and left the next morning.
I’m in the same situation as Tracker 12.... also considering 66. Don’t know if it’s worth the points considering the state of the basin. But what unit is worth burning that many points right now in CO?
Wow complaining because he passed a 170 on public land?
I was in Gunnison last November for third and fourth season. I wasn’t hunting unit 66 but I did chat with another hunter from Wyoming that was hunting 66/3 season. It was towards the end of the season and he hadn’t seen anything worth shooting yet. He said he has bigger bucks where he lives in Wyoming and didn’t want to shoot a 170 buck in Colorado and that was the best that he had seen on the 66 3rd season. I don’t know how the hunters did on the 66/4 season. I killed my buck on opening day 4th season and left the next morning.
——WOW complaining because he passed a 170 buck on public land?
Kill a 170 and do some tasteful photos and you can have at least a 180!
There’s a dude who killed a super pretty buck in south central Colorado last year. He posted on Instagram to have people guess what it scored. People guess all the way up into the low 200’s......... it scores like 171. Camera angles make Boone and Crockett bucks seem normal ! Haha
Ill have no problem killing a 180 deer. I'm past the point of big bone only or bust. Just looking for a nice hunt and seeing some deer. Actually still considering a Unit 2 Muzzy so I can be around all those bugling bulls in SEP.
Ill have no problem killing a 180 deer. I'm past the point of big bone only or bust. Just looking for a nice hunt and seeing some deer. Actually still considering a Unit 2 Muzzy so I can be around all those bugling bulls in SEP.
Unit 2 would be a fun hunt if you wanted to look at a bunch of bulls and small number of deer but there’s always a solid buck or two up there.
I think you can still have a great hunt in the Gunnison basin. The 2019 season was probably an aberration, I hope. You may want to use your points sooner that later. It’s been an easy winter so far. Watch what happens for next couple of months, but it’s late enough now that heavy late snows may not do much damage. The new late season date structure and increased number of tags being issued will surely affect the quality of bucks taken in the future. I got lucky and killed a +200 buck in 2018, maybe you can too.
Me n ole Red mobbed around the gunnison during 4th in the ‘19 season and I can say it was just a pleasure to be in units us muledeer nuts have had wet dreams about. No “special” buck encounters and no Berger’s were ever chambered however.
If you decide to hunt Unit 2 I would be happy to tell you what I learned hunting it last fall deer hunting with a rifle. Coloradoboy summed it up pretty well.
Western Colorado was down every where last year. Probably the worst season I’ve witnessed since 08. However cashing the points before things get to out of hand with the new season date structure is a good move. 66 is very cool country and always has the potential of producing something special. It honestly has been the only unit in the Gunnison basin that’s been on the upswing the past decade or so.
You took a super fine buck in your photo ! A WOW there. ? I'm going to try for 66 3 rd this year at 11 points Resident & hope. Reason is : I'm 73 & running out of time. I've never hunted 66 but will go up a week before season starts & recon /scout hard. I'm a trophy guy & have had Tag Soup often & this could another one. But Lightning has to strike someone. Sometime. I liked your summary of 66 !
Next year I'll try using my 15 elk points somewhere.
Thanks a lot ! Jerry Gold- Ft Collins, Co ??
Well Im all in for 66 3rd this year. Unless a Huge point creep occurs I should be able to draw the tag. Turned this same tag in two years ago after an injury delayed the hunt.

I have a bunch of points in several States and at 67 I need to start cashing them in. A Newfoundland moose hunt last year delayed any major hunts in the States.
BC Moose-- I enjoyed the photos a lot ! Thanks very much ! Very fine bucks -- all 3 ! You all did well. I have entered the draw 3 rd with 11 points. Might work out to a hit-- maybe ?! If so I'll go up 1 week/10 days in advance & recon best I can do, never been there before so it will be "interesting"! Only hunted 551 back in '05 before big monster winter hit & did not find a big buck, only tag soup, been collecting points since then. Any part of the unit you recall as a really good area ? I'm planning to get some weather, maybe. Did you all have any cold weather ? Best Wishes, Jerry Gold ? Ft Collins, Colorado
If you decide to hunt Unit 2 I would be happy to tell you what I learned hunting it last fall deer hunting with a rifle. Coloradoboy summed it up pretty well.
hi badger... would love to ask you about unit 2...found you in forum...ive got enough to get in to 2 late for deer..24 pts. what do you think that hunt could look like..thanks JC i can give you my phone if that could work

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