Buck down


Very Active Member
This is a PLO tag in CO. My hunt started last weekend but this morning was the first time I could get out and hunt with family and work. Didn’t take us long to find what we were looking for. The kickers and mass got him in trouble. Not a high scoring buck but I just couldn’t get myself to pass.


Great buck it’s going to look good on the wall. Congratulations. How wide is he with those kickers ?
Thanks guys. This was one of the most deceiving bucks I’ve ever killed score wise. I really misjudged him. I thought I was shooting a 184-186” buck and he ended up scoring just over 170”. Doesn’t change anything for me as far as being happy with him just really surprised me.
Well done marley.
I take it you shot him with the new rig?
Pretty tough to pass a buck like that.
It appears that 170 seems to be the new 180 benchmark with mule deer.
Nice one Brent! It's too bad you could not have gotten him while he was in velvet....
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