
Long Time Member
Something to think about... Bait sites can harbor infectious CWD Prions in the soil and plants for years.


Animals can be infected by oral ingestion of prion-contaminated plants

Prions are the protein-based infectious agents responsible for prion diseases. Environmental prion contamination has been implicated in disease transmission. Here we analyzed the binding and retention of infectious prion protein (PrPSc) to plants.

Wild type hamsters were efficiently infected by ingestion of prion-contaminated plants. The prion-plant interaction occurs with prions from diverse origins, including chronic wasting disease. Furthermore, leaves contaminated by spraying with a prion-containing preparation retained PrPSc?for several weeks in the living plant. Finally, plants can uptake prions from contaminated soil and transport them to aerial parts of the plant (stem and leaves). These findings demonstrate that plants can efficiently bind infectious prions and act as carriers of infectivity, suggesting a possible role of environmental prion contamination in the horizontal transmission of the disease.

It has been shown that infectious prions bind tightly to soil and remain infectious for years in this material.

The main goal of this study was to evaluate whether plants can bind, retain, uptake and transport prions in an experimental setting. Overall, our findings show that grass plants efficiently interact with prions, suggesting that they may play an important role in natural prion transmission, particularly in wild animals.
I mentioned that in the baiting thread a while back and was told how stupid I was....

Did You Not See on the HELL-RIGHT Thread where Baiting is Done?

>Something to think about... Bait sites
>can harbor infectious CWD Prions
>in the soil and plants
>for years.
>Animals can be infected by oral
>ingestion of prion-contaminated plants

>Prions are the protein-based infectious agents
>responsible for prion diseases. Environmental
>prion contamination has been implicated
>in disease transmission. Here we
>analyzed the binding and retention
>of infectious prion protein (PrPSc)
>to plants.
>Wild type hamsters were efficiently infected
>by ingestion of prion-contaminated plants.
>The prion-plant interaction occurs with
>prions from diverse origins, including
>chronic wasting disease. Furthermore, leaves
>contaminated by spraying with a
>prion-containing preparation retained PrPSc?for several
>weeks in the living plant.
>Finally, plants can uptake prions
>from contaminated soil and transport
>them to aerial parts of
>the plant (stem and leaves).
>These findings demonstrate that plants
>can efficiently bind infectious prions
>and act as carriers of
, suggesting a possible role
>of environmental prion contamination in
>the horizontal transmission of the
>It has been shown that infectious
>prions bind tightly to soil
>and remain infectious for years
>in this material.

>The main goal of this study
>was to evaluate whether plants
>can bind, retain, uptake and
>transport prions in an experimental
>setting. Overall, our findings show
>that grass plants efficiently interact
>with prions, suggesting that they
>may play an important role
>in natural prion transmission, particularly
>in wild animals.

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I mentioned that in the baiting
>thread a while back and
>was told how stupid I

I don't know who it was, but it sounds like it was somebody that is so concerned about shooting deer over apples that they'll ignore fact and best available science. smh

Hopefully DWR & WB will not be so obtuse.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Elkassassin, if somebody had already posted that CWD not only remains infectious in the soil, but literally gets sucked up into the leaves of plants to be passed onto unsuspecting wildlife a decade later... then I guess I missed that post.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
There is something people want to over look and IMMEDIATELY blame baiting.

"Finally, plants can uptake prions from contaminated soil and transport them to aerial parts of the plant (stem and leaves). These findings demonstrate that plants can efficiently bind infectious prions and act as carriers of infectivity,"

deer naturally browse on trees, and grasses which if a carrier animal browses on said plants they have passed the act or carrying of infectivity to the plants where it can remain in the soil for years long after that deer probably died or at least moved on.

Baiting won't necessarily prevent the spread of CWD, could it help possibly. but deer naturally browse on trees and grasses, lick other deer, noise to noise contact of other deer eat ect.

I have written numerous reports in college earning my Bachelors degree and probably have read far more published articles than more average joes. just some food for thought.
>There is something people want to
>over look and IMMEDIATELY blame
>"Finally, plants can uptake prions from
>contaminated soil and transport them
>to aerial parts of the
>plant (stem and leaves). These
>findings demonstrate that plants can
>efficiently bind infectious prions and
>act as carriers of infectivity,"
>deer naturally browse on trees, and
>grasses which if a carrier
>animal browses on said plants
>they have passed the act
>or carrying of infectivity to
>the plants where it can
>remain in the soil for
>years long after that deer
>probably died or at least
>moved on.
>Baiting won't necessarily prevent the spread
>of CWD, could it help
>possibly. but deer naturally browse
>on trees and grasses, lick
>other deer, noise to noise
>contact of other deer eat
>I have written numerous reports in
>college earning my Bachelors degree
>and probably have read far
>more published articles than more
>average joes. just some food
>for thought.

I hope you proof read said reports...
There is no doubt if you have deer in a closer contact that disease can and will be easier to be transmitted but personally CWD is way over blowing out of proportion, but I could be wrong.
The question I got if bait station or feed sites are so bad for deer because of the congregation of animals together then why is CWD not wiping out the herds of elk. Elk are always congregated together and seem to use the same feeding, watering and resting area.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-24-19 AT 05:54AM (MST)[p]Note these were grasses. The article didn't disprove that apples cure cwd (sarcasm). Far more concerning than your apple trees spreading CWD to the deers is the implication that said deer can chit in your garden and spread it to you.

Splitting my time time between the montane and the mesas......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
Bunch of Masturs around here!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I mentioned that in the baiting
>thread a while back and
>was told how stupid I

Yep, I remember you making that argument and you are right.

Unfortunately this rancid disease can be spread anywhere animals congregate together, even watering holes, man made or otherwise.

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