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So I hope this doesn't rub the bear hunters the wrong way, but I want some opinions. I have an area that we have always seen at least 1 bear every hunt. I have little to no use for bears, and put them in the same category as coyotes. However, they eat what I like to eat and that's not good.
So I am taking my boy up deer hunting this week and if I see a bear he might not wake up the next morning. Now what? I have no desire to have a bear rug, and I am not going to eat him. I can pack him out and give him to someone who wants a bear hide (which is what I will probably do). Any other ideas?
C. Chad Lampe, JD

If you are legally going to take the bear and are near an indian reservation, I know that at least near Taos, NM, the Pueblo really appreciate bear meat and fat.
I am up in Boise, but if someone wants it, I will gladly pack it out. I believe in eating what you kill, but I am not going to eat a bear. But it turns my stomach to leave an animal laying there, and for that reason I am not sure if I can do it. We just need to reduce the predator load in the area to ensure healthy deer and elk herds.
I would love the bear hide and skull. Have family in Boise, so if you get one, contact me and I'll arrange for them to pick it up.
For what it's worth, in idaho you don't have to bring out the meat.

I for one, love hunting bears. They are a really neat animal. If you want send me a PM and we'll chat about your bear area.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-19-12 AT 08:55AM (MST)[p]If you ever shoot a bear, I suggest you give the meat a try. There really isn't a whole lot of meat on one to begin with. I usually just grind it up and make sausage. You can use the bears own fat too. I did an experiment where I did my usual mix with 50% pork meat and fat to make the sausage and then I did another batch using 100% bear meat and fat. I took it to a family reunion and everyone preferred the 100% bear meat over the mix. A friend of mine even rendered the fat from his last bear and uses it in place of shortening and oil for cooking.

Bear meat is darker than pork but has a very similar texture and smell, I would say nearly Identical.

If you don't want the rug, then sell the hide to a fur buyer, depending on quality it can get you up to a couple hundred dollars. They will buy the skull for 15 or 20 dollars also.

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