Born and bred


Very Active Member
I was born and raised in southern Idaho, it is my home and I love it! I had to leave for work for a few years but I'm back every chance I get.

I have the money now to purchase a place back home but every time I go there to look at houses or acreage it honestly just feels like little California. I lose interest immediately. Anybody else run into this or am I just being a douche?
You're not alone and it's getting worse all the time. Unfortunately, the Boise metro area has been ruined by CA refugees and the traffic is as bad as CA and sadly, I fear the politics may not be far behind.
Born and raised in Idaho myself. You're not alone. Kalifornians are moving out of that chithole and turning where they move to into chitholes. Utards and us to some extent can blame the skyrocketing cost of housing on those a-holes.
It’s not just Idaho Californians have ruined!! Every state they move to they bring their BS with them!! I honestly can’t say all Californians because there are a lot of conservatives from there trying to get out myself included. It’s a shame that all Californians are stereotyped. I am from Arizona, but moved California for work & I have watched my state of Arizona being overrun with the California BS!!!
The "Californians" are ruining it is a weak argument. I work for a very high end custom home builder in Montana. Trust me, folks are coming from every direction to live in the "West". To blame it all on one state is ignorant. And, I'm born and bred Montanan. I've also noticed, not all of the people coming West are "liberals". Just what I've seen. mtmuley
I am from CA, and I was born here, not by choice, just was, My parents moved from the midwest, both from farm and ranching families. I have been looking forward to moving out of here most of my adult life. I am out of place here, I brought my kids up eating wild game most of which I took with a bow. We never bought red meat I don't think you can classify all of us with the same broad brushstroke. I understand why people get frustrated with the changes but it is an unfortunate part of life. When my parents moved to southern CA it was still all mostly fields and agriculture. They worked as teachers, teaching farm kids, they had moved to a land of opportunity. Now it has become a total mess. I am a pure conservative/Libertarian type, I am coming to your state, I hope I will be accepted for what I am, not where I came from, but if not I will deal with it. I bet I may put many of your state natives to shame with how many days I spent in the field over my life, not that that matters, to each there own. Just saying give us a chance and judge me on what I do, not where I happened to be born. I am a contractor, my son is a former combat Marine and commercial fisherman in the Bering sea, my daughter is a teacher, my wife has killed elk, deer, and antelope. some with Black powder. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME!
The "Californians" are ruining it is a weak argument. I work for a very high end custom home builder in Montana. Trust me, folks are coming from every direction to live in the "West". To blame it all on one state is ignorant. And, I'm born and bred Montanan. I've also noticed, not all of the people coming West are "liberals". Just what I've seen. mtmuley

This is true but working for a high end builder means absolutely nothing. I grew up in sun valley working on houses for the richest of the rich. Those people aren't in the equation. They maybe visit those homes for a week every 2 years. For the most part.... And yes some of the people aren't liberal but the vast majority are.

What I've noticed is when they first get here they are thankful to be away from where they came. That lasts six months to a year.

Next, they say, "You hillbillies are doing this all wrong! Let me show you how it should be!"

Then, when they get things changed to their liking they will happily tell you "Man, this place is as bad as California! I should have just stayed!"


Again, I may be being a douche.....
I'm a Californian, I can relate strongly with devobrodie's post.

I dont think you're being a douche Alwayshunting.

I can relate with your pain. I live in a very rural area of the state, my house sits 17 miles as the crow flies from Oregon (according to OnX).

I was born and raised right here and wanted to spend my life here. But for the last 10 years I have been searching for a smart way out. But my aging parents and father in law live right here too and it would stand them to leave.

I will be moving out of this state eventually but wont be looking to change anything in my new hometown.

I have experienced exactly what you speak of in city people moving here. The hunting, fishing and the cost of housing and living has been destroyed.
They love it here for about a year and then they suddenly cant stand the good old boy system or the ugly rundown neighbor house (little do they know that family cant afford better on their modest income) so they create homeowners associations and blight laws etc.

This isn't just a you problem. Many are dealing with it.

Haha. Yup.

It really frustrates me when people say we (Californians) deserve what we get, we should just vote our way back into a decent state government.

We lost that opportunity 30 plus years ago.

Dont do the same if you can help it.

I live in Arizona and we get lots of people from Minnesota and North Dakota. They’re not too bad, but the state is full of them. Seriously, next time you’re in conversation with someone here, ask about their background. Guaranteed there is Minnesota in there somewhere.
There's no question that a lot of the refugees from CA are conservatives who are fleeing abusrd and idiotic liberal policies that have ruined that state. However, with them, also come other family members/friends who are more liberal who come to visit and realize how much better it is(was) here than their own f-ed up state. Then, they move too and take the attitude that they can "make it better" when, in fact, it's them who are instrumental in f-ing it up and they're too f-ing stupid to recognize it. All you have to do is watch Fox news every night or turn on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, etc to see how f-ing stupid these people are. If you're a conservative from CA or any other state and continue voting that way, welcome. But as someone once told me, a CA Republican is an Idaho Democrat.
We have done it to ourselves in some degree.

Utah has the same issues. But the tech companies that are flooding in out of Cali are do so because of our culture. Hard workers, obedient. CHEAP. Same as Idaho.

It's a catch 22. Your kids having to leave the state to work. Or work coming to the state.
I hear ya mallards_only, I cant disagree or argue any of your post...

There are exception and I realize you dont deny that so not trying to argue that just clarification.

I will still move. Your state is on the short list.

Glad to hear I am not the only one that feels this way. And if it helps out, I am not anybody's Liberal in any state!
I hear ya mallards_only, I cant disagree or argue any of your post...

There are exception and I realize you dont deny that so not trying to argue that just clarification.

I will still move. Your state is on the short list.


I think we should make a deal Bill. You and ppl like you should be welcomed here but you've got to stop 5 of the idiots from following you. You've got to understand that most people landing here from there are not like you. It can be very frustrating...
I too am a far Northern Californian who has always been a conservative..trying to instill conservatism in my kids heads (its tough when their teachers spew liberalism). I would really love to leave this state to escape the idiotic bs that is being shoved down our throats..My job and parental situation dictates that I stay for now, but someday, Idaho is #1 on my list. I prefer to pay my way, help others if I can and stay to myself. I'll keep my guns, thank you, and have no plans whatsoever to change anybody's mind or way of doing things..I completely understand the sentiment of keeping liberals out. I don't hold that against ANY state that has their stuff together.
I too am a far Northern Californian who has always been a conservative..trying to instill conservatism in my kids heads (its tough when their teachers spew liberalism). I would really love to leave this state to escape the idiotic bs that is being shoved down our throats..My job and parental situation dictates that I stay for now, but someday, Idaho is #1 on my list. I prefer to pay my way, help others if I can and stay to myself. I'll keep my guns, thank you, and have no plans whatsoever to change anybody's mind or way of doing things..I completely understand the sentiment of keeping liberals out. I don't hold that against ANY state that has their stuff together.
Unfortunately, I fear Idaho likely won't be on your short list for long. It's already becoming a less desirable place to live due to traffic and a shifting political demographic in the Boise metro. Bloomberg has a political campaign office in Boise because his research says it's ripe for the taking. Last Boise election came down to 2 Democrats for Mayor. It's a college town and the President is an ultra-lib. Developers are capitalizing on the influx of people without any changes to the infrastructure, roads, etc to accomodate the increase in population and by the time they get around to doing anything, it will be too little too late. The highway dept who manages traffic flow is the most retarded I've ever seen in any of the states I've ever been to. For years, it hasn't mattered as there wasn't enough traffic to matter but now it does and they're too incompetent to recognize their ineptitude.
I have been to and through Boise from time to time over the years and the change is shocking.

I know people from there and they echo what mallards is saying.


The treasure valley and sun valley are already lost. I'm afraid the rest of the state won't make many short lists soon. Magic valley isn't far behind....
Nevada has been infested with out of state liberals. What was once a proud, politically balanced state is now Kalifornia East. Up in my neck of the woods, most of the Californians we get are fleeing the taxes and stupidity of their home state. Most are conservatives, or at least the ones I know are. If you are between the Rockies and the coast, your days are numbered as far as conservatism goes.
Back to the original post - do you have to live in the Treasure Valley for work? If not, why not live in a smaller S Idaho town?
Unfortunately, I fear Idaho likely won't be on your short list for long. It's already becoming a less desirable place to live due to traffic and a shifting political demographic in the Boise metro. Bloomberg has a political campaign office in Boise because his research says it's ripe for the taking. Last Boise election came down to 2 Democrats for Mayor. It's a college town and the President is an ultra-lib. Developers are capitalizing on the influx of people without any changes to the infrastructure, roads, etc to accomodate the increase in population and by the time they get around to doing anything, it will be too little too late. The highway dept who manages traffic flow is the most retarded I've ever seen in any of the states I've ever been to. For years, it hasn't mattered as there wasn't enough traffic to matter but now it does and they're too incompetent to recognize their ineptitude.
They always put the horse before the cart..... Bring in the people with no regards to the traffic they bring and the congestion nightly
My son and I were hunting Idaho this year and we drove up on a guy walking on a main road with a whole buck on his back he had gone quite a ways with. We stopped and offered a ride. He took it. He didnt seem to mind at all the Kali plates..haha.

Really nice guy from Coeur d'Alene. Nice buck too.

These threads always come down to statements like "Not all of these people are bad". Of course not but here is the deal. When places become over-crowded like CA, people learn that consideration for others has little merit because no one cares and it becomes "survival of the most aggressive". When folks move to a new area where people still show consideration for others they bring with them their adopted attitude that gave them a chance to get by in CA. Of course, Idaho isn't as crowded as CA and they all feel "one more person here won't hurt, just put the wall up behind me!". Virtually NO ONE from CA wants to live the same way as the folks do here in Idaho without bringing along some of the luxuries that the CA economy provided for them. Of course, they aren't going to be happy with that small simple house that most Idahoans have been content with so developers capitalize on that to build the trophy homes that have taken over the state. If it wasn't for the monopoly money that their CA house provided for them, they couldn't afford to move here and get by on the wages that a rural community offers. The end result is that everything changes for everyone. That peaceful little community isn't peaceful or little anymore. Our getaway areas have become over-crowded and not really some place to get away. It's easy to say that it's not all Californians but the majority are from CA, especially Southern Ca! And in case you don't know it, Southern Californians are much farther progressed in these attitudes than Northern Californians are. Regardless of which part they come from, so many of the West Coast folks lived in CA at one point or another and the folks who moved here twenty or thirty years ago were trying to get away from those folks who are moving here today. There is no question that the gov't of Idaho WANTS this growth and vigorously promotes it because it provides them with funds to institute all of their "feel good" programs. There is no chance that this will not end up exactly like what happened in California.
I once asked someone who moved here from CA (who sold real estate) if they liked Idaho. Their reply was "I love it because this is where the money is"! It wasn't the beauty of the state nor the fact that it was uncrowded (We'll change that!), it was the fact that it was another place that could be raped for profit. sadly, that is what Idaho means to many of those who come here.
Money has drawn people places, well, forever... ironically, it was the first reason whites came here. If you don’t like the Treasure Valley any more, why not move to Grandview, Glenn’s Ferry, Salmon, or many other Idaho towns that are still small?
There are many reasons Californians move to Idaho but I dont understand why crowding would be one.

It amazes me how little people outside of CA know about the geography and topography of the state.

If you are in CA and want to be less crowded but still want to live with the bullchit laws and policy there is a massive amount of land out there to just live in solitude.

People are leaving because of government policy and law changes.

The problem is they only want back the little sliver of their rights that sent them over the edge to move out of the state. They dont want to go "all the way back" policy wise to what CA even used to be. They like a lot of the "progress" just not all of it. That is why they like to make the changes to the new location that they had in CA.

So whether it was gun laws or property laws or business restrictions or whatever, that was the last straw, that is the only thing they want to go back in time on. The rest of the "progress" they wanna keep. They dont understand why everyone wouldnt love that....

If you look at Modoc, Lassen, siskiyou, Del Norte and many other counties or pieces of counties throughout CA seclusion is easy to find for a home site.

I think many of the people that leave and move to other states to get their rights back and to escape the progressive mindset, simply assimilate
and blend right in. Therefore they go unnoticed unless you meet them through church or some social or outdoor activity. So the assumption that all of them want to change your state is easy because the ones who dont are out of sight and out of mind, quietly living their dreams.

Money has drawn people places, well, forever... ironically, it was the first reason whites came here. If you don’t like the Treasure Valley any more, why not move to Grandview, Glenn’s Ferry, Salmon, or many other Idaho towns that are still small?
That logic is sound but the flaw is it doesn't work if you have to have any economy that will support your job. Three or four years ago, you could find a home in Grandview for forty to sixty k, now it's $140k. Take a look at Salmon home prices (believe me, I've looked at almost every town in Idaho), most homes for sale are trophy homes in the $350K to $750k market and these homes drive up the cost of the little homes beyond reach for many. How does the kid who grew up in Salmon find the type of job that will allow him to buy a house for even $150k?
There are many reasons Californians move to Idaho but I dont understand why crowding would be one.

It amazes me how little people outside of CA know about the geography and topography of the state.

If you are in CA and want to be less crowded but still want to live with the bullchit laws and policy there is a massive amount of land out there to just live in solitude.

People are leaving because of government policy and law changes.

The problem is they only want back the little sliver of their rights that sent them over the edge to move out of the state. They dont want to go "all the way back" policy wise to what CA even used to be. They like a lot of the "progress" just not all of it. That is why they like to make the changes to the new location that they had in CA.

So whether it was gun laws or property laws or business restrictions or whatever, that was the last straw, that is the only thing they want to go back in time on. The rest of the "progress" they wanna keep. They dont understand why everyone wouldnt love that....

If you look at Modoc, Lassen, siskiyou, Del Norte and many other counties or pieces of counties throughout CA seclusion is easy to find for a home site.

I think many of the people that leave and move to other states to get their rights back and to escape the progressive mindset, simply assimilate
and blend right in. Therefore they go unnoticed unless you meet them through church or some social or outdoor activity. So the assumption that all of them want to change your state is easy because the ones who dont are out of sight and out of mind, quietly living their dreams.

Yes, most don't realize how great CA is but in reality the crowding isn't because every square inch is covered with homes. Certainly the cities are huge and choked off with traffic which makes day to day moving about impossible and on weekends, everyone migrates to the country to recreate with 20,000 of their closet friends. Heck, in the SF Bay Area some of the worst traffic is on Sunday afternoon as everyone tries to get back to the cities after their weekend of fun! What Californians take everywhere is there ability and eagerness to over spend on property which prices the locals out of the market. People have been leaving Ca long before the gov't regulations got out of hand. Truthfully though, it doesn't matter how many come here who don't want to change things, what matters is how many come that DO want to change things and plenty of them do. The influx of people is the real culprit and because Californians have all the monopoly money from their home, they can try to create their vision of utopia more so than folks from other areas. Wasn't there just a news story about 70% of the people moving to the Treasure Valley being from CA, specifically San Diego, L.A. and SF? Those stats were taken from drivers license records. I can tell you this, the least populated county in Idaho is Owyhee County. Go to the DMV on any day and look at the two hour long lines. Why, because folks moving to Nampa and surrounding communities have discovered that it is a shorter wait than the DMV in their area. This influx of people can have a much greater effect than most realize.
That logic is sound but the flaw is it doesn't work if you have to have any economy that will support your job. Three or four years ago, you could find a home in Grandview for forty to sixty k, now it's $140k. Take a look at Salmon home prices (believe me, I've looked at almost every town in Idaho), most homes for sale are trophy homes in the $350K to $750k market and these homes drive up the cost of the little homes beyond reach for many. How does the kid who grew up in Salmon find the type of job that will allow him to buy a house for even $150k?

I totally get it and agree. Honestly, I think what we fail to comprehend is that the baby boomer generation, throughout the US, has worked their asses off for 40-50 years, and just want to retire in peace. That is a lot of what you see in Idaho, whether big or small town. I get it. I’m 32, but I get it.
Money has drawn people places, well, forever... ironically, it was the first reason whites came here. If you don’t like the Treasure Valley any more, why not move to Grandview, Glenn’s Ferry, Salmon, or many other Idaho towns that are still small?

Those are the towns I'm talking about actually....
No state will ever be covered in every square inch with homes. That's absurd and to claim that crowding can be escaped by moving to an area of the state without a bunch of people is equally absurd and ignorant. Most don't have the luxury of living in a secluded locale without access to work and certain amenities such as electricity and internet. Unless you're retired or have some kind of job that allows you to work from home without high-speed internet, you pretty much have to work in an urban environment.

Are there many conservatives moving here to escape the ridiculous and corrupt CA political environment? Absolutely. But to think there aren't just as many Democrats coming as well is simply naive. Keep thinking that and before you know it, you'll be asking what happened to your peaceful conservative state that preserves the Constitution and your rights. It's happening before your very eyes and if you don't see it, you're part of the problem.
"I totally get it and agree. Honestly, I think what we fail to comprehend is that the baby boomer generation, throughout the US, has worked their asses off for 40-50 years, and just want to retire in peace. That is a lot of what you see in Idaho, whether big or small town. I get it. I’m 32, but I get it."

I planned my retirement home when I was in my twenties. Elk Bend Idaho...quiet and peaceful. I've had my land there since 1982 and now my retirement home there since 2014. I moved permanently to Idaho in 2012. And, like so many other conservatives that have watched Calif. go down the tubes so I got out! There are many other beautiful places to live in the mountain west, Idaho seems to have the best of everything. I'm hoping the migrants to Idaho will embrace everything this state has to offer and leave their Calif. liberal leftist ideals behind them....or am I dreaming?
What I dont understand is what would draw the liberals to such a conservative state? Even those who are retired. Why?

Because they know they can change that! Truly, I believe that many Californians feel that they can take their monopoly money from Ca and buy cheap in Idaho and watch their investment grow all over again as more Californians follow them.
What I dont understand is what would draw the liberals to such a conservative state? Even those who are retired. Why?

Idaho draws people because it’s idaho! People don’t move based on politics, it’s more then likely economics,they want a better quality of life. People are still moving to California in the thousands because of jobs, climate, and that lifestyle. 10,20,30 years down the road they may realize it’s a zoo and look to go somewhere else. When you live in a country like this your doing yourself a disservice if you don’t move around and at least kick the tires on a few different places. There’s no birth right here or anywhere else unless you name is “running bear” or “screaming eagle”. You can’t stop a skin head or polygamist from moving into to your town, why would you think you can keep liberals out? Can we talk about hunting now?
They move here because they don't see the gang-bangers, homeless encampments, graffiti, and garbage lining the streets like a third-world country, completely ignorant to the fact that it's their own idiotic liberal policies and politicians who created that. They're so f-ing stupid that they'll end up doing it all over again here because I'm now convinced you can't fix "stupid." The level of ignorance when you talk to these people is astounding and disturbing. All one has to do is look at who half of Democraps think is best to run against Trump for POTUS.
I agree with some of your assessment mallards_only but some of it highlights what I spoke to above about people not really understanding much of Kali is like.

Much of the north state is so much like rural idaho or nevada or utah etc. that most of not all would not know which one they were if they were dropped there. Until they went to buy a gun or ammo.

Thus my comment above about not knowing why a lib would want to move to a conservative state. I've hunted or driven through most of the western states and as far as beauty and outdoor activities go (except deer hunting quality and opportunity) much of norkal rivals rest. Thus my question why?

Most sensible answer thus far in the discussion has been economics pointed out by missalot and the feeling that they can go there and change the political aspect.

Sorry, but you're wrong. I'm fully aware of what Northern CA is like as I used to live there and my children still do. Anybody who thinks liberal morons in CA haven't damaged and ruined Northern CA as much as they have southern CA needs to have their head examined. I have watched what used to be a nice college town in northern CA get overrun by liberals and then homeless, gang-bangers, graffiti, litter, traffic, and ridiculous liberal policies. I have friends who can't buy ammo online or more than 2 boxes at a time without a background check. They can't buy handguns and can't carry concealed in many places. They freeeway system is like driving in a 3rd-world country with extremely poor road repair and litter lining the roads everywhere. It's a shithole compared to what it once was so don't claim to know better than me. Just because you have a National Forest like every other state in the U.S. does not mean you are just like NV, UT, or ID. First and foremost, I don't run into pot grows on NF land every time I go out hunting. If you like your "conservative" Northern CA so much, STAY THERE.
No need to be a Richard cranium there mallards..

Nowhere did I claim it hasnt changed. It has. I am leaving. Eventually. Would leave sooner but it's not in the cards.

I mentioned the guns and ammo. They can still be purchased just a pain. There is a list of approved handguns. Although ALL of the restrictions are garbage and shouldnt be there. You can buy ALMOST ANY handgun you want. Why your friends cant get a handgun I have no idea.

College towns everywhere are more liberal than anywhere around them it's the nature of that beast.

Drugs and homelessness are in a lot of places too, they are definitely more prevalent in Kali.

My point is the majority (apparently not you of course) of people know very little about the state outside what they see on TV.

I have hunted national forests in Kali for 40 years and although i have seen a couple questionable things i have NEVER personally ran into a grow. It happens, I have heard of it.

Despite your personal prejudice of me and others from Kali I may be your neighbor someday and will certainly keep going there to shoot deer.

To be very clear I HATE the politics of Kali and what it has done to EVERY corner of the state.

The only point I was trying to make was that there is a multitude of nice places to live in Kali that dont have a trash/homeless/drugs/gangbanger problem.

The politics are exactly what the libs want and vote for in these places too. This makes them perfect for the lib who wants to get away from all the bad things mentioned above. And they dont have to change a thing.

That is why I dont think those are the driving factor for most libs moving to other states.

Sorry, but you're wrong. I'm fully aware of what Northern CA is like as I used to live there and my children still do. Anybody who thinks liberal morons in CA haven't damaged and ruined Northern CA as much as they have southern CA needs to have their head examined. I have watched what used to be a nice college town in northern CA get overrun by liberals and then homeless, gang-bangers, graffiti, litter, traffic, and ridiculous liberal policies. I have friends who can't buy ammo online or more than 2 boxes at a time without a background check. They can't buy handguns and can't carry concealed in many places. They freeeway system is like driving in a 3rd-world country with extremely poor road repair and litter lining the roads everywhere. It's a shithole compared to what it once was so don't claim to know better than me. Just because you have a National Forest like every other state in the U.S. does not mean you are just like NV, UT, or ID. First and foremost, I don't run into pot grows on NF land every time I go out hunting. If you like your "conservative" Northern CA so much, STAY THERE.

Hold on a minute... You're from California, living in idaho and bitching about other Californians moving here? I'm on your side but what do you suppose the chances are that this huntingdad character is just like you only now instead of when you came?
Hold on a minute... You're from California, living in idaho and bitching about other Californians moving here? I'm on your side but what do you suppose the chances are that this huntingdad character is just like you only now instead of when you came?
Yep. I moved here before it was "cool." My point is not that I'm against people moving here. I'm against people who think they're "conservative" and people who think they can change Idaho into being more "progressive." People who claim that there's nothing wrong with Northern CA raise big red flags for me as there's plenty wrong in that entire state and just because one part is slightly more conservative than the rest doesn't make it the same as Idaho, NV, or UT as someone claimed. You wanna come here, vote Red down the ballot and not try to build some big mansion with all your CA $$ while trying to change the world around you? I got no problem with that. But that's not what I'm seeing.
When did you move there mallards?

It's been cool for quite awhile. I used to be partners in a construction business with my dad and we went to CdA to look at the prospect of buying property and building there in 90 or 91. It was booming and a large part of that was Californians.

Sorry I threw up red flags to you (I'm really not because IDGAF what you think of me) but if you think you caught some liberal just in ti.e before he decided to move to Idaho to ruin it for you, I have bad news for you. Haha.

You sound like a bitter, pathetic man.

You still have family and friends here in Kali, to you hate them too?

Pretty ironic that those who don't even live in ID claim to know so much about it. Although it's rare for me to run across people who are true ID and especially Boise natives, the real CA exodus did not start happening until the last couple years. Anyone who lives here could tell you that. The last two years have seen massive influxes of Californians, rising housing prices, traffic problems and changes in the political climate. So sorry if calling out the facts makes me a bitter pathetic man but fortunately, like you, IDGAF what you think!!
I lived in C'dA in 1989 before the boom hit. You could walk down the street and buy any of 500 homes for $20,000 with $500.00 down. They were small one or two bedroom homes and were on the market because the Chinese investor who owned them was getting out. Realtors talked of a "boom" but no one really believed it would happen as there was no work. The highway went through town and there were virtually no lights on the lake at night. The C'dA Resort was there and the golf course. Then the freeway was built around the town, Spokane Valley began developing and folks began commuting to Spokane for work. By '91, those homes were $100K and the Rathdrum Prairie was being over run with trophy homes. The Prairie was the largest producer of grass seed in the US, but the transplants objected to the farmers burning off the grass at the end of each season because the smoke was a hazard for a week. They changed the laws on burning and the grass seed industry ended. Those who moved there couldn't keep their mouths shut about what they had found and soon the entire are was infiltrated with folks, many from southern CA who brought their need for exorbitance with them. Soon laws were passed stating you could park your RV at your house cause folks didn't like looking at them. Water skiing on C'dA became impossible because of all of the yachts running back and forth on the lake so the skiers began running circles around the fisherman who were trying to fish on the smaller lakes that dot the area. You could buy land north of Sandpoint for $20,000.00 for 20 acres in '89. Since then, I have talked with folks who bought the same 20 acres back "when it was cheap" in 2005 for $500,000.00!!
While some may argue that people don't move out of CA to escape the regulations, businesses DO move to escape regulations and to find cheap labor. I know of businesses in Rathdrum who moved ALL of their employees from the Los Angeles area to Rathdrum when they moved their business there. When the tech companies began moving to Boise because of cheap labor and fewer regulations, the boom began there and with Amazon coming it will accelerate. There seems to be no middle of the road in Idaho as you either have an area with rapid growth or an area where you can barely survive.
Pretty ironic that those who don't even live in ID claim to know so much about it. Although it's rare for me to run across people who are true ID and especially Boise natives, the real CA exodus did not start happening until the last couple years. Anyone who lives here could tell you that. The last two years have seen massive influxes of Californians, rising housing prices, traffic problems and changes in the political climate. So sorry if calling out the facts makes me a bitter pathetic man but fortunately, like you, IDGAF what you think!!

I think that in reality, it takes a lot of courage to move from an area that you are comfortable with and relocate to an area that is uncertain. Many folks wait until an area begins looking like the place they are leaving before they are comfortable pulling the plug and getting out, especially when they know someone who has moved before them. I would say that it feels like "the real exodus" now because it has reached the point of crowding in many of these areas in Idaho.
Just to give folks some idea of how people think differently, I have a friend who lives in Sacramento who enjoys hunting. He was headed out to the middle of Montana to hunt on a property that a CA friend owned. He drove through eastern Oregon, along the Columbia, through C'dA, Missoula, Great Falls and out to the ranch he was going to hunt on. I asked him how he liked the drive and his response was 'Uggh, it's SOOO empty!! What a waste of land!!"
Everyone looks at a forest and sees different things. Some see nature, some see 2x4's to build houses with.
Most everyone in CA is a transplant I myself came here in 80 for work because there was a lot of work and not so much anywhere else in the West.
I was born in Utah so would that make me just another Californian moving to Utah or just moving home.
3rd generation Idahoan. My great grandfather came to Idaho in 1892. I hate to see what is happening here. It doesn’t matter where you are moving from, the impacts will forever change this great little hiding place.

1970 to 1980 had an increase of 231,368 people.

1980 to 1990 had an increase of 62,814 people.

1990 to 2000 had an increase of 287,204 people.

2000 to 2010 had an increase of 273,629 people.

2010 to 2019 had an increase of 219,483 people.

If wikipedia's numbers are correct it's been cool for awhile now to move to Idaho.

Doesn't give demographics on political affiliation of the invaders or what state their from but as far as number of people. Looks to be about average growth the last 10 years.

Some here should apply their negative energy to their daily workout regime. Having an outlet to vent their daily anger is recommended by many folks from various states. It actually helps the mental outlook on life and the physical being as well.

If they got in good enough shape they could waddle up the mountain and perhaps out hunt some of the non resident hunters.
Win win.
I can guarantee you that those numbers are incorrect. The 2019 number is a speculative "estimate" and is grossly under-represented. The Boise metro alone has seen an increase of more than that in the last year alone. Nice try though. Fake news.
We will see on the projection I suppose.

I didnt look too hard just Wikipedia's numbers. Next time I will do a head count....

2020 census will tell.

Post your substantiation. Not your eyeball test "facts".

Show me something that says Boise metro has grown "more than that".

I have...

I found nothing that said that Boise metro area has grown more than the Census board estimate for the entire state of Idaho claims that I posted above.
If you lived here and watched the local news, not to mention experienced the massive increases in traffic, etc, you would know. Recent news stories include Nampa alone seeing 30K new residents in a month, voter registration numbers increasing by 25% in Boise, and over 10k people a month on average moving into the Boise metro.
And although the 2019 numbers are not in yet, my observations tell me 2018 will be chump-change compared to 2019.
Seems a bit much but I wont say its inaccurate but I will say that is NOT per month. Nor does it say anywhere in the article that the Boise metro increase is higher than the Idaho total population number speculated by wikipedia's numbers I posted above.

Point still stands. It has been "cool" to move to Idaho for much longer than the 10 years mallards_only has lived there.

10,000 per month we would be buying a new $250,000 garbage truck every month at my work. Boise not growing that much, mostly in fill. The bulk of new construction is unincorporated ada county south of Boise, meridian, and Nampa. Eventually some of ada county stuff will be annexed to Boise. Some day there will be a million people treasure valley, not tomorrow! Bitchin about it on a hunting forum seams useless
OK, I guess all you guys who don't even live here know EVERYTHING.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: I got an idea. Let's keep it that way. We don't need any more ignorant people here in the TV.
Nampa had housing for 30,000 new people in one month???....lmmfao
You can laugh all you want but it just shows how clueless you are. The city of Chico, CA saw an increase of 20k immediately after the Paradise fire. Nampa is bigger than Chico and could absorb that many people easily. But, with an avatar like that, why should I be surprised at your ignorance? You and huntindad should get together. You'd probably have a lot to whine about together.
After the Camp fire, displaced people moved far and wide. Sad deal for sure. But evacuees of that and any other disaster arent exactly moving into housing. They live in RVs, motels, tents, etc..

I highly doubt the 30,000 people that invaded the TV moved into tents and RVs... not the same at all.


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