Congratulations Nonresidents!


Active Member
As a way of thanking you for donating your money to support their agenda, the Wyoming Hunter Defense Fund and WYOGA are throwing their weight behind legislation that will change the current allocation of regular/special tags from 60/40 split to 40/60 split! Enjoy the ride on that bandwagon and have fun digging yourselves out of that hole, you won't get any help from resident DIY hunters on this one.

hook... line... sinker...
And I forgot to send my check. Darn!

Just goes to show that WYOGA doesn't discriminate on whose butt they kick!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-15 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]What do outfitters have to gain by making the NR pay more for a tag? be specific Einstein.

Think about it.

Stay thirsty my friends
Do you truly believe that your pissing matches with a handful of NR hunters on this little forum is representative of all NR hunters?
>Do you truly believe that your
>pissing matches with a handful
>of NR hunters on this
>little forum is representative of
>all NR hunters?

Shame on your English teacher!
>AT 08:09?PM (MST)

>What do outfitters have to gain
>by making the NR pay
>more for a tag?
>be specific Einstein.
>Think about it.
Because non residents who hire outfitters usually pay the Special price so they have better drawing odds. Outfitters like it when their clients draw tags.
>Stay thirsty my friends
>>Do you truly believe that your
>>pissing matches with a handful
>>of NR hunters on this
>>little forum is representative of
>>all NR hunters?
>Shame on your English teacher!

How was that poor Grammar?
>>>Do you truly believe that your
>>>pissing matches with a handful
>>>of NR hunters on this
>>>little forum is representative of
>>>all NR hunters?
>>Shame on your English teacher!
>How was that poor Grammar?

pissing matches is representative of all nonresident hunters?

Shame on your teacher too!
>is for an are. wow,
>tough crowd around here.
>I still use ain't.

pissing matches are representative of all nonresident hunters

Give up go, it's no use.
Grammar corrections are a WEAK attempt of jm77 and Buzz give their narcissistic, insecure feelings of self worth a lift... Very weak attempt!!!!
Back to the this change going to happen next year or this and has it been approved or just under consideration? I'm considering waiting another year due to my buddy's backing out this year, but this might change things a little.
>Back to the this change
>going to happen next year
>or this and has it
>been approved or just under
>consideration? I'm considering waiting
>another year due to my
>buddy's backing out this year,
>but this might change things
>a little.

The Bill hasn't even been before a Committee yet for consideration. The way it's written it says it would take effect on July 1, 2016. That would mean with the application dates set up that close the end of May that it wouldn't be used until the 2017 draw. Even if it took effect this year it wouldn't actually be used until the 2016 draw. If it passes, and I have no doubt that it probably will with no one to help the NRs but ourselves on this one, it's just another example of piling it on the NRs who already put in the bulk of the 55% of the money the G&F gets in fees as part of their budget. Too bad all these residents that are so worried about that budget won't chip in and pay their fair share of what it takes to run their state G&F Department.
Personally, I doubt that the 90/10 Res vs Non-res tag split has any ties to the 40/60 vs 60/40 pricing, other than.....
The G&F needs to be funded and who else but the Non-residents will the legislature go to for more funds?

The funding needs to be in place and with the 90/10 tag split the G&F would have lost money (nobody really knows how much). So, it's only natural that they come after the Non-residents for yet more money.

The thing that really grinds my gears is even though the NR tags were not cut, there probably will be an effort to restructure the distribution to 50/50 instead of 75/25. This move is to increase mostly-worthless-points money by new applicants with no regard for those who have played the game the longest. I see very little goo coming out of this session for the NR hunter in Wyoming!

BTW: COLOelkman, it's not a done deal but that's certainly the push. Correct me, guys, if I'm wrong but I think it would take affect after the drawing next year without affecting this or next year's pricing structures.

By the way, I had a GOOD and long talk with Buzz last night. He and I don't always see eye to eye but the guy knows a thing or two.

God help us all,
Thanks for the clarification guys. I think most states take this approach..... to stick it to the NR's since they're less likely to get the backlash they'd get from raising prices for residents. So, it makes sense. I don't like it but it's understandable. I've heard from the CO DOW that they are open to long as it doesn't impact their budget. Just one of the unfortunate realities that they have to deal with.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-15 AT 09:34AM (MST)[p]Zeke---See my post right before yours for effective date of 149. If you look up the Bill, the date is the last line. Also, nobody, including myself, has ever accused BuzzH of not knowing a thing or two. However, that's one hell of a long way from him thinking he knows everything like he tries to portray, LOL! If he did, he wouldn't have been so far off on his Bill prediction yesterday! Let's not be na?ve as to whom the WYOGA is looking out for and why they are for this 60/40 to 40/60 reversal while obviously against the reduction in tags for NR, whom I'm pretty sure represent the bulk of their business and will pay the big bucks to have a lot better chance at drawing their outfitted hunt. That also has never been part of the debate I've had with BuzzH, even though he says I have no idea what's going on out there. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what interests are represented out there and by whom, especially when it concerns the WYOGA! It just so happened that the WYOGA and NR interests were on the same page on Bill 69 that went down yesterday. Now the tables will be completely turned when 149 affects all NRs when the WYOGA is only interested in the small percentage of NRs that will benefit from this that go on a guided hunt. This whole mess, IMHO, is the result of residents not stepping up to the plate and paying their fair share, thus forcing the NRs to carry them year in and year out while the residents won't chip in even a dime to bail their own Dept. out! It's really sad that we all are our own worst enemy and can't work together to make it easier on each and every one of us.
I don't mind the change from a 40/60 to a 60/40. Most of my tags wind up being special anyways and on those tags the quality of animals/experience has been worth the extra money...but I can sympathize with the budget minded hunter. But I hope the real gain is that when we as NRs pickup more of the GF budget that they will be unlikely to make changes that hurt us and we will have a bigger voice in their decisions going forward...wishful thinking, but hopeful some good comes out of this.

You really are clueless, and flip/flop more than anyone I've ever seen.

For starters, this whole issue is about where alliances lie.

You cant always have your cake and eat it too. You're an absolute fool, for ever writing a single email, or posting any support for WYOGA. You just #$@#ed yourself, and thousands of NR hunters that hunt deer, elk, pronghorn, who will now be paying higher fees, in favor of perceived better draw odds, for a bunch of old sheep hunters who have to get their 3rd, 4th, or 10th ram.

Really? You call that smart thinking and having a clue?

You paid a steep price for a couple hundred hunters in the top sheep preference pools, and at the same time, feathered the nest of WYOGA.

I hope it was worth it, personally, I don't pay that piper...ever, even it means never drawing a sheep tag.

It wasn't like this should be a shock, you all knew the history of WYOGA. They routinely push for NR fee increases, wilderness guide laws, outfitter sponsored tags, higher preference point fees, the tiered license fee structure.

They did ALL of that, and now you act surprised and want to "fight" them on a 60/40???

Good luck with that.

Also Floppy, as to your remarks regarding Residents not being willing to pay more in license fees.

That's not true either. I have stood in front of the Senate and House TRW committees and listened to over-whelming support of bills raising fees for Resident hunters the last several sessions.

I have spoken, written letters, etc. to impose a FEE INCREASE ON MYSELF, every single time, without exception.

I don't recall ever hearing, from a Resident, in public testimony, that they are against raising R fees.

Yet, because of the reasons I already spelled out to you in a previous post, the Legislature has been hell-bent to kill every Fee increase bill that has been introduced. I cant FORCE them to pass legislation.

So, your accusations about blaming Residents for not doing anything to raise their fees is complete and total horsechit.

But, unlike WYOGA, I have never asked everyone else to fund the GF, while I contribute nothing.

When WYOGA funds the game and fish with a single penny, it will be their first.

But, rest assured, WYOGA will pushing for Legislation to help increase the GF budget on the backs of NR's, every single time.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-15 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p]>Floppy,
>You really are clueless, and flip/flop
>more than anyone I've ever

***Just keep talking down to everyone and making a fool of yourself, LOL! it's really getting you in good with everyone on here!

>For starters, this whole issue is
>about where alliances lie.

***BS as to alliances! We've all seen by now that each and everyone of us is looking out for our own self interests! It's just the nature of the game and the way most humans are! Just because two parties happen to fight for one thing doesn't mean they are aligned in any way shape or form!

>You cant always have your cake
>and eat it too. You're
>an absolute fool, for ever
>writing a single email, or
>posting any support for WYOGA.

***Talking down again Bubba! FYI I never sent a single letter or email stating any support for WYOGA in my attempt to kill that Bill! As I mentioned earlier, it just so happened that what WYOGA wanted was the same thing that NRs wanted in this particular instance. I also didn't send them a single penny to even intimate that I was joining forces with them. Some that did like 440 were ones that were in the draws deeply with lots of PPs and that was their choice to do so. If their money is now used against them it wouldn't surprise me since I've known for many years where the WYOGA stands and have never once stated I was in alignment with anything they've done, including the wilderness subsidy Bill they got enacted and that's a farce! I guess sometimes you just have to grin and bear it and that's what 440 basically did regarding this particular Bill and who helped defeat it. You surely didn't think we would all sit back and take another knife in the back without a little fight did you?!

>You just #$@#ed yourself, and
>thousands of NR hunters that
>hunt deer, elk, pronghorn, who
>will now be paying higher
>fees, in favor of perceived
>better draw odds, for a
>bunch of old sheep hunters
>who have to get their
>3rd, 4th, or 10th ram.

***This 149 Bill has nothing to do with 69 and was introduced into the Legislature regardless of whether 69 was there, passed or failed! Stretch things al you want, but you know damn well that this Bill didn't ride or swing on 69! Your "bunch of old sheep hunters" also probably haven't drawn a tag in their life anywhere unlike you and your two!

>Really? You call that smart thinking
>and having a clue?
>You paid a steep price for
>a couple hundred hunters in
>the top sheep preference pools,
>and at the same time,
>feathered the nest of WYOGA.

***BS again and I didn't feather any nest anywhere, but keep spouting off and know that you've now become the most divisive member on this website over the last several days!

>I hope it was worth it,
>personally, I don't pay that
>piper...ever, even it means never
>drawing a sheep tag.

***LOL, as that's easy for you to say when it involved you as a resident getting a better chance at a 3rd ram if it had passed!

>It wasn't like this should be
>a shock, you all knew
>the history of WYOGA. They
>routinely push for NR fee
>increases, wilderness guide laws, outfitter
>sponsored tags, higher preference point
>fees, the tiered license fee

***Again, nobody is shocked at anything the WYOGA does, so why do you think you're the only one in the know? No need to answer that, as it's very simple for all to see with your inflated ego and narcissism showing in every post you make!

>They did ALL of that, and
>now you act surprised and
>want to "fight" them on
>a 60/40???

***Read my lips! Nobody is surprised that WYOGA is looking out for their own interests and most of the time if they accomplish something that it bites the NR in the azz!

>Good luck with that.
>Also Floppy, as to your remarks
>regarding Residents not being willing
>to pay more in license
>That's not true either. I have
>stood in front of the
>Senate and House TRW committees
>and listened to over-whelming support
>of bills raising fees for
>Resident hunters the last several
>I have spoken, written letters, etc.
>to impose a FEE INCREASE
>ON MYSELF, every single time,
>without exception.
>I don't recall ever hearing, from
>a Resident, in public testimony,
>that they are against raising
>R fees.
>Yet, because of the reasons I
>already spelled out to you
>in a previous post, the
>Legislature has been hell-bent to
>kill every Fee increase bill
>that has been introduced. I
>cant FORCE them to pass

***Nice to see you're now admitting that you aren't God, LOL!

>So, your accusations about blaming Residents
>for not doing anything to
>raise their fees is complete
>and total horsechit.

***If the residents can't get a Legislative vote to increase their own fees, it's not the fault of NRs, so pass the damn hat and shaft the NRs again. Sooner or later the NR money won't be there to bail the western states out the way they keep piling it on us and then it will be interesting to see what happens. Anyway, now instead of using what clout you say you have or think you have to stop this flip flop, you are now the one that's aligning yourself with WYOGA whether you realize it or not and are doing just what you accused us of in fighting against 69, LOL!

>But, unlike WYOGA, I have never
>asked everyone else to fund
>the GF, while I contribute

***Yea, I know that you're the Grand Puba of donators! Just ask you, LOL!

>When WYOGA funds the game and
>fish with a single penny,
>it will be their first.>
>But, rest assured, WYOGA will pushing
>for Legislation to help increase
>the GF budget on the
>backs of NR's, every single

***Yep, and you've said you're going to be right there "aligned" with them this time! It's a shame the residents continue to let this happen when the G&F needs funding. Maybe it's time the Wyoming hunting organizations stand up to these elected officials and tell them to do what the majority wants and not what a few WYGOA members want or they're out of a job! Please go back to work and quit telling tell us something we've all known for a long time since we all know WYOGA isn't for anyone but themselves, as it's getting old!
I don't see how this will help anyone. If the WYOGA is hurting that bad for revenue why not get everyone to purchase a separate Hunting license before putting in for the draw. The cost could be spread out by all those who apply.
> I don't see how this
>will help anyone. If the
>WYOGA is hurting that bad
>for revenue why not get
>everyone to purchase a separate
>Hunting license before putting in
>for the draw. The cost
>could be spread out by
>all those who apply.

I believe you're talking about the G&F Department funding, not the WYOGA (guides & outfitters). It would be much simpler if the Legislators simply did their jobs properly and passed a Bill to up the resident fees to about double what they are now and take some of the pressure off the NRs. It will have to happen sooner or later or some other type of funding out side of what sportsperson pay will have to be found and put in place to make up the gap. NRs can only pay so much before it starts biting the states in the butt and ID and MT are good examples!
This is the type of change that will impact the bulk of non-resident hunters. The 90/10 split would have impacted a relative few compared to changing the percentage of regular vs special. Nonresident kids will have a harder time drawing because few will pay the extra cash for special. Once this special split goes through then the 90/10 can get passed easily.

Guys like 440 were short-sighted in their crying to protect themselves. Supporting WYGOA because of the 90/10 tag split would be like supporting PETA because they want to protect public lands. One issue can't out weigh all the other issues. WYGOA will have an easier time getting their clients drawn and lining their pockets with nonresidents' cash while hunting public lands barred to the so it yourself nonresident hunter.
2 point,
These are NOT connected bills! There absolutely ZERO reason to think that if 90/10 had passed that 60/40 would not have been introduced. They have NOTHING to do with each other and those who say they're connected are just deflecting blame.
Some guys want to shift the blame on a few guys but it's all a smoke-screen.
Had 90/10 been passed, the G&F would have lost even more more. Therefore, they would have needed 60/40 v 40/60 even MORE.
....and that's a FACT.
>This is the type of change
>that will impact the bulk
>of non-resident hunters. The
>90/10 split would have impacted
>a relative few compared to
>changing the percentage of regular
>vs special. Nonresident kids
>will have a harder time
>drawing because few will pay
>the extra cash for special.
> Once this special split
>goes through then the 90/10
>can get passed easily.
>Guys like 440 were short-sighted in
>their crying to protect themselves.
> Supporting WYGOA because of
>the 90/10 tag split would
>be like supporting PETA because
>they want to protect public
>lands. One issue can't
>out weigh all the other
>issues. WYGOA will have
>an easier time getting their
>clients drawn and lining their
>pockets with nonresidents' cash while
>hunting public lands barred to
>the so it yourself nonresident

I would suggest that you're the one that's short-sighted because this Bill has nothing to do with what was defeated yesterday. It was already in the Legislative hopper whether 69 passed or failed. To lay any blame on 440, jims, or anyone else that had a part in defeating 69 yesterday just because the WYOGA fought against it is not right, fair, or correct. Sure this will have a lot more repercussions because it includes the vast majority of licenses purchased by NRs in Wyoming every year as compared to the limited number of tag issued in those other small draws. As long as money is involved, and that's what all these bills are about, it's a crap shoot as to what will be placed on the backs of the NR next. Whatever it is, you can bet your azz it won't be good the way NRs are treated everywhere!
Hey Einsteins,

They are connected, 2-point has it 100% right.

You fed the monster and now you're getting bit.

You smart guys funded and supported the very group that is now laying the pipe to you and several thousand NR hunters.

Yet, its everybody elses fault?

WOW! just WOW!
>Hey Einsteins,
>They are connected, 2-point has it
>100% right.
>You fed the monster and now
>you're getting bit.
>You smart guys funded and supported
>the very group that is
>now laying the pipe to
>you and several thousand NR
>Yet, its everybody elses fault?
>WOW! just WOW!

WOW my azz! Since 69 went down all you're doing is putting up posts to be a smart azz and we already know you're real good at it! WYOGA didn't put in the Bill to reduce tags to 90/10 did they? If they did, that was quite a ruse on their part and I'm sure the Legislators that sponsored it would have done that only to know that WYOGA was then going to see that it was defeated 4-1 and make them look real good, LOL! Now you're going to try and use your hate for the WYOGA to tie these together just because both would work to their benefit. Brilliant Buzzy, brilliant! We don't even know how much, if any, NR money was donated to the fund the WYOGA started, so take it someplace else when blaming the NRs for the beast that is the WYOGA! Yea, and you really showed us yesterday how much clout you have and how you were going to put the WYOGA in it's place once and for all, LOL! What a fuggin joke!!! You have now become much more of a problem than a solution and are really getting in great with all the NRs represented on these Forums who all know we're probably screwed again, so rub it in some more Mr. Conservationist of the Year, LOL!
Funny stuff here.

Follow the money. the only reason Buzz and his gang aren't trying to get deer,elk and pronghorn cut too is they are just smart enough to know they'd bite off more than thy can chew finacially.

If you really think they don't want to cut them out of compassion you're a lost cause crackhead. read my lips , no new tag cuts.

We're paying dearly right now, and we're going to pay more . welcome to hunting in this century. you thought we'd seen the last price increase? that's cute.

Stay thirsty my friends
News Flash ***** THEY ARE ALL CONNECTED *****

I don't live in Wyoming, so the facts are just what seems like common sense to me.
90/10 is easier to pass if it is revenue neutral.
Going from 40/60 to 60/40 brings in more money.
WYOGA didn't like 90/10.
WYOGA likes 60/40.
WYOGA can handle 90/10 if they get 60/40.

At first it was trying 90/10 and then would come 60/40. Now they are going 60/40 and then will come the 90/10. At any rate nonresidents lose across the board. Problem is the guys who donated to WYOGA got in bed with the enemy of non guided, non resident hunters. WYOGA is not looking out for a guy like me who successfully hunts Wyoming on my own. They would like to see a guy like me barred from hunting in their state. Never liked the kid-card either, but the 60/40 change will mean my children won't draw Wyoming antelope as youth hunters and it will cut their chance to hunt deer in half as youth.

Wyoming is still a favorite place to hunt. The proposed changes will make it harder for some of us to hunt there.
DC. has more people than Wyoming!

Wyoming is close to the bottom of the population list.

When comparing area, Colorado and Wyoming are pretty close. Yet Wyoming has only an 1/8 of Colorado's population.
Remember one thing we can all agree on "politicians lie."

Buzz is a politician or at least a want to be one at this time. Connect the rest of the dots yourself but if you trust Buzz to tell you the truth on anything you're a fool. He's misleading at best and in my opinion totally dishonest.
2 point gets it. You guys can't see the forest for the trees.

By the way, Buzz and Jeff...thanks for trying to do what's right for resident Wyoming hunters. I'll continue waiting for my sheep tag. Hopefully 440 and Zeke can draw theirs and then I can get my turn afterwards. And maybe topgun will shut up finally...nah.

Sad day for Wyoming resident hunters yesterday. Our elected officials told us exactly where we stand with them.
nontypical, I'm sure you did a lot behind the scenes.

Remember, its a marathon, not a sprint.
>2 point gets it. You guys
>can't see the forest for
>the trees.
>By the way, Buzz and Jeff...thanks
>for trying to do what's
>right for resident Wyoming hunters.
>I'll continue waiting for my
>sheep tag. Hopefully 440 and
>Zeke can draw theirs and
>then I can get my
>turn afterwards. And maybe topgun
>will shut up finally...nah.
>Sad day for Wyoming resident hunters
>yesterday. Our elected officials told
>us exactly where we stand
>with them.

+1 buddy
I am sure I am in the minority but I like the idea of the 40/60 split. Every tag that I have drawn in WY I drew out of the special price draw.

"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
For the those that think these two bills are unrelated:

SF0069 Failed 1/20/15
Sponsored by Krone from PARK County

HB0149 Introduced 1/20/15
Sponsored by Coe from PARK County

So if anyone can't see the similarities here I'll help you out.

-60/40% split introduced the same day that the 90/10% failed.
-Both are sponsored by Senators from Park County.
-If the 60/40 passes they expect $424,000 in revenue. Thus making up the difference in 90/10 loss in revenue ($169,000 this are G&F numbers) So the in turn are making $200k +/- more money.

Oh, they're related all right.
They were going after more NR money regardless of whether or not SF69 passed of failed! We don't have the State wanting 40/60 v 60/40 BECAUSE SF69 didn't pass!

We've all established that politics make strange bed fellows. It was just coincidental that Non-residents and WYOGA wanted the NR tag split status quo and not because MOST nr hunters embrace them... because we don't. We can see where they only look out for themselves and care nothing about most sportsmen!

Best to ya man,
Just for your info:

HB149 60/40 was in the works before 90/10, I know because I was asked by a WYOGA member if I thought residents would oppose it.
HB149 was the brainchild of the outfitters, as was the original special/regular bill years ago.

These two bills(HB149 &SF69) are not related in anyway. One was brought forward by outfitters, the other by resident hunters.

The only real winners out of all this are the outfitter and G&F. NR end up paying more, which outfitted hunters are willing to do at a higher rate than DIY, and the outfitters have more clients while G&F get more cash, so they(G&F) can add more to their $50 million surplus account.
Bring it on, it's all about money and I'm willing to pay to play.

NR hunters just scored a big win and we have some butt sore folks. don't let these guys get any satisfaction by mind screwing you with this thing..

Stay thirsty my friends
>Just out of curiosity. How many
>NR supporters did WYOGA claim
>to have?

I have no idea. They didn't have my support and I've only heard a rumor that one (1) MM member donated but I have no proof that's even correct.
We (me as a NR hunters) wanted the same thing as WYOGA in this 90/10 case ONLY. Period.
Please don't try to connect me with WYOGA! I have to agree with my MM friends Buzz and Jm77 that they are NOT good for the average hunter.... and I'm certainly average, or below, myself. Ha

I think Jm77 just summed up these bills just about as well as I've ever heard.

I have no idea. They didn't have my support and I've only heard a rumor that one (1) MM member donated but I have no proof that's even correct.
We (me as a NR hunters) wanted the same thing as WYOGA in this 90/10 case ONLY. Period.
Please don't try to connect me with WYOGA! I have to agree with my MM friends Buzz and Jm77 that they are NOT good for the average hunter.... and I'm certainly average, or below, myself. Ha

Yeah, everyone is referring to all the NR support when I honestly only know of a couple. Not 100% sure on that.
I am against the 90/10 like you, but do not have skin in the game.
I agree, WYOGA= they are no dam good, but also see why guys in the top pools supported them.
Winning one battle doesn't mean jack at the end of a losing war. A no win situation either way.
You choose your friends. My self I don't like the chest pounding before a guy is about to be stabbed. I am not one for kicking a guy when he is down either, though some azzhats need to be humbled.
You can thank the outfitters for all the quotas and that the 90/10 failed. if anyone has a better ally for the NR please let me know.

There is a quote from Lincoln that sums this up well.

" We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. "

Stay thirsty my friends
" We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. "
LOL..I like that.
Thats what I am saying 440...all this slandering because a few NR want to protect their investment.
In the end we are getting the shitty end, while some of the residents and outfitters are laughing at us!

If there was an ally, Id be the first in line.

To the OP.

No congrads needed here. We know whats coming! Time to cash in the chips boys and Adios.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 01:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 01:57?PM (MST)

Can someone tell me what happens to the Special priced permits that are not taken in the original draw.

Lets take Unit 45 antelope for example.

45 Special with Preference point there were 43 tags with 4 issued = 39 leftover

45 special Random there were 14 tags with 0 issued = 14 leftover

that's a total of 53 leftover special tags.

How does changing the allocation make any difference on a unit like this other than making more leftover tags?
It won't do much other than create more left overs in a unit like that. I don't remember 45 odds, but that must be a unit with a lot of private. There are a few of those, but for the most part, 2+ point units will not have any left overs. That goes for deer and elk to.

I get your point, if we were smart we would just wait for the left overs. Lol That would work, but most guys want a plan for vacation. More of a guarantee if you will.
It wont create leftovers...the undrawn special tags will go to the regular priced draw somewhere down the line.

It will make the biggest difference in the units that take points to draw.

Going to extend waiting times and create point creep as well.

Of course, continue to dissolve equal access to the public wildlife resources as well.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-15 AT 08:46PM (MST)[p]As Buzz stated, it won't create leftovers.
Undrawn Specials get added to the original NR quota, then re allocated. So, if nobody wants the special price tags, the regular draw guys will get them. After that draw, Residents go back thru them again (for Antelope). Then they become leftovers.
This doesn't have to happen though. If they would just let them go to leftover for a week at the special price, then it is very possible many of them would sell as special and increase revenue. I am not sure why they don't do this. I called two different people at the WY G&F 2 years ago and told them this, they said that made sense to them, but it would add time and they didn't want to do that.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-15 AT 12:00PM (MST)[p]

They're not going to re write the entire draw process.

The Specials go to the Regular draw because nobody wanted them.
You know, I really didn't like Michigan being a Res only Elk Hunt, but I'm not so sure now LoL The added revenue isn't worth all of this for sure and I am a Retired UAW Politician LoL Good Luck and may the best Hunter Win!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-15 AT 05:53PM (MST)[p]90/10 would have sucked, but its something I could have lived with..But, how long before they went after elk,lope and deer?

Selfishly, 40/60 does not bother me at all. So its been a win/win personally.

Buzz, you are your own worst enemy. I usually agree with you..Must have been NM that set you off bad enough to go on the war path and the childish "I always get my way" BS.

Pretty sure you've pissed off plenty of your friends that last few months,maybe more than you know..Hope going against everything you used to stand for is worth it.

When are you running for office? Ray Charles could see your motivations.
What's wrong with this State? Every week I hear of a new proposition to screw me over as a DIY NR who is barely able to foot the bill for any type of hunt. I have enough points to draw a not-as popular hunt in WY this year for elk but am strapped for cash and cannot foot the bill this year for a tag.

I guess me and many other peasants are someday going to get completely out priced to hunt other states. This is getting really old and I feel like I have absolute no say and very few advocates who support me and my position as a NR who is helping foot the bill.

Congratulations to all of you NR who can afford and enjoy paying the special price.
It's all about me, me, me. No matter what side you're on, it ends up being about ME.

Those with less money are already getting priced out of the game.

Those with more money know that the more hunting costs, the less competition they will have for tags.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease. If you remain quiet to those in power, you can bet nothing will happen in your favor. Hell; the majority of Wyoming hunters overwhelmingly were in favor of this bill, and it still got shot down!!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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