Coyote Down!


Long Time Member
Okay, so I know it is deer/elk season, but I am so proud of my son! And YES I am bragging! lol. This weekend my son shot his 1st coyote with a bow! It was an awesome experience we shared together! One less fawn killer out there. Good luck to you all on the hunts!


That's gotta be one of the best field photos Ive seen this year
And all with a bow.
Tell the young man congratulations
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-11 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]Wonderful trophy. A coyote with a bow is a big achievement!! Nice job!!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Congrats to the young hunter and getting the job done.

We know a BT that draws green blood, maybe this young guy could teach old BEN how to use a bow and

If he is able to do everything right in order to get a coyote into bow range and nail him, he is not going to have any problems with bow hunting deer or elk.

His wide grin tells it all, congrats on a job well done!

I agree, that pic says it all. Good shootin' Nice looking dog. Congradulations. (Dad-Ya did real good too!)
Thanks guy's! I am still on cloud 9. I have tried many times to get one myself. Thanks for sharing the moment with us! I never thought it possible to enjoy helping someone else hunt more than doing it myself! Good luck to you all!
That's awesome! I just finished reading the email from your dad. I'm still waiting on my first archery coyote!

Traditional >>>------->
Nicely done!!!!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
That's one of the toughest animals to take with a bow........congratulations to the young man! Definitely worth bragging about. :)

BOHNTR )))---------->
Great job, You have joined a club(Coyote Bowhunters) Very few are in your club. Keep up the good work.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
You need to hire that Killa out! We've got long legged coyotes up here in Idaho that need to hit the dirt!!! Send him our way, and anyone else who likes to kill dogs...
Nice work Dustin! That smile reminds me of when we were scouting for deer in the book cliffs and he blasted a squirrel in half with his single shot .22

Warning...if you don't like to look at squirrel guts then don't look at the pic
Thanks again guy's,

As to how we got him, We were just sitting glassing a doe feeding in the stream down below us and this dog comes trotting up to us and puts his head down to drink. It was his last!!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-29-11 AT 05:16PM (MST)[p]Congrats again to my killing machine Nephew - good job D!!

Like I said last night - in my 24 or so years of bowhunting, I have never had a coyote close enough to shoot with my bow, let alone actually kill one. He has already one upped us all at age 12!! :)
thats great, with a bow thats even a bigger deal, and with a bow and for his age now thats just awesome. congrads

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