Book cliffs north


Very Active Member
Well, my friend is there with his dad and they have been working hard to find the right deer.

They have seen over 500 deer and over 100 bucks but cant find a mature buck.

Any tips?

PM works if preferred.

He doesnt know I came back on here to ask. He appreciates the help that's already been given. But I wanted to try one more time. I can tell by the tone hes pretty frustrated. They've been putting in a long time and he doesnt want to blow it.


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Sounds like he's putting too much pressure on the hunt because it took a long time to draw. That's the story the last few years on the rifle hunt. And that's the Book Cliffs, not many big ones. Keep moving and glassing and hope you run into one. Cover country, that's all you can do

But the most important thing is enjoy the hunt regardless.
I am not certain where but knowing the guy they are covering as much of the unit as they can.

Onedryboot, it's funny you say that, that is exactly what I told him in a text a couple of hours ago as far as putting too much pressure on the hunt. I have been through that on hunts before. Also told him I have read on here multiple times of guys who have been on that hunt and struggled to find a big buck in a sea of mediocre bucks.

Thanks guys for the input. It helps.


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Thanks Bob. Got it and will pass it along.


People who work for a living are quickly being
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They have seen over 500 deer and over 100 bucks

I haven't seen that many in a lifetime of hunting blacktails in I thought Utah deer herds were in trouble?
I think some of those bucks that are small might actually be mature. Shot a 180 and a 140 on that hunt that both aged at 5.5, I was surprised.
You are probably right, nripepi. I have heard a lot of stories similar to what they are seeing and what your experience is.

I hear ya eel. These guys are serious blacktail hunters too. So they are deer spotters heaven. Haha. Just wishing for that big muley....


People who work for a living are quickly being
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LAST EDITED ON Oct-25-19 AT 07:16PM (MST)[p]The deer heads are in trouble the bookcliffs are supposed to have a higher buck to doe ratio than 1-20
That is alot of deer. He is doing good seeing that many. Time to shoot the biggest out of 100. The books is famous for 18-20 inch 3x4s. I was out there there the first three days with a friend who had the tag. I think the migration was a little delayed this year. In places where I would see 15-25 bucks a day in the past, we were seeing 1-2 bucks a day this year. I only heard a handfull of shots. I felt bad for the tag holders, I hope most were able to stick it out.
Well they tagged out. Shot two of the cookie cutter bucks they were seeing the entire hunt.

His statement to me was they were tired of seeing the same class of buck over and over again. Cant blame him.

I will talk to him about pics and story. I think it's a bit raw and tender right now though. Ha

They had a lot of fun but I think they had pretty high hopes. Been putting in for it for a LONG time. I wish I would have known they were going to try to draw it I may have tried to sway them a different direction based on my knowledge from posts on here of the recent decline.

Thanks for all the help from everyone here.


People who work for a living are quickly being
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