Best Antelope Unit in Utah?


Active Member
Curious to know people's opinions on the best antelope unit in Utah. I had heard good things regarding San Rafael North in the past but now hear that it has slipped some? The West Desert units are the most difficult to draw according to the report on Utah DNR's website.
My wife has accumulated 10 points and I don't want to waste them on a sub-par unit.

I posted this in the Utah section as well.
Thanks for your opinion!
San Rafael North is still a great unit. Any West Desert unit including the SW Desert is good. I have also heard the CWMU the Deseret is great-but I personally have not hunted it.

I also think that part of the reason the West Desert units are so difficult is because of how many people live so close to it. Many people want an easy hunt from home unit.

I don't think there is any other quality
so essential to success of any kind as the
quality of perseverance. It overcomes
almost everything, even nature.
-John D. Rockefeller

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