Coors Field-- Rockies Seating?


Very Active Member
Taking the kids to Denver for a Rockies game. Never been so anyone have advice on where to sit? We will be there either for a day game or a night game and would rather not look into the sun for the whole game. Also, are there many scalpers outside? Thanks
Not sure about Denver, but some things I have learned going to games here in Phoenix. Dont buy from scalpers, unless the game is already sold out you can usually get tickets at the gate cheaper. Here you can take in your own bottled water as long as the seal on it hasnt been broken, so there are lots of people selling bottled water for a buck outside versus $4 inside. If you sit in the cheap seats for the first few innings and scope out the good seats that are still empty you can usually move down in about the 5th inning. I like to take my binos, its cool to see what goes on in the dugouts and the bullpen during the game, watch the players on base talk with the opposing players between pitches, and check out the talent in the bleachers between innings. If I were going to watch the Rockies I would try to make it on a day when Uboldo Jimenez was pitching.
Really depends on the time of day, but if you are going to a game in the evening I would recommend sitting on the 3rd base side then the sun will be behind you.
Thanks for the info guys.

I only plan on buying from a scalper if the price was much less than face. That is the way we always did it to see NBA games. Probably just pay face at the window. Seeing Jimenez would be great for me, but maybe we will try to see someone throw garbage so the kids can see some hits.
If I were taking my kids to a Rockies game, I would want seats where they would not bump their heads on anything, when they fall asleep from BOREDOM!
'fall asleep from BOREDOM!' :) Generally I agree with that when talking baseball but it appears you never been to a Rockies home game? Easily one of the most exciting (if there is such a thing in baseball) ball fields in the majors. Usually ranks near the top of the league in runs per game as well as home runs. Baseball as a rule is boring as hell but I've seen games all over the US and its the most exciting field I've been to (only 3 games I think) but all were moderately entertaining. I'll like Chase the best though.
Funny stuff there. Just going for the experience. Hope to see the two worst pitchers on the teams so the kids can watch some hits.
Just a little humor at the Rockies......I have never been there so I REALLY don't know, I'm just not a Rockies fan!
I have been to a few games and really liked sitting out in leftfield. Good seats and lots of fun. Best thing about Coors field is they let you bring in food and drink so you don't get reamed twice. Buy some peanuts from the vendors outside the park.
All I know is that if you do go to Coors field don't wear a Diamondbacks jersey and carry signs in Spanish that say that Arizona's immigration laws are racist and that Colorado better not follow suit. The outcome is quite painful I assure you.

?Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by the sense of touch, because everyone can see, but only a few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are, and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.? Niccolo Machiavelli

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