Coyote on crack???



Couple 3 or 4 weeks ago I set up on a known territorial boundry and began my set. After the first 10 min. nothing, so I let out a couple of howls and BAM 'yote pops up and starts heading my way fast. About 200 yards out I lost sight of him , nothing, zip, nauda. 10 more minutes and still no show, I'm starting to think he winded me and the gig is up when all the sudden he's right next to the Yote decoy and before I could shoot he starts pissing on everything and just going nuts. I decided to watch and see what he does, he just keeps growling and puffs himself up real big like and procedes to run circles around the decoy, starts sh**ting all over and turning around and kicking it towards my decoy. Thats where I drew the line and calmed the crazy bas**rd down with the old 22-250. Anyways have any of you guy seen the likes of this before? Thought it was kind of funny. The dog was a big male and no others came to the call, at least that I seen.
Never seen that, but sure wish I had! That is an awesome story. Thats where you wish you had a video camea.
Sprayer, I almost took the Hi8 that day but opted to leave it home because I had to hoof it about 2 miles to get to the call site and didn't want the extra wieght and hassle of it. Kicking myself in the ass for that now. I just figured the dog was so agressive because I was set up on the boundry or maybe even in his territory? Was a pretty wild sight no matter the reason.
I used to tie out a young pup that liked to whine and cry when left alone. I'd sit off a hundred yards or so. More than once I darn near didn't get them tamed down before they worked over the pup. They can put on a good show.

That's a kick a**, rockin' story devil_dick. Holy cow! I bet that was a wild time. I just love to call in hiped up hounds, full of juice. I got nothin' better to do with my time than sit in the sagebrush and shoot wild dogs that ain't worth nothin' just for the sake of killing. As a hunter it gives me a good public image too.
Oh Bobcatmessy you're such a superior being. Thank you for enlightening us to the error of our ways. I'll never shoot another coyote again. Thank you oh thank you!
You've got better things to do than go hunting, yet you still find the time to knock people for hunting on a hunting website. I know I'm impressed! Go eat a veggie burger or hug a tree or something.
I have never seen it but it sounds like you called in an old dominant dog. The dominant dogs will make themselves look bigger by raising the hair on their backs. when they see a Yote decoy they automatically go on the defensive like yours did he starts pissing and crapping on everything and flingin it like a monkey at the zoo. good job keep putting those deer eating dogs down.

That's a kick a**, rockin' story devil_dick. Holy cow! I bet that was a wild time. I just love to call in hiped up hounds, full of juice. I got nothin' better to do with my time than sit in the sagebrush and shoot wild dogs that ain't worth nothin' just for the sake of killing. As a hunter it gives me a good public image too.

What nothing else to say???

Kind of what I thought.
I just checked the replies, been away for awhile. Bobcatmessy you can lick me where I sh*t, you little sandle wearing, tree humpin, hippie loving puke. I'd be suprised if you have ever seen a dog in the brush, but keep the intelligent comments coming.

BBH- I agree the more dogs we send to the Happy Hunting Grounds the better off our deer herds will be. Besides that its a blast, some of the most exciting hunts I ever went on were for old muttin breath.
good job devil, fun story i have had them *%it and pee all the way in but my decoy is a fox so never had them that close to it befor i touch off its just a kids stuffed animal but if they look at it enstead of me thats a good thing.
messy get a life and go to petas site and get out of here
Well said Devil Dog...I couldn't have put it any better...
Semper Fi, 86-94
We were riding through a high mountain meadow on horses one summer day with one of our riders dog following. All of a sudden a coyote came running accross the meadow toward the dog. The coyote was all puffed up with hair acting like he wanted to kick the dog around. He never did come right up to our horses but just followed us for about 100 yards. I think we were in his area and he wanted that dog out of there.

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