cave pig



my kid and his buddy went javelina hunting in u27 last weekend. they killed one pig and wounded another and it went into a cave. a nice low one that they had to belly crawl into. the thing about pig caves is that pigs have been living in them for, oh, maybe 1000 years. and the floor is sorta saturated with pig piss and crap. plus there was quite a bit that was like a half hour old. so they took one .22 mag and a couple flashlights and took off. the cave split into a bunch of different fingers and there was a blood trail in all of them. because the wounded pig ran all over before he decided on a place to camp. so they had to crawl out all of them. finally in the last one, they found it, but when his buddy saw it, it was so close that the gun barrell went past the pig and he couldn't shoot it. he was in a little hole that was only big enough for one guy . anyway, the pig popped his jaws and scared the hell out him and he dropped the gun and backed out to where my kid was. it stunk horrible in there from all the crap and the upset pig squirting musk all over and his friend was all shook and he projectile vomited all over the place. my kid said "what the hell did you do that for"? he said, "man i was all shook up" my kid said, "yeah, but you just puked right where we hafta crawl to get the gun back". so now they had that to crawl through. so they both squeezed into the little opening. my boy held the light and the other kid got the rifle and killed the pig. i oughta add that they were about 100 feet back in this cave. they did have the sense to put some T.P. in their ears before they shot. he shot it in the head a couple times and when it started relaxing it started squirting pig musk all over them and the cave. said it was like a squirt gun and stunk so bad it took their breath away. then they both barfed all over the place. they crawled out, got some rope and duct tape (never hunt without duct tape). taped his legs to his body so they wouldn't hang up and drug him out. when they came out there was a some stranger standing at the opening of the cave and he said they must be retarded for going into a cave after a pig. my kid said he looked at his friend and said if the other guy kept his eyes shut and didn't move that he looked like a pile of condor crap. condor crap. i can't think of anything worse than that. i laughed till i cried when they told me the story. i'm so proud i raised up a true sportsman. later.
take your pigs hunting and you won't have to go huntin' for your kids (retarded or not) congrats rlh!
Tom in nogales

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