CWD Measures Hitting the breaking point??? I feel it is getting close!!!


Long Time Member
Language Warning

This is from North of US in Manitoba. The CWD cull is hammering every single deer they can find. Reports of livestock ran through fences, reports of the helicopters pushing deer off land they do not have permission onto land they do. The video in this case is a land owner who caught them on his property where they did not have permission and on the lands around his where they did not have permission. There are several videos. The gal recording is a younger gal and the land is her grand fathers...

They are blocking the public roads to the owners property... So that they can not film etc.

They are mass killing and burying the deer with heavy equipment after they pull samples. Not harvesting the meat and not allowing the public any where near the operation. Could this be the last move to take guns from citizens? Nothing left to hunt?

I have a feeling that many western states and many of us hunters will have the same frustrations and hatred for game managers if their answer continues to be destroy the resource...

I am sure there is a lot more to this than what we see...

While the Wildlife officer may have state law on their side to retrieve wounded animals off private property they should not be allowed to push wildlife off the ranches that have not given permission.
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"While the Wildlife officer may have state law on their side to retrieve wounded animals off private property they should not be allowed to push wildlife off the ranches that have not given permission." elks96

So now you want to tell the Cannuks what their officers have the right to do in their country. Sounds logical if you don't think about it.
"While the Wildlife officer may have state law on their side to retrieve wounded animals off private property they should not be allowed to push wildlife off the ranches that have not given permission." elks96

So now you want to tell the Cannuks what their officers have the right to do in their country. Sounds logical if you don't think about it.
No watch the video. There are 2 parts at hand here. One is the fact that they do not have permission to be on the land. The land owner confronts them on this issue and they claim the animals was wounded on neighboring land and as a result of being wounded they had a right to enter the private. The second issue not well highlighted in this video is they have video evidence of them flying the helicopter over private land where they did not have the permission to fly. The land owner is also upset about that and promised that he would be seeing them in court with the evidence he has. My larger point is, when are we going to say enough to this bs? When are we going to say no more and get back to doing the right thing? Between the extended hunts in MT. The massive killing of mature bucks in CO and WY. The indoctrinate killing of doe etc.
The Same Thing Is Gonna Happen Around Here!

You Think That Guy Was About to Come UN-####ED?

There's Some Locals Around Here That Will Come UN-####ED!

CWD Has Been Around For F'N Ever!

Now Our DWR Is Gonna Fix it!

Thanks For Posting That elks96!

You Just Raised My Blood Pressure By a F'N Bunch!

I'd Like To Catch Somebody Pulling That Kinda BULLSSHIT on My Property!
Government Overreach if you ask me. I would be pissed if we had talked about where they could and could not go and then they do what they want to anyways.
Why waste the meat I thought that CWD deer were alright to consume.
A lot more going on here than meets the eye
My Thoughts EXACTLY!

Government Overreach if you ask me. I would be pissed if we had talked about where they could and could not go and then they do what they want to anyways.
Why waste the meat I thought that CWD deer were alright to consume.
A lot more going on here than meets the eye
CWD first starting in Colo in the early 1980's. It's been around for years. Here in Colo the CPW started mass culling of deer in hopes that it didn't spread. Colo has required hunters to have their game tested in select hot areas. Hunters report that the deer they shoot that test positive to CWD have showed no sign of being sick. It's known that CWD has only infected a fraction of the total deer population in the hottest areas. Of that small fraction of the deer that have been positively tested with CWD, only a fraction of that dismal fraction are sick.

It's a known fact the prions stay in the soil for years and years. Some have questioned whether predators spread CWD. Yesterday I did a web search on predators vs CWD. Scientists have tested coyotes and mtn lions that have been fed extremely high doses of CWD prions from brain tissue. The prions from mtn lions did not pass CWD prions. They also have found that coyotes do pass prions through their digestive system but the prions are actually inactivated. One of the scientists that tested this actually stated that coyotes may actually decrease the spread of CWD by degrading the prions in their digestive tracts.

It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that predators target sick and weak critters. Another article mentioned that a high % of the deer mtn lions killed were CWD positive and that mtn lions target CWD sick animals. The few truly CWD weak and sick deer that exist get munched by predators.

How many of you live in hot zones with CWD? I work out in the field in a muley hot zone here in Colo on a daily basis and haven't seen 1 sick CWD deer in years and years. I do find a few scattered bones of which some may have been sick CWD deer. There hasn't been a massive die-off of deer and I spend hours in the field only around 30 miles from where the first known case of CWD was discovered in Colo in the early 1980's. CWD and prions have been in my area for almost 20 years!

I thought that mass culling and slaughter of mule deer in Colo was a closed case until recently the CPW increased tags and opened up late season hunts. The CPW mentioned that this is in response to CWD. Why all of a sudden the concern when deer densities are currently lower than they've been across Colo for years? The low numbers may partially to be blamed by CWD but there hasn't been a massive die-off. Similar to other states that don't have CWD deer numbers are decreasing across the Western US.....there are lots of factors!

CWD prions have been in Colo since the early 1980's. The deer in the hottest areas haven't totally been wiped out and the prions have accumulated over time and are likely higher now than they were years ago. Is there truly justification to increasing tags with later season dates to target buck mule deer that supposedly spread CWD during the rut? I say heck no!!!!

Colo has been the mecca for B&C across the Western US for the past 20 years....even after CWD infected our state. It's really a shame to see the senseless demise of mule deer in Colo. I really think the CWD excuse is a ploy by the CPW to sell more tags. I'm sure many Colo residents would be willing to pay twice the price for a deer tag if quotas were reduced.

With that said, is there any way we as hunters can shut the late season dates and increase in tags down before the end of the 5 year season structure ends in Colo? It's really sad that other states have picked up the insane CWD culling practice. It's been blown totally out of proportion!

As I've been saying all along......let the predators selectively pick out and kill the sick and weak. Predators have done an incredible job the past 20ish years here in Colo and elsewhere!
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You mean the PHD that agreed with me?????? Or the people who wish they had PHDs that you are lying about their findings.

You just said this.

" The prions from mtn lions did not pass CWD prions. "

In fact that is not what they found. GO READ and quit posting propaganda.
CWD first starting in Colo in the early 1980's. It's been around for years. Here in Colo the CPW started mass culling of deer in hopes that it didn't spread. Colo has required hunters to have their game tested in select hot areas. Hunters report that the deer they shoot that test positive to CWD have showed no sign of being sick. It's known that CWD has only infected a fraction of the total deer population in the hottest areas. Of that small fraction of the deer that have been positively tested with CWD, only a fraction of that dismal fraction are sick.

It's a known fact the prions stay in the soil for years and years. Some have questioned whether predators spread CWD. Yesterday I did a web search on predators vs CWD. Scientists have tested coyotes and mtn lions that have been fed extremely high doses of CWD prions from brain tissue. The prions from mtn lions did not pass CWD prions. They also have found that coyotes do pass prions through their digestive system but the prions are actually inactivated. One of the scientists that tested this actually stated that coyotes may actually decrease the spread of CWD by degrading the prions in their digestive tracts.

It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that predators target sick and weak critters. Another article mentioned that a high % of the deer mtn lions killed were CWD positive and that mtn lions target CWD sick animals. The few truly CWD weak and sick deer that exist get munched by predators.

How many of you live in hot zones with CWD? I work out in the field in a muley hot zone here in Colo on a daily basis and haven't seen 1 sick CWD deer in years and years. I do find a few scattered bones of which some may have been sick CWD deer. There hasn't been a massive die-off of deer and I spend hours in the field only around 30 miles from where the first known case of CWD was discovered in Colo in the early 1980's. CWD and prions have been in my area for almost 20 years!

I thought that mass culling and slaughter of mule deer in Colo was a closed case until recently the CPW increased tags and opened up late season hunts. The CPW mentioned that this is in response to CWD. Why all of a sudden the concern when deer densities are currently lower than they've been across Colo for years? The low numbers may partially to be blamed by CWD but there hasn't been a massive die-off. Similar to other states that don't have CWD deer numbers are decreasing across the Western US.....there are lots of factors!

CWD prions have been in Colo since the early 1980's. The deer in the hottest areas haven't totally been wiped out and the prions have accumulated over time and are likely higher now than they were years ago. Is there truly justification to increasing tags with later season dates to target buck mule deer that supposedly spread CWD during the rut? I say heck no!!!!

Colo has been the mecca for B&C across the Western US for the past 20 years....even after CWD infected our state. It's really a shame to see the senseless demise of mule deer in Colo. I really think the CWD excuse is a ploy by the CPW to sell more tags. I'm sure many Colo residents would be willing to pay twice the price for a deer tag if quotas were reduced.

With that said, is there any way we as hunters can shut the late season dates and increase in tags down before the end of the 5 year season structure ends in Colo? It's really sad that other states have picked up the insane CWD culling practice. It's been blown totally out of proportion!

As I've been saying all along......let the predators selectively pick out and kill the sick and weak. Predators have done an incredible job the past 20ish years here in Colo and elsewhere!

I am not sure if I live (and hunt) in a "CWD hot zone" because I have never seen the definition of a CWD hot zone. But, on the private ranch in northcentral Wyoming that my wife and I hunt white-tailed deer, we have had 50% of the buck deer we have killed test positive for CWD in the last five or six years. I know it is a relatively small sample size of 10 or 12 buck deer, but half of those have been CWD positive.

We have seen 3 or 4 sick looking buck deer over the past several years.

This ranch and the surrounding area has experienced a 75-90% reduction in the number of deer observed from 10 years ago. I am not saying that reduction in totally the result of CWD, but the deer that were there a number of years ago are not there now.

You mean the PHD that agreed with me?????? Or the people who wish they had PHDs that you are lying about their findings.

You just said this.

" The prions from mtn lions did not pass CWD prions. "

In fact that is not what they found. GO READ and quit posting propaganda.

Go research how the Romanians lost all of their wild game in the late 1940’s. Nothing to eat and no way to provide for yourself after the wild animals where wiped out.

Get in line boys!
Go research how the Romanians lost all of their wild game in the late 1940’s. Nothing to eat and no way to provide for yourself after the wild animals where wiped out.

Get in line boys!

The differnece between them and us is we can get meat from grocery stores.
CWD is the biggest piece of #fakenews this century had ever been fed. CWD is NOT a threat. It’s an EXCUSE. An excuse to eradicate entire species of animals and end hunting as we know it.

I understand why you may think this Travis hunter but it is a giant threat. Just not in the way people think of a threat.

I can agree there are many state agencies that are making mistakes or have made mistakes in dealing with this disease. Many of those mistakes centered around policy with the public regarding the disease.

Texas handled the disease like a bunch of nutless morons. We have 2 state agencies that can't get on the same page to deal with it. All the while they let a private industry, deer breeders, push around and corrupt people within our government.

Here is the real threat and what my state and I would assume others are really scared of. A human case of cwd will destroy a lot of hunting in America. I know what you are going to say. There hasn't been a case yet. However science and experience with another prion disease makes it a theoretical possibility. The more cases of cwd we have the higher the odds we have of this familial jump occurring.

If this happens the Feds take over and it will be a disaster for hunting.
CWD is the biggest piece of #fakenews this century had ever been fed. CWD is NOT a threat. It’s an EXCUSE. An excuse to eradicate entire species of animals and end hunting as we know it.
Ever hear the adage, "Cut off your nose to spite your face?" That is what would be happening if that comment had any validity.
Ever hear the adage, "Cut off your nose to spite your face?" That is what would be happening if that comment had any validity.
The proof is in the pudding. You see any mule deer increases? You see any population explosions? Maybe... just maybe they are cutting off their nose to spite their face because the goal is to end hunting as we know it. Get a few anti's into some decision making positions and the next thing you know is they've banned hunting cougars which has a direct and "spit your face" style of impact on the mule deer populations.

Your comment completely disregards the entire Yellowstone wolf reintroduction as it stands as the perfect example of people making decisions that actually has led to the end of hunting in multiple units across the West.
You're Wrong Tri!

There Was a Guy That Died of the Human Strain of CWD Several Years ago!

I understand why you may think this Travis hunter but it is a giant threat. Just not in the way people think of a threat.

I can agree there are many state agencies that are making mistakes or have made mistakes in dealing with this disease. Many of those mistakes centered around policy with the public regarding the disease.

Texas handled the disease like a bunch of nutless morons. We have 2 state agencies that can't get on the same page to deal with it. All the while they let a private industry, deer breeders, push around and corrupt people within our government.

Here is the real threat and what my state and I would assume others are really scared of. A human case of cwd will destroy a lot of hunting in America. I know what you are going to say. There hasn't been a case yet. However science and experience with another prion disease makes it a theoretical possibility. The more cases of cwd we have the higher the odds we have of this familial jump occurring.

If this happens the Feds take over and it will be a disaster for hunting.
Not sure what Tri said, but cases of CJD/Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, although rare, occur everywhere. In areas where CWD has never been diagnosed. There are no documented cases of it being caused by CWD. There has been speculation, but nothing that has any evidence to back it up.

I am worried that someday it will jump to humans. But it hasn’t yet
The proof is in the pudding. You see any mule deer increases? You see any population explosions? Maybe... just maybe they are cutting off their nose to spite their face because the goal is to end hunting as we know it. Get a few anti's into some decision making positions and the next thing you know is they've banned hunting cougars which has a direct and "spit your face" style of impact on the mule deer populations.

Your comment completely disregards the entire Yellowstone wolf reintroduction as it stands as the perfect example of people making decisions that actually has led to the end of hunting in multiple units across the West.
Watch out. After they get rid of all the deer, they're coming for you next. Keeping looking back over your shoulder. :cool:

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You are the prime example of cognitive dissonance.
It appears the sarcasm of my last reply to your conspiracy theories passed right thru your ears without a stop.

This is real simple. I could agree with your rants claiming everyone is out to get you, but then we'd both be wrong. So any further discussion is a waste of my time.

Merry Christmas.

Take a look at this post on the bowsite. Many of the posters are from guys (similar to me) that have been around CWD in Colo since back in the 80's when the culling first began. I don't know anyone that's been in CWD hotspots since the culling days that is in favor of culling!

Talk about conspiracy's, maybe the CWD was introduced to really justify having the wolves to kill them off? More wolves less CWD deer?
The coyotes, mtn lions, and bears do a fantastic job of disposing of the cwd sick animals without wolves.
Take a look at this post:

Talk to anyone that spends much time in the field in the CWD hot-bed in Colo and they'll tell you the same thing. Culling for CWD is a crock! Most of the guys that commented in the bowsite post above live smack dab in the epi-center of where CWD first showed up in Colo way back in the 1980's. The CPW attempted to cull every living deer in that area. 40 years later and the prions are still in the soil and the % of CWD prevalence in that area and throughout Colo is still a super low % of the total population.

I work every day in the field in the CWD hotbed and haven't seen a sick deer for doe around 30 years ago. Believe me, the predators do a fantastic job of culling off the few truly sick deer that exist and the herd has been slowly but surely recovering from the mass culling projects.

It's really a SHAME to see mass cullings. This may slow spread but it definitely isn't going to prevent the spread. Unless science comes up with a method of killing prions that live ions of years in the soil, the spread of CWD is inevitable. The % of truly sick deer is a super low % of the total population and mass killings really do nothing more than cull off healthy deer that exist with only a small fraction of CWD animals culled. Let the dam predators kill the sick and dying few CWD animals that exist!

Once found in an area, CWD won't suddenly disappear with culling and it will continue to spread regardless of whether culling is done or not. For God's sake let the healthy deer prosper in CWD areas! Is it worth mass killings? Heck no!
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I don't see any science in that post or yours.

Culling isn't a cure for cwd and I don't know of anyone selling it as such. But it does help manage the disease.

I am not saying I am for or against it.

As a wildlife biologist you learn it is a tool for some populations and sometimes it isn't. You have to pay attention to the variables and not just pay attention to "I live in a hotbed".
I am also hoping with time there will be natural selection for those deer that are more resistant to CWD. Culling across the board eliminates that from the equation.
CWD is a big deal. Not as much to the deer, but it is to the managers. Seems they have all drank Kool-Aid from the same cup. I worked for the Univ of WY for almost 40 years; just retired. I watched the beginning of this when it was imported from CO to the Sybille Unit to conduct research.

WY had a statewide committee to address CWD. I was selected to serve but had an injury and only made one meeting.

The problem is the managers (biologists and others at G&F) all seem to believe the only solution is to kill 90%+ of the deer. They seem to only talk to themselves and only to offer positive reinforcement for that perspective. It biased and is the perfect example of tunnel vision.

There's going to be another task force here in SE Wyoming again that will address CWD in the Laramie Range. I hope/plan to also be on that committee.

CWD is a spongiform encephalopothy like scrapie and mad cow. Scrapie has been nearly forgotten because researchers did genomic work and found the alleles that determined the susceptibility to the disease. They then found rams that were genetically resistant to the disease and bred them like crazy to ewes. And now scrapie is not a significant problem. I'd make a case that the same genomic research would pay big dividends for deer. They say is it underway, but the progress seems terribly slow.

There's also research about mineral supplementation and CWD. Mainly in Europe, but valid.

There are may options that could be pursued. All I know the biologist told me we are at 50% of the herd objective and they'd like to kill 90% of the remaining deer. That's down to 5% of the objective.

I do know that if what is happening in Manitoba (and previously happened in Alberta) starts here in Wyoming, it will take a real turn toward nasty. The public and landowners will not stand for it.

Collaboration and teamwork is a viable solution, but high-handed decisions that decimate our deer herd just won't sell.
What I've been trying to point out is that CWD and prions have been in the soils on the Front Range of Colo for almost 40 years. Although culling just about totally wiped out the deer in this corner of Colo, culling ended up being senseless and did nothing. The CPW, scientists, biologists, hunters etc that live where CWD started in Colo 40 years ago have been content discontinuing culling practices for the past 30ish years and have let nature take it's course.

As TXhunter58 mentioned, natural selection for those deer that are more resistant to CWD exists without culling. Culling across the board eliminates a heck of a lot of healthy deer from the equation.

Deer numbers have SLOWLY but surely increased but there still is the same super low % of CWD deer in these areas and currently exists in a low % of the deer population throughout Colo. Culling did NOTHING to prevent CWD from spreading throughout Colo LONG TERM! CWD prevalence is still low even without culling practices conducted for 30ish years. Colo deer haven't totally died off and been decimated . What's amazing is that Colo has actually been the B&C mecca of the Western US through this entire 40 year CWD period of time!

Pretty much everyone in this corner of Colo were excited when culling practices were terminated 30+ years ago. Recently, we have been shell-shocked when the CPW brought up CWD as an excuse for increasing tags and later rifle season dates in the 5 year structure. Why on Earth 40ish years later all the concern?

Culling and increasing rifle tags during prime rut dates, etc will do little to prevent CWD LONG TERM spread or control. Increasing the harvest of deer (especially healthy deer) is travesty to the mule deer herds that are already in horrible shape across the Western US. I can guarantee that in Idaho and elsewhere that prions will be in the soil for years and CWD will slowly increase in a low % of the deer population whether culling is done or not! Culling merely slows down the spread and it is inevitable that CWD will continue to spread in Idaho and elsewhere unless science comes up with a strategy to eliminate prions, or other ideas.

As ICMDeer mentioned in the post above, "Collaboration and teamwork is a viable solution, but high-handed decisions that decimate our deer herd just won't sell."

The prions are still in the soil, the deer have never totally died off, and the % of CWD in the total population throughout Colo and Wyo is still relatively low in close to 40 years time that it has existed.
2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting and hunting has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.

Thank goodness for that.
tell that to those who want our guns, they don't get it. Actually they do get it but they won't admit it because it's all about control.
CWD first starting in Colo in the early 1980's. It's been around for years. Here in Colo the CPW started mass culling of deer in hopes that it didn't spread. Colo has required hunters to have their game tested in select hot areas. Hunters report that the deer they shoot that test positive to CWD have showed no sign of being sick. It's known that CWD has only infected a fraction of the total deer population in the hottest areas. Of that small fraction of the deer that have been positively tested with CWD, only a fraction of that dismal fraction are sick.

It's a known fact the prions stay in the soil for years and years. Some have questioned whether predators spread CWD. Yesterday I did a web search on predators vs CWD. Scientists have tested coyotes and mtn lions that have been fed extremely high doses of CWD prions from brain tissue. The prions from mtn lions did not pass CWD prions. They also have found that coyotes do pass prions through their digestive system but the prions are actually inactivated. One of the scientists that tested this actually stated that coyotes may actually decrease the spread of CWD by degrading the prions in their digestive tracts.

It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that predators target sick and weak critters. Another article mentioned that a high % of the deer mtn lions killed were CWD positive and that mtn lions target CWD sick animals. The few truly CWD weak and sick deer that exist get munched by predators.

How many of you live in hot zones with CWD? I work out in the field in a muley hot zone here in Colo on a daily basis and haven't seen 1 sick CWD deer in years and years. I do find a few scattered bones of which some may have been sick CWD deer. There hasn't been a massive die-off of deer and I spend hours in the field only around 30 miles from where the first known case of CWD was discovered in Colo in the early 1980's. CWD and prions have been in my area for almost 20 years!

I thought that mass culling and slaughter of mule deer in Colo was a closed case until recently the CPW increased tags and opened up late season hunts. The CPW mentioned that this is in response to CWD. Why all of a sudden the concern when deer densities are currently lower than they've been across Colo for years? The low numbers may partially to be blamed by CWD but there hasn't been a massive die-off. Similar to other states that don't have CWD deer numbers are decreasing across the Western US.....there are lots of factors!

CWD prions have been in Colo since the early 1980's. The deer in the hottest areas haven't totally been wiped out and the prions have accumulated over time and are likely higher now than they were years ago. Is there truly justification to increasing tags with later season dates to target buck mule deer that supposedly spread CWD during the rut? I say heck no!!!!

Colo has been the mecca for B&C across the Western US for the past 20 years....even after CWD infected our state. It's really a shame to see the senseless demise of mule deer in Colo. I really think the CWD excuse is a ploy by the CPW to sell more tags. I'm sure many Colo residents would be willing to pay twice the price for a deer tag if quotas were reduced.

With that said, is there any way we as hunters can shut the late season dates and increase in tags down before the end of the 5 year season structure ends in Colo? It's really sad that other states have picked up the insane CWD culling practice. It's been blown totally out of proportion!

As I've been saying all along......let the predators selectively pick out and kill the sick and weak. Predators have done an incredible job the past 20ish years here in Colo and elsewhere!
Do some more research cwd & its prions have been in colorado since the 60's
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Wow whole lot of conspiricy theorist or you all decided to celebrate montanas new recreation weed law
Ok Ultramag, if you want to be technical I already did the research and CWD wasn't found in "free-ranging cervids" in the US until 1981. The prions weren't discovered in free-ranging cervids until it was transferred outside the CSU facility near Fort Collins in 1981. They were doing research on it inside the CSU facility before that time. Similar to what I said in my post above the prions have been in the soil on the Front Range in Colo for over 40 years.

Here's what it says in the following article: "CWD was first identified in captive deer in a Colorado research facility in the late 1960s, and in wild deer in 1981. By the 1990s, it had been reported in surrounding areas in northern Colorado and southern Wyoming. Since 2000, the area known to be affected by CWD in free-ranging animals has increased to at least 25 states, including states in the Midwest, Southwest, and limited areas on the East Coast. As of August 2021, CWD in free-ranging deer, elk and/or moose has been reported in at least 25 states in the continental United States, as well as two provinces in Canada.

Nationwide, the overall occurrence of CWD in free-ranging deer and elk is relatively low. However, in several locations where the disease is established, infection rates may exceed 10 percent (1 in 10), and localized infection rates of more than 25 percent (1 in 4) have been reported. The infection rates among some captive deer can be much higher, with a rate of 79% (nearly 4 in 5) reported from at least one captive herd."

The map below shows counties with reported CWD in wild cervids as of August 2021.

Killing them all will not work! Heck if you have an empty pasture and fence it and stock cwd free deer the deer in the fenced pasture will get the cwd if cwd were there prior and run off or killed off
That chit lays dormant in the environment for decades.
Never will get rid of it.
And, on a side note. Will they pull that helicopter stuff on a

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