
Very Active Member
Just wondering if I buy my tag each year under the impression that the mule deer numbers are as high as they state it is, but in reality they are not.

Can I sue the DWR for falsification of mule deer numbers and demand refunds on my deer tag, and the cost of my hunt each year?
I say go for it! Just what every state needs is another hair brain idea you can sue someone for and use up limited tax dollars to pay a defense attorney...

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I would never sue the DWR, but somehow there needs to be somekind of accountability for what they do. Each of us probably work for a living and if we sucked at our job we would probably loose our job for not doing a good job.

I wonder who holds the DWR accountable for what they do. Is there anything out there that will hold them accountable or can they continue to misrepresent the mule deer each year and nothing happens.
If it works in Utah, let me know.

California issues 35,000 OTC blacktail forked-horn or better tags a year in the B zones. That's more tags issued than there are bucks.(I can't prove that, but they can't prove I'm wrong either.)

The tag doesn't guarantee you a deer. It just gives you the opportunity to carry your gun while looking for a deer that doesn't exist.:)

You can Sue cant!

They'll pay you with a few years worth of General Deer Tags!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
I think the real point is that they (the dwr) can't prove the deer numbers. Its not really the hunters responsibility to prove the numbers. Maybe i'm wrong but i thought we has hunters were paying them to properly manage the deer herds. Its just to bad that the deer numbers had to get so bad before the dwr finally decided to pull their head out of their "A". Only time will tell, but i personally think there finally on the right track
Sure, all you would have to do is prove that the numbers were wrong. Of course, you do realize that they don't ACTUALLY COUNT EVERY ONE OF THEM! They are estimates.

What the guys that do not believe the numbers should do, is not buy a tag, stay home, save your money. I know that would make alot of other hunters happy.
>Sure, all you would have to
>do is prove that the
>numbers were wrong. Of course,
>you do realize that they
>OF THEM! They are estimates.
>What the guys that do not
>believe the numbers should do,
>is not buy a tag,
>stay home, save your money.
>I know that would make
>alot of other hunters happy.
Sure i do realize they can't count every deer, i,v been hunting this state for for nearly 24 years and been a DH since day one, all i'm saying is for years its been nothing more than a "swag" estimate. I love to hunt this state and will continue to do so, i,v got 3 boys that would also love to get a chance to hunt. I hunt Colorado also and see what good management can do. So don't tell me to stay home, i highly doubt you know how much i really do care about hunting mule deer in this state.
Aren't you being issued a tag for the right to hunt and pursue a deer or are you buying the deer itself????????

Maybe, Just maybe, you suck at hunting! Just sayin!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-12 AT 09:56PM (MST)[p]
It would be a waste of your money. It reminds me of the last 2 timber sales we bought from the Forest Service(when we were still in that business). Every tree was marked and supposedly they had counted and measured them so the volume they advertised should have been right on. Both sales ended up only having 50% of what they said was there. When we asked about it, they said "we only have to be within 80%, 80% of the time." In other words, they were saying "we'll screw you and there's nothing you can do about it."
>Within 80% Huh?
>Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can

Ya, but only 80% of the time. The other 20% of the time, they can be as far off as they want. And how do you call them on it? Whenever you ask, they can say thatyou're in the 20%. Sounds like the DWR to me.
It'll never work. When they do their count is on the winter range where bucks around my area come off of limited entry units to winter on general season areas. Not a very accurate count if you ask me.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-12 AT 09:50AM (MST)[p]Why not??Environmental groups sue all the time.I guarantee you could find a lawyer that would take this case.If nothing else,it might make UDWR more accountable for actual numbers.Unfortunately,it would cost many more dollars for that.And who would pay?
I think I remeber a similar case regarding the waterfowl counts and after verification, they were only off by 10-15 birds!
Far too many folks are sue happy. I'm sure you were just trying to make a point.... or were you?

Even if the deer counts are way off, you'd still get your money's worth since you can hunt and you CAN still kill a buck in any region (now unit) if you spend a little time and know a thing or two.

I don't think the tag comes with a guarantee of a kill. You'd lose, spend precious time and resources for both you and the F&G.

I would like to see someone or some group hold them accountable. It could open the door for other states. We have the same problem in Wyoming.

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