Anyone besides me think the classifieds here suck?


Very Active Member
Seriously, have you ever seen a worse set-up for classifieds anywhere else? Pictures are a joke, trying to contact a seller and get a response is a joke, as is knowing what's still available.
I was thinking that same thing just the other day. I buy and sell quite a bit online but not here. The classifieds here do suck big time. So much so that it's a waste of time to even look at them here. This site could be a lot better if it had a classified forum like most sites.
I and many others keep bringing it up and Founder says he's thinking about it. Hopefully he does....he has to be aware of the traffic 24hr campfire gets due to its classifieds.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I vote for a change too!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-09 AT 11:07PM (MST)[p]You're right muleymadness, it is a joke and I don't use it because I don't like it. The point being if it was better, founder would get more traffic which translates to higher ad revenue for him.

I've done more than a dozen buy/sell transactions on hunting forums in the last month. I haven't done one here in all the years I've visited this site.

If there were a better classified section here it would make it a lot easier for face to face transactions here in the west because that's where most of the people on M.M. are from. Most of the people I've bought or sold from on other sites seem to be from Texas, Alaska or back east(not that it matters).
I cant count how many times I've bought and sold off the 24hr classifieds. The traffic it creates is amazing.

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