Book Cliffs Roadless archery - early or late????


Active Member
So I drew this tag this year and I realize the season opened yesterday. I haven't had time to get out scouting because I just got home from my mission this week. I was planning on heading out there the last 2+ weeks of the hunt. But I've been checking things out here on MM and it seems like a bunch of guys have had lots of success at the beginning of the hunt. I just want to know if I'm an idiot for still being home or if I should head out there right now.
What have been your guys experiences with this hunt?? Late or early??
Thanks! Jason
LAST EDITED ON Aug-18-13 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]I get tired of people only hunting the last 10 or so days. WTF? Get out there and maximize your odds!
Bulls are easier to kill when they don't have 100 other eyes and noses around.

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Here in about 10 years(When I draw the SJ Tag!)I'll start a Thread asking if I should hunt the first weekend,or just the 2nd/last weekend!


Founder just Banned My Signature!
Hang in there!
I'm working on another one!:D
The only reason I'm not out there right now is cuz my freakin dad had to go and hurt his back a week ago. If he was doing fine we would probably already be out there ha. But if the hunting was A LOT better at the beginning I would just say screw it and head out there alone. So ya I would prefer going out the last 2 weeks when I can get some other buddies to go instead of heading out right now alone. But this tag is pretty important to me so id be willing to head out there asap if its worth it, But I'm not too excited about sleeping alone with bears around :) ha

>AT 08:46?PM (MST)

>I get tired of people only
>hunting the last 10 or
>so days. WTF? Get out
>there and maximize your odds!
>Bulls are easier to kill when
>they don't have 100 other
>eyes and noses around.
>Traditional >>>------->
Keep a clean camp, the rewards of a great hunt out weigh the fear of a curious bear. The day the sun sets on your hunt your biggest regret will be that you didn't put enough time in. Best case scenario is ten years before you draw a quality tag again.

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The BC are rugged. All sorts of accidents could happen. The safe practice would be to go out there with someone.

If you do decide to go alone, make sure that family knows where you'll be and when you expect to return or when reinforcements arrive to help you. Make a plan. Share the plan. Don't change it until a hunting partner arrives. It might even be worth renting a Sat Phone or having a GPS tracker on your body.

Have a plan regarding what you'll do if you harvest an elk. How will you get it to camp? How will get the meat processed? Take the time to think through everything.
You can't kill a bull at home that is for sure - put a plan together if you can to get out there as much as possible, especially with the archery tag. You will need many encounters with bulls using a bow before getting the perfect scenario to slip an arrow into one, so the more time you have in the field, the better in my opinion.
Uh... go NOW. The bulls have been active on the Books this past week. Friend was down there on the opening and the elk were herding up and the bulls were talking. He got eyes on a dozen different bulls without even doing much hiking.

Ask a buddy to go with you and head down there.

That's good news! I'm heading out there Wednesday! Should be some good hunting from what I've heard... Hope to be putting some pics of a dead bull on MM soon! Thanks for the info guys...
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