Boquillas Ranch cleanup July 28


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-24-12 AT 01:08AM (MST)[p]The Mohave Sportsman Club's annual Boquillas Ranch clean up has been scheduled for July 28th this year.

The club 21 years ago when I was the president became involved in the AZ G&F Dept's "Adopt A Ranch" program. In exchange for sportsmen doing a one day clean up, the owners of the ranch, the Navajo Nation, agreed to allow sportsmen to access the ranch without any charge.

For the several THOUSAND of you who have drawn a big game tag for Unit 10 this year, or who participate in small game hunting such as prairie dog shooting, predator calling, etc., this is YOUR opportunity to come out and help keep YOUR PRIVILEGE to hunt on the ranch in tact.

I suggest that you plan a scouting trip on the same day and besides making a good showing for the ranch owners, you'll be able to do some scouting too!

We will meet at 8 a.m. at the Pica Headquarters, which is about 20 miles west of Seligman on old highway 66. At mile marker 123 turn north and Pica Camp is where you see all those huge trees out there in Aubrey Valley about two miles away.

The Wildlife Manager Ben Selby from the AZ G&F Dept. will give a short talk, we'll sign everyone up, pass out maps, gloves, and trash bags, and then we head out for the day and pick up every piece of trash we see.

We encourage sportsmen to drop off their bags of trash any time after 5 p.m. in a trailer that G&F will have there at the Pica Camp.

Remember the right to hunt is a PRIVILEGE and at any time the owners could shut down access.

Its really not too much to ask that those with tags and others, to show up and help out.

If you have "other things" that you believe are more "important " to do that day, then ask yourself this question.

If it was the opening day of the season you have a tag for, would you miss it because of the same reason you won't make the clean up?

Just something to think about.

I think the MSC is going to send out postcard reminders on this project. Many of you will get them.

Please, lets get more than 35 sportsmen out there this year and show the Navajo Nation that we do care and respect their private property. Bring the family and your friends and make a weekend out of it.


Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Mohave Sportsman Club

Sportsmen at the 2011 Boquillas Ranch clean up, sign in at Pica camp

This is all of the dedicated sportsmen and women who came out for the 2011 clean up despite the fact there were several THOUSAND big game tags that were issued for hunting on the ranch. If you were the owners of the ranch and saw this turnout, would you continue to honor an access agreement made 21 years ago in good faith with sportsmen knowing how many tags are issued for YOUR ranch?
You draw anything?

I blanked on both, and I had put in for antlerless only for elk..

I got all the luck!

Don Martin
Hi Don, Just wanted to talk with you about the deer tag's coming up. You have already giving me your thoughts some about this. I took your class in Jan and have now 15 NR points in AZ for deer. If you remember me we brought some salmon/lingcod down with us. Since I have already drawn a late 6A ML elk which runs Nov 16th-22nd and 12aw late deer tag is Nov 23-Dec 2nd I thought I could do both hunts together. From what I've heard you need a guide for the 13B tag to see/get a deer especially a good one. I can't afford a guided hunt etc, can give allot of salmon/bottomfish(lingcod/halibut/crab) etc but not much money. So if it were you should I try for 13B or get the 12aw late deer tag or wait till next year because of lack of water for that tag? The 13B tag will be during my elk hunt so should I wait till next year for the tag and get a point for this year? My phone number is 253-851-4417 or you can e-mail me at [email protected] Thanks again for any info, Ive talked and met you a few times. You have always been a true guy to speak with and I appreciate your advise....Tom
LAST EDITED ON May-25-12 AT 11:16PM (MST)[p]Hey Don,
Was just wondering if a nonresident could help with the clean up.
I didn't draw a tag in unit 10, but I would like to help out.
I grew up in Havasu and I still have family there. I hunt in AZ
alot for deer, elk, javelina, quail and cayotes. I live in california unfortunately, but love AZ and would like to get involved in helping out.
Oh heck yeah nonresidents can help! You'd be more than welcome to come out and lend a hand!

You can learn some neat country and maybe find a prairie dog town to harass if you bring a rifle along.

Goinin hunting:

You bet, would really appreciate NR coming to this event!

I know of a couple of NR, one from CA and one from NV who are also planning to attend.

Its really nice to see hunters and guides who are from out of state respond to this call for help.

I just hope that AZ resident who make up the bulk of the successful tag holders feel the same.

Don Martin
Govt Liaison
Mohave Sportsman Club
Don, I blanked but all i put in for was points. Thought we were going to be busy and we are! full boat of elk hunters! I will be pretty much living in 10 once July hits so it wont be a big deal to pick up some trash on the cleanest ranch in az! See you there amigo!

Oh yea, Me and the kids went up to 8 to fish, well, the fishing sucked so THEY wanted to pick up trash. Kinda planed on them doing that, so I had bags ready this time. 4 hrs later and 8 full bags of trash we decided to go fish again. Didn't kill em but we did catch a couple... Now they say that we should just go pickup trash first then fish so we can catch something! Pretty good kids I guess.. And we got to see a pretty good bear as well.


If you want those kids to catch fish, bring 'em up to my place in Meadview, and we'll get a lot of action on the stripers at night.


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