Borrowed Rifle....and Ammo


Active Member
I waited 13 years for my cape buffalo hunt. Developed a great 270 grain TSX load for my .375 H&H. Then with Covid and flight changes, my travel agent had me changing planes in Amsterdam. Apparently it is not a gun friendly country.

Luckily my PH is one of my lifelong friends and hooked me with with his Mauser in .375 H&H that HE shot his first buffalo in 1973. My ammo was Viper bullets 300 grain percussion cup, loaded to 2600 ft/sec.

70 yard shot on the point of the shoulder. He did the classic horse buck and went another 40 or so yards. Gave him another high in the shoulder, then one in the neck at 20 yards. All three bullets were recovered. Pictured is the first hit.
Good for you and glad it all worked out.

Odd question, at least from a guy who has never hunted a it edible?
Ox Tail from Cape Buffalo is amazing, and was one of my favorites in Zimbabwe. Tenderloin on the braai is good, but mothing rivals eland or kudu on the grill
Ox Tail from Cape Buffalo is amazing, and was one of my favorites in Zimbabwe. Tenderloin on the braai is good, but mothing rivals eland or kudu on the grill
For years, I always thought 'ox tail' was a euphemistic term for some other cut. Then I finally found out it really is an edible piece of tail, so to speak. I never had it, but I'd ceratinly try it least once.

And nice buff, CHWino_1 (y)

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