Best GPS


Active Member
What's the best gps you can add a onX chip to ? Seems like a ton to chose from. Ease of use would really help this technically challenged old man too
I like my Garmin 62s, which i think is similar to the 64S, 64st or the 64sc which has a camera on it. This is a button control not a touch screen. I hate touch screen GPS. It has a decent sized screen and runs the onx map chip just fine.

Just download Garmin base camp for free and turn your tracks into KML files that will open them into google earth.
Lost my Garmin 60scx last fall and replaced it with a more modern model 64st I think it was @ $400. I used it for a month and hated it due to it basically doing the same thing as my older model, just taking twice the number of buttons to navigate. It also had a ton of features I would never use, which drained the battery much faster. And impossible to quickly delete waypoints. I returned it and will just buy a used old model on ebay for $100 = 1/4th the price. I'll probably lose it again someday anyway. I actually find myself using my ONx offline topo more often anyway. So I just keep the Garmin for precision locating specific trees at night and such.
I agree lots of useless features and extra buttons, but I like it better then the touch screens. The old ones don't last forever, I loved my old vista, but it just wore out. Bought one of ksl and it didn't last long either because it was old and wore out too! Out of the newer ones, I prefer the ones with buttons. I think Cabelas has some good deals coming up for Father?s Day on the 64 series...
Good luck!!!
Had an old Garmin.Hunting the Kiabab.Unit said camp was 1/2 mile behind me,I could see my tent and truck front of me.Drop back 5yds and punt!Good luck to whoever found that piece of....Always carry a compass.I have a new Garmin now,saved a lot of hiking last Javelina season.Still carry a compass.And a map.
>I agree lots of useless features
>and extra buttons, but I
>like it better then the
>touch screens. The old ones
>don't last forever, I loved
>my old vista, but it
>just wore out. Bought one
>of ksl and it didn't
>last long either because it
>was old and wore out
>too! Out of the newer
>ones, I prefer the ones
>with buttons. I think Cabelas
>has some good deals coming
>up for Father?s Day on
>the 64 series...
>Good luck!!!

During my one month trial I can't ell you how many times I visualized ten Garmin executives sitting at a round table discussing how to improve their product, when one stands up and says "I have a great idea. Let's redesign it so the user has to push three buttons to do the same thing as one button with the current model"..............CEO - "Ya that's a great idea!"

I've not had one with a touch screen, but I would see myself doing way too much butt dialing with that.

I saw plenty of new or barely used 60csx's out there for sale/auction. I don't need anything more. Simple is best.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-18 AT 00:10AM (MST)[p]Screens not as big on the 64 series, but the Montana is a touch screen I think?
Had a 655t rino with touch screen, loved the functions, but hated the touch screen! I sold it and had some money left over after buying a 64 series...
Screen size I feel is pretty good. But if your going to compare it to these new phone screens there putting out, you might be disappointed. Go into a store a put one in your hands.
Good luck!
Phone app is worth its weight for sure. My phone is the Google pixel. Big screen, great resolution and a lot of storage for offline maps.

I also have the Montana 610T and a rhino 650T. The Montana is nice because it has a big screen and the rino is nice because you can see where your hunting partner is and use the radio to communicate, if you want to.

If I'm solo, it's just the phone. With other hunters, I take the phone and rino.

I rarely use my 62st anymore since I downloaded information using Onx maps to my large screen phone. You just have to remember to put the phone on airplane mode or your charge will run out real quickly.
So, since I'm an old dog and have not stayed up on things concerning this matter, I have a question for you smart ones who know.

If I subscribe to the cell phone app, will it work in areas where I won't have cell service for days at a time or possibly not at all for the whole hunt??!

How will it know where I am if I don't have service?

How will I know where to go if I don't ask directions? (That's a funny for the ladies)


>So, since I'm an old dog
>and have not stayed up
>on things concerning this matter,
>I have a question for
>you smart ones who know.
>If I subscribe to the cell
>phone app, will it work
>in areas where I won't
>have cell service for days
>at a time or possibly
>not at all for the
>whole hunt??!
>How will it know where I
>am if I don't have
>How will I know where to
>go if I don't ask
>directions? (That's a funny for
>the ladies)

OnX allows you to download 5,10 or 100 square mile maps in satellite, topo or hybrid views. Once you're out in the field without service, you put your phone on airplane mode, tap the off grid option in the app and you choose one of your downloaded maps. 5 mile maps have the best detail but also take up a lot of space. Of course, new smart phones have a ton of memory and downloading multiple maps hardly makes a mark on that capacity.

Jim et al,

Does that mean it can/will show me when I'm nearing private property? ....Or is it just maps that are downloaded and available to look at while offline?

I need to be able to almost "walk the line" in some cases to access larger chunks of public so the app has to be able to tell me exactly where I am, like a GPS does, all while having no cell service. If I have no cell service, how does it know where I am exactly on the maps?

Or, would it be better just to buy the chip for my old Rhino 530Hcx?


I'm not that great at explaining things but, i'll give it a shot.

There are layers that can be turned on and off within the app. Private land, public land, hunt zones, USFS motor vehicle use, trails, roadless areas, current wildfires and historic wildfires to name a few.

If you turn the private land layer on before downloading the map, it will have property boundaries clearly laid out on that map.

Even with your phone on airplane mode or when your without cell service, your phones GPS is on and locating your position. I have found it to VERY accurate!

>Even with your phone on airplane
>mode or when your without
>cell service, your phones GPS
>is on and locating your
>position. I have found it
>to VERY accurate!

Thanks Jim!
That's what I was looking for. "Phone GPS still works without cell service".



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