Camp Navajo Antelope


Has anyone here hunted archery antelope on Camp Navajo? I drew a military archery tag but am afraid my scouting will be limited do to being in Afghanistan till just prior to the hunt. I am a scouter and rarely ask for advice so please don't consider me lazy. I am fairly familiar with the area and am good with a map but will gladly take any advice. Has anyone been on the reservation recently and willing to share any sightings of antelope?
Thanks in advance and if anyone has questions about Utah hunts I'll gladly help you there as I've killed many animals in my home state and if I don't know an area I have a pretty extensive network of fellow hunters in Utah.
The antelope on Camp Navajo are slammers!
Don't worry about not scouting because they only allow you to scout the 2 weeks prior to hunts anyways.
The biggest issue w hunting camp Navajo is the closures throughout the base...hopefully you don't have to deal w too much of that, but I wouldn't hold your breath...
Being active duty I believe you should be able to huntthe interior as well andthat will be a huge advantage to you as well!
I've killed some real nice mule deer there and am always blown away by the nice goats!
For more info shoot me an email at my username above plus
Thanks Cody! After 9 deployments, 6 as a Special Operations ground guy and 3 as an aviator I decided this was the year, which is my retirement year, to cash in some points across the west. I was reading on the Camp website that those with a secret clearance can hunt the interior so that may help me. I understand the closures but I'll be very flexible with my time when we return. If you're from the area and are free during my hunt I don't have a plus 1 which they allow. Either way I'm excited to get out with my bow and hunt things that won't hunt back....well, minus a Mountain Lion in Utah this winter.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-19 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-19 AT 09:25?AM (MST)

Inside the wire...unless it has changed in the past 25 years, or more, since I was doing MP duty there, there are darn few antelope in there....6-8' fence.

I was a NG MP, and I did 2 summer camps there. My duty was to patrol the heck out of the inside, and I did it to the best of a M151s ability. So, 2 sets of 13 days there....possibly 16 days total, driving all over the place...just to see what I could see.

Let me tell you something...That is a darn good place to go, from Yuma, in July and August.

I never saw an Antelope that wasn't set on getting to somewhere else in there. I think that I only saw one herd.

Also, not very many deer in there, but more than antelope.

Now, elk, there are a bazillion.

I may have seen more elk in there than I have seen in 20 years in Colorado.

I really couldn't tell you much about outside the wire.
John 14:6

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