Be careful


Long Time Member
Another little nugget from the “Life of Uncle Joe”

When I was a young lad say around 25 years of age
I walked into the Rumble Seat our local after work watering hole to see the older gals that are best buds since grade school who are now on a bowling league together showing the Boys their pictures from their recent trip to New Orleans for the
Mardi Gras Parade. So the boys said show Joey (me) your pics. Now all of these pictures are Beautiful Women as I’m looking at the pictures I am saying “Oh yes and oh yeah etc etc “I’d hit that” again and again! Now I see that all the boys are laughing their A$$es off! I was then told by the ladies that all these Women are MEN! Now as I said above I was just a young naive little Lad and this didn’t register to my little pea brain. I said “BS then how do they have boobs!? Well the ladies were kind enough to explained it to me in Laymen terms! I decided right then and there I never have NO BUSINESS GOING TO MARDI GRAS!
I could just imagine me having a few cocktails and have a beautiful woman taking a shine to me and wanting to do a little kissie huggie then having things progress then decide to get just a little privacy and go around to the side of a building for some more kissie huggie and then grab ahold of something that shouldn’t be there?! I guarantee I would run off screaming like Mrs Sikora after being surprised by a ?!

What say you?

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I guy I use to work with had that very thing happen to him. A few drinks, she is looking good, put the moves on her...let's go to the car...okay...runs his had up her leg...oh...she is a guy....this after he had made out with"her" for a while. I don't think he ever got that taste out of his mouth ! Years later he was still upset.
United States Air Force Veteran
I always thank the people that protected our Country
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Another little nugget from the “Life of Uncle Joe”

When I was a young lad say around 25 years of age
I walked into the Rumble Seat our local after work watering hole to see the older gals that are best buds since grade school who are now on a bowling league together showing the Boys their pictures from their recent trip to New Orleans for the
Mardi Gras Parade. So the boys said show Joey (me) your pics. Now all of these pictures are Beautiful Women as I’m looking at the pictures I am saying “Oh yes and oh yeah etc etc “I’d hit that” again and again! Now I see that all the boys are laughing their A$$es off! I was then told by the ladies that all these Women are MEN! Now as I said above I was just a young naive little Lad and this didn’t register to my little pea brain. I said “BS then how do they have boobs!? Well the ladies were kind enough to explained it to me in Laymen terms! I decided right then and there I never have NO BUSINESS GOING TO MARDI GRAS!
I could just imagine me having a few cocktails and have a beautiful woman taking a shine to me and wanting to do a little kissie huggie then having things progress then decide to get just a little privacy and go around to the side of a building for some more kissie huggie and then grab ahold of something that shouldn’t be there?! I guarantee I would run off screaming like Mrs Sikora after being surprised by a ?!

What say you?

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You have to be careful. as my mom always said You’ll put an eye out!

speaking of putting an eye out have you ever known anyone to get shot in the eye using a BB gun?
We’ll believe it or not the neighbor was shooting his new Christmas gift the Red Ryder shootin iron in his basement at a target against the concrete foundation wall first shot ricochet and hit him right in the eye right next to his nose. He didn’t lose an eye but he did lose the Red Ryder Shootin Iron. I never like the kid!
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You have to be careful. as my mom always said You’ll put an eye out!

speaking of putting an eye out have you ever known anyone to get shot in the eye using a BB gun?
We’ll believe it or not the neighbor was shooting his new Christmas gift the Red Ryder shootin iron in his basement at a target against the concrete foundation wall first shot ricochet and hit him right in the eye right next to his nose. He didn’t lose an eye but he did lose the Red Ryder Shootin Iron. I never like the kid!
I did, sorta. Some friends of mine were having BB gun wars near an old train yard.

I poked my head out from a boxcar and got nailed with a BB on the zygomatic bone (just outside the eyeball). Another quarter inch....
BB gun fights were the best I used to walk around school with red welts all over. But we wore safety glasses, Hey it's all about being safe when you are shooting each other.....LOL
We had walnut fights! My older brother poked his out around the corner of the garage and got nailed right between the eyes and broke his glasses at the bridge of his nose
My cousin got shot in the eye with one of those kids toy bow and arrow sets. The ones with the permanently attached practice tips. Another cousin was the shooter, not me.

Endered just behind the eyeball, barely missing the optical nerve. Didn’t lose his eye, but it sure ruined the bbq.

I have been shot with a bb gun lots of times, but suffered much worse injuries from paint ball wars. The paint balls get pretty cold round these parts.

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