cool stand


this weekend i had a chance to head to southern NM to do some calling. this area was new to me but was really packed with dogs. while driving i saw an area that just gave me "a feeling" so i parked, hopped the fence and started walking in. about 10 feet from the fence i noticed some movement to my left, turns out i kicked a coyote out of his bed but he was only trotting, so i dropped my shooting sticks and decoy and barked... he made his final mistake, stopped and met Mr. VMAX. amazingly he took off running but i lost him through some brush and i figured i missed which would have suprised the hell outta me but it happens. anyway after not seeing him reappear i figured he put the slip on me. before going to see if there was blood or signs of a hit, and after surveying the area i figured it was too good to not play some bunny blues and at least give it a try even though i just shot. short story long, i hit one series of calls and sure enough a nice gray dog pops out of a wash 75 yards ahead of me and starts movin in, he takes about 15 steps and stops, introducing him to a VMAX as well. very much to my suprise i walk up to dog number to and find...


pretty cool situation. they died about 15 feet from each other..
chops24.......AWESOME DOUBLE! and a great story too!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Ol' Buzztail...
Right On! That's close enough to a "Club House" for me!

For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

Thomas Jefferson

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