Deer/Elk liver


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-09 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]What's the proper way to take care of it? In the past I've soaked it in water over night. That seems to work pretty well. Any other methods? Do you cut it up before soaking?

What's your favorite way to cook it? The only way I know is to cut it, flour it, and fry it.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>What's the proper way to take
>care of it?

Leave it in the gut pile with the rest of the innards.....:)


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I like to soak it in cut up strips in salt water over night. I really do like to eat liver fried in onions for breakfast the day after the kill. When I get home it seems to loose it's alure and the dog gets to enjoy it!
Hey, Eel!
Any liver I choose to take home I fry the same.
Trim the edges of it in the field and let it hang on some stick for a while. Blood drains out.
Pull the skin with fingers and knife totally off.
Wash in cold water and drain. Soak in egg and cream for as long a time as you have, then drain.
Slice and dice in sub-1" cubes.
Get butter and onion going in skillet til onion is transparent.
Put in fresh sliced shrooms and stir fry for two mins. or so.
Dump in liver and do your best stir-fry elbow routine on it for max two mins. on high heat.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-10 AT 04:24PM (MST)[p]Like my brother said, "if it aint got no bones, it's guts, an' I don't eat no guts"
Lambs Cafe in SLC has a great liver recipe, I just cant get anyone to agree to try it. My way?
Peel it, soak it in salt water at least overnite, slice it thin, bread it with a mixture of flour and corn meal, fry it in butter or bacon grease, with onions.
Take a medium sized plastic garbage bag and poke it full of holes, but don't rip it.
Place the heart and/or liver in the bag and put it in a creek where the water is flowing fairly well. Twist the open end to keep the goodies inside and put a rock on the open, twisted end so it doesn't wash downstream.
Let it set out overnight and the next day you will have snow white heart and liver. All the blood is gone!!
Slice it up, roll in seasoned flour and fry it up!!!!!


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