Democrats evil game plan.


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Fox News


?Published 14 hours ago

Curtis Ellis: Pelosi hopes public forgets these facts as she rewrites history with impeachment inquiry

Ken Starr says Pelosi's decision not to hold full House vote gives impeachment inquiry an air of illegitimacy

A full House vote on impeachment proceedings is consistent with the spirit of the Constitution, says Fox News contributor Ken Starr, former independent counsel.

The Soviets airbrushed photographs to make purged party officials disappear from history.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn't need an airbrush. She has a compliant media to help her revise history right before our eyes.

The impeachment fever gripping official Washington and cable newsrooms is not just about removing the president ? it's about deflecting and discrediting the Justice Department investigations into the shadowy origins of the failed "Russia collusion" ghost story.


Democrats want us to forget Attorney General William Barr told everyone he would investigate the source of the allegations that launched the Mueller probe and haunted the nation for three years.

They want us to forget Democrats paid a British spy to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald J. Trump.

They want us to forget Democrats also asked Ukrainians to dig up dirt on then-candidate Donald Trump.

They want us to forget a shady Maltese professor set up a meeting with a Trump campaign aide.

They want us to forget an Australian diplomat conveniently happened to run into that campaign aide in a London bar, then tipped off the FBI about the aide?s previous meeting with the professor.

They want us to forget top officials in the FBI, CIA and Justice Department never alerted the Trump campaign to potential threats from Russian agents.

They want us to forget these same officials launched a counterintelligence investigation of the president, hid it from him and discussed secretly taping their conversations with him.

They want us to forget Barr said he would get to the bottom of all this and follow the facts wherever they led.

And they want us to forget Democratic senators asked Ukraine to help investigate President Trump or risk losing U.S. aid.

Having forgotten all this, the Democrats now feign outrage that Trump asked leaders of Ukraine, Australia and others to assist our investigators.

Having forgotten all this, the Democrats and their dutiful stenographers in the corrupt media feign outrage that Barr is traveling abroad to collect facts as he said he would.

They want us to forget that since his first days in office, the president's private conversations with foreign leaders have been leaked to the press, an extraordinary breech of security.

Having forgotten all this, the Democrats pretend to be outraged the president would secure records of his conversations with foreign leaders on a restricted-access computer. They call it a ?cover-up,? though the transcript of the conversation in question has been made public.

They want us to forget the White House, the Justice Department, the State Department and virtually every agency, branch and bureau in this administration has been riddled with leakers, snitches and spies.

Then they claim they don't know why the attorney general would keep a close hold on his sensitive investigation, and say it must be for some nefarious reason.

The Democrats would not even attempt to perpetrate such historical revisionism were it not for a compliant media that has ignored, covered up and dismissed the chicanery of a camarilla determined to obstruct and undermine this president.

Now the Democrats hope to recast the attorney general?s investigation into 2016 election skullduggery as foreign interference in the 2020 election and, incidentally, grounds for impeachment.

To accomplish this sleight of hand, a cabal of partisans including the less-than credible chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., carefully crafted a document alleging wrongdoing by the president and cloaked the accuser in anonymity.

Then, to cement their sordid narrative in the public mind before the facts were known, they leaked an embellished version of the allegations to their collaborators in the media.

When the transcript of the phone call was released, the original accusation of ?a promise to a foreign leader? evaporated.

When the facts of attorney general?s investigation into illegal foreign interference in the 2016 election come out, the rest of this latest impeachment farce will evaporate as well.

Curtis Ellis is senior policy advisor with America First Policies. He was a senior policy advisor on the Donald J. Trump campaign.
You're right RELH it's a diversionary tactic that's designed to humiliate Trump and try to convince the dim witted and misinformed real BRUMBY herd that the dems have the dirt. They will do anything to try to keep the facts from coming out including alienating more voters with their lies. The fact they're manufacturing evidence.... it's like Kavanaugh on Steroids X10......How can the American people trust a party that's so crazed for power that they'll do anything to try to gain control, INCLUDING FRAMING PEOPLE. If they violated Trump's and Kavanaugh's right's what makes anyone think they would give a damn about theirs.
The Democrats needed an insurance plan just in case Trump got elected.

I'm sure glad I'm an American, and not a Democrat.
>The Democrats needed an insurance plan
>just in case Trump got
>I'm sure glad I'm an American,
>and not a Democrat.


Trump really has accomplished alot. I remember them making fun of him trying to get Mexico to help with immigrants. He has made progress even though the left laughed at him.
The Democrats are afraid of him exposing their corruption and they want to win the election by removing and discrediting Trump.
My family will all be voting Trump 2020.
I don't post alot as I hate typing on my cell phone but I do have good feelings for voting Trump.
McCain's family wasn't as great as people think they were. And it was very petty telling him he wasn't welcome at McCains funeral.
McCain was a dirty little shitbag. He and Flake were the ones who worked with the dems to undermine Trump. No one called me in 2016 to ask how I would vote and the polls were all Hillary. Same deal this time. The press will make it out like Trump is going to get whipped so we will not vote. Never gonna happen. looks like Hillary is wanting to put her big fat cankles in the water again. That would be epic.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-19 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]It looks like more emails were found that show Mueller had a strong conflict of interest when he took the position of "Special Counsel" investigating Trump after he was turned down by Trump to lead the FBI. It also appears that he lied under oath to Congress when he denied he had applied for the job as head of the FBI.
The swamp in Washington D.C. is cramped full of two face snakes and Adam Henrys that are only interested in lining their pockets and screw the folks who voted them in office. RELH
>That old scab just needs to
>do us all a favor
>& tip over dead already!
> want him to die again??

>McCain was a dirty little shitbag.
>He and Flake were the
>ones who worked with the
>dems to undermine Trump. No
>one called me in 2016
>to ask how I would
>vote and the polls were
>all Hillary. Same deal this
>time. The press will make
>it out like Trump is
>going to get whipped so
>we will not vote. Never
>gonna happen. looks like Hillary
>is wanting to put her
>big fat cankles in the
>water again. That would be

It is going to end up just like 2016 for Trump
>That old scab just needs to
>do us all a favor
>& tip over dead already!

She may be getting close and even closer if she runs
So the problem with hanging Mueller for his disgusting behavior is precisely what is in the article. He is claiming that he understood that he was just giving advice. It would be very hard to prove that what he understood was different than what was actually happening unless there is audio recorded evidence.

IMO, Mueller is a scumbag who thought that Trump was conspiring with the Russians and wanted to be the guy to nail him. He knew he would either be SC or the FBI director and could accomplish it either way. When the evidence pointed otherwise, he suddenly became weak and feeble minded and tried to disappear. This man is a stain on our history.

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