Dedicated hunter program


Active Member
Is this program worth it? Been looking at it for a while now I like you can hunt all the hunts. I'm tired of getting only 3 to 4 days to hunt deer every year. Just looking for some insight from those who have participated in the program
You'll Have More Wear & Tear!

And Spend more Money!:D


[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Completely worth it. You're lucky you've hunted 3-4 times per year out of the program. Where I live in southern Utah I'd be hunting every 4-5 years without the existence of the program. My dad and brother can't draw tags down here to save their lives and these are general units I'm talking of.
I've been in enrolled into the program 3 times since I was 18. I loved being able to hunt all 3 seasons as a youth so I continued doing it with the DH program. Aside from the service hours bullshit, I like it and plan on applying for it every year I'm eligible. It all depends on what kind of hunting you like to do. And if you try to hunt mature deer. If you blast the first 2 point you see every year, it's probably not the right tag for
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-16 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]Is all u do Elk ass is wait for people to post stuff then wright negative things about it ?? ( hence the 12 k posts I guess )
Hey Buccsboy55,

Not to distract you from Bess, but I never did see your report on how your elk hunt went on the Oquirrh-Stansbury. Show the pics.
>AT 10:56?AM (MST)

>Is all u do Elk ass
>is wait for people to
>post stuff then wright negative
>things about it ?? (
>hence the 12 k posts
>I guess )

Ha ha, Those 12K post are only from his current handle. :)
Well Buccsboy!

I do know how to Spell 'Write'!:D

No Negativity at all!

If You Knew what kinda Wear & Tear & Money was Spent You'd know what I was Talking about!

But Damn it was Fun!

>AT 10:56?AM (MST)

>Is all u do Elk ass
>is wait for people to
>post stuff then wright negative
>things about it ?? (
>hence the 12 k posts
>I guess )

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
You have to weigh things out for yourself. I did DH when it first came out and I enjoyed it. Back then it was 24 hours of service and you had to attend a RAC meeting. After my 3rd year they raised it to 40 hours and that was too much for me. Now that its back down to 32 I'm kinda on the fence.

If I count the amount of service hours it takes, and figure I could just spend those hours working and earning money...I could have around $1200 in my pocket. That would buy me a couple of hunts out of state (at least it'd pay for the tags). I guess it all depends on how much free time you have. Being able to hunt all 3 seasons and be guaranteed your area for 3 years is pretty nice though.

I'm still undecided between doing DH this year or hunting Idaho instead.
>Hey Buccsboy55,
>Not to distract you from Bess,
>but I never did see
>your report on how your
>elk hunt went on the
>Oquirrh-Stansbury. Show the pics.

im interested as well....
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-16 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]>You have to weigh things out
>If I count the amount of
>service hours it takes, and
>figure I could just spend
>those hours working and earning
>money...I could have around $1200
>in my pocket.

I agree. I would also add that the projects are pretty dumb and don't really benefit wildlife but rather benefit the DWR employees. If there were more projects that I could actually feel good about that improve habitat or something, I would be a little more interested.

I have done the program three times, and I quit after being screwed over on a few projects. I was stood up twice by employees that were supposed to meet me. I took days off of work and spent extra money on fuel and time away from my family. I was not compensated, and was very bitter about the program after that. I talked to a manager and worked things out, but I have had a bad taste in my mouth ever since.

The benefits to the hunter are good, but the goals of the program should be to actually benefit wildlife. Instead, they want you to deliver proclamations, construct little trinkets for DWR use, and do fishing reports. Not my idea of helping wildlife and the future of hunting. I can be more of a dedicated hunter on my own.
Thanks for the replies I'm still on the fence about applying for it it has pro and cons but being able to hunt the same place for 3 years is appealing
Buccsboy55 gets best comment of the night award, I haven't heard a single productive thing elkass has to say on this forum,talks out of his a$$ is all he does.
I did the dedicated hunter program from day one up until a few years back when the volunteer hours went from I believe 24 to 40. I've been able to hunt out of state every year, so hadn't for a few years been hunting multiple seasons in Utah anyway. I think if you want to hunt more, it's worth it. I'd do it again if I didn't have the options to hunt outside Utah.

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
>Buccsboy55 gets best comment of the
>night award, I haven't heard
>a single productive thing elkass
>has to say on this
>forum,talks out of his a$$
>is all he does.

You obviously missed his bikini pics of sheep gov tag

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
This year was my last year of dedicated. It was fun to hunt all 3 seasons but I agree that the negatives tend to outweigh the positive. 3 days worth of service and as was stated more money and you can only take 2 bucks........I think I would rather hunt out of state the years I couldn't draw the hunt I want here in Utah. I have hunted the unit I did dedicated in a lot and scouted it hard. I only managed to pull one decent buck out in 3 years. Seems like guys show up on a random third season tag in colorado and do better than I did here.
I was in the dedicated hunter program when it first started. It was none too good then and has gotten a lot worse since. I decided right away that having three poor hunts was not worth the added cost, slave labor hours that were very hard to get credit for, only two tags for three years, and having to attend a boring RAC meeting. The one saving grace originally was that it also included the limited entry units. When they made it so you could only hunt one season on LE hunts, I dropped out and stayed out.

When they increased the slave labor hours, that made it even easier to stay away.

I much prefer hunting out of state for my "extra" hunts, where the quality of hunting is generally much better than Utah's pathetic hunting.
After years away I re enrolled this year. I really have never bow hunted, however 1/2 our camp hunts muzzy, the other half rifle, so me and my boys are on the mtn for both. I kinda started wearing on me "hunting" the rifle hunt with no gun. 2 deer in 3 years is pretty average for me, I have my own 4 point or better rule going so it was nothing new. My oldest will soon be old enough and with him doing all 3, I thought it would be fun. The initial cost sucked. I went out to Farm bay and painted some outhouses this summer, no big deal, got 20 hours out of the way before I even had the first tag. I don't mind the work part, but thats just me, was fun being out in the swamp this summer, and the boss man out there was extremely easy to work with, letting me set my own times and just letting me work when it was good for me.

Did it the first six years it was started, more work now, but i think I will stick with it at least as long as my boys are in the youth groups.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
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