Dear NBA Media and KB24 Haters...


Long Time Member
Thank you for pissing off Kobe Bryant the past couple days...

Spazz fans, that was a preview of what's to come next week :)


Welcome back to Utah.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
Win or lose Kobe is a another very poor role model. His actions off the court are another perfect example of why this country is headed in the wrong direction. The average person is expected to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to go to a professional game and watch some guy get paid millions for shooting a basketball or throwing a baseball or or or. Then they go out and use steroids, bring guns to the locker room, rape woman, run over pedestrians, have numerous affairs or make some stupid comment like there is nothing to do in Cleveland because it's all factories! Kobe is no better his actions are just further removed historically now and he "bought off" the poor girl he raped and then bought a $3KK diamond for his wife to quite her down. I'm sure many of the MM's folks were good athletes and we all loved the game and yes I still watch once in awhile but less and less all the time due to all of these issues and because I've seen how our youth idolizes these idiots!

Kobe Bryant, SG 29 4-9 0-2 5-7 0 3

Yup he really tore it up !!! LMAO ~Z~
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]It sure is hard to tell who only looks at box scores and doesn't watch games...I'm aware he didn't have 40 something points...LMAO back atcha guys kuz you obviously didn't see what happened yo!! ;-) Man I bet some you guys are scary good in fantasy basketball though lol...I know I know I'm an ass...

How do you slaughter the Thunder?? Take Westbrook and Durrant out of the game with incredible defensive...KB24 and Artest TORE THOSE DUDES APART defensively and set their bigs up with easy dunks and layups all night long!! 27 assists, 10 steals, and 10 blocks...remember what wins gold rings fellas...DEFENSE and EXECUTION :) KB24 happens to be THE master of both!!

LMAO haters everywhere call him a ball hog when he shoots hella shots and think he does nothing when he doesn't...makes me laugh!!

Don't worry you guys only have to put up with me and my KB24 obsession thru June then I'll go live in the mountains again for the rest of the year :)



In your defense I will agree with you on that. coby did play a great defensive game I guess? Hey as a Jazz fan it is in our nature to hate the Lakers !!!

No coby No
"Don't worry you guys only have to put up with me and my KB24 obsession thru June"

I am surprised it took you this long to use the word "obsession".
>"Don't worry you guys only have
>to put up with me
>and my KB24 obsession thru
>I am surprised it took you
>this long to use the
>word "obsession".

lmao +10000
>>"Don't worry you guys only have
>>to put up with me
>>and my KB24 obsession thru
>>I am surprised it took you
>>this long to use the
>>word "obsession".
>lmao +10000

+ another 10000 I sorry guys I can't help it, dude's just in-frickin-credible with a basketball!!


I agree with you 100% never. A lot of good defense never shows up in the stat line, but defense wins games. Plus anytime a team gets that many assists they are doing something right. I watched the game and Kobe shut them down defensively. Good call.
Sometimes Kobe takes incredibly STUPID shots (I wore # 22 all through college because of Elgin Baylor, so I've been a Lakers fan for a LONG time.)....he can shoot them right out of a rally.

However, he can play a little ball and last night, he was far and away the best basketball player on the floor...not the most athletic (too injured for that) but the best basketball player....assuming the definition is by (correctly) answering the two questions: offensively, what can I do to help my team score; defensively, what can I do to keep the other team from scoring.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I bet you WERE a bulls fan huh?
Also, I bet you're a yankees fan?
Did you jump on the Saints bandwagon too or are you still hangin on the patriots bandwagon you jumped on after they won titles? You idolize a guy that sexually assaulted a lady in a hotel. Great ball player, horrible roll model. Maybe next year you can jump on the Cavs wagon after they win the title.

~no means no Kobe~
Amazing how many people get it that Kobe was never found guilty of raping or assulting anyone!! "Just as Kobe Bryant took the reins Tuesday night to lead the Lakers in an overwhelming playoff Game 5 win against the Oklahoma City Thunder, he also is showing how much clout he has in the marketplace. Bryant's No. 24 jersey again is the top-seller in the NBA, the league announced Wednesday. His jersey also was No. 1 in 2008-09."

In basketball I'm a player fan...Scottie Pippen is my all time favorite baller for sure...always has been and will be even over Kobe. Other sports I'm a team fan...Miami Dolphins fan for life!! LSU football fan for life!! Avalanche fan for life!! Baseball and golf are impossible for me to be a fan of...nothing is more boring to watch!! I'm as far from a band wagon guy as you can get but nice assumption lol ;-)

And no I'll never be a Cavs or Lebron fan in any way shape or form...

Are you a little upset your Jazz lost tonight bayside?? Just a little?? I was pulling for them guy...don't worry they'll take it Friday night!!


Well ZZZ at least you have good taste in the Miami Dolphins !!! We need to send Slam a thank you for WR Marshall... Now we have a deep threat. I do believe Bay is just a bit upset about the game result tonight but the Jazz should come back and win at home.
>Amazing how many people get it
>that Kobe was never found
>guilty of raping or assulting
>anyone!! "Just as Kobe Bryant
>took the reins Tuesday night
>to lead the Lakers in
>an overwhelming playoff Game 5
>win against the Oklahoma City
>Thunder, he also is showing
>how much clout he has
>in the marketplace. Bryant's No.
>24 jersey again is the
>top-seller in the NBA, the
>league announced Wednesday. His jersey
>also was No. 1 in
>In basketball I'm a player fan...Scottie

>Pippen is my all time
>favorite baller for sure...always has
>been and will be even
>over Kobe. Other sports I'm
>a team fan...Miami Dolphins fan
>for life!! LSU football fan
>for life!! Avalanche fan for
>life!! Baseball and golf are
>impossible for me to be
>a fan of...nothing is more
>boring to watch!! I'm as
>far from a band wagon
>guy as you can get
>but nice assumption lol ;-)
>And no I'll never be a
>Cavs or Lebron fan in
>any way shape or form...
>Are you a little upset your
>Jazz lost tonight bayside?? Just
>a little?? I was pulling
>for them guy...don't worry they'll
>take it Friday night!!

Amazing how someone could believe he WASN'T GUILTY and that he paid the gal off so she would drop the charges. You must be kidding me to think he wasn't guilty. Of course she started out wanting to be there but the hoodlem changed the game on her and she didn't like that but that's her right not his!
N_C, You and i know where we stand with Kobe. I do respect his athletic ability and his dominance at what he's done these past years but myself, i just don't like what i see of the guy as a person. That's OK! We all don't like or care for the same individuals or teams, it's the nature of the games and us as individuals.

What i do like and am going to give you personally a big +1 is that you got the nards to go against the grain, pick out your fav's, stick with them, and come on hear a shout it out to the gang, consequences be damned. To me, that's a Class Act dude! Good luck!

I'm not at all sure I like Kobe Bryant (he is the best player on my historically-favorite team, so I can't really root against him...but that kind of crap has certainly cooled my enthusiasm for the NBA), but one MUST be totally prejudiced (means arrived at their position {an opinion would require having gathered and logically analyzed data before concluding} without reading the reports) to believe him guilty of rape in Denver.

He WAS cheating on his wife and that made him a scumbag. (People can repent; the judgment for that is between him, his wife and God.) But what happened in Denver was not rape....just read the reports and gather FACTS (not sensational/partial news clippings) before making public accusations.

Within the shadows, go quietly.

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