Does 2Lumpy Block Roads?


Long Time Member
Yes. Many times. Will mostly likely will do it again.

The devil's in the details.

An old hunter buddy has a profound belief:

"The second truck up the road may as well stay home".

He taught me a few lessons. One good one was, never be the second truck up the mountain.

Here is a single example of my road blocking techniques.

I spent a month locating elk for a friend of a friend and had 5 good bulls located and patterned. There was a single road accessing the area. On the morning of the hunt we left the house 3 hours early and drove to the area, arriving 2 hours before light. No one else was on the road, so far as we could tell. I chose a location a half mile or better from where these bulls were coming out to feed every morning. There was a large boulder covered ridge next to the road on my left and a thick heavy grove of trees on my right, I turned off the lights and shut off the engine. I put my foot on the brake pedal so my brake lights were on, so anyone coming up the mountain could see well in advance that a vehicle was already on the road.

I turned to my friend's friend and said, we may as well have a nap, it's still 2 hours until day light and we're going to wait here until it's light enough to see.

As I'd anticipated, about 20 minutes before shooting light, here came two trucks up behind us and of course they had no choice but to turn around or stop behind me. They stopped behind me. I gave them about 60 seconds to think about what they might want to do (60 seconds is a fairly long time under these conditions but I wanted to make sure they weren't going to back out and find a different area) I then got out of my truck and walked back to the first truck as the window rolled down to reveal 4 nice guys but they were nice guys that were kind of grumpy.

Here is what I said:

"Good Morning, I'm don't want to be an as-hole but there's the situation, there have be five good bulls feeding out up ahead of us about a half a mile. I've watched them for the last 4 mornings. I'm reasonable sure they will be here again this morning. We've been here for 2 hours waiting for sun up and it's still 20 minutes before it will be light enough to see. If we go on up this road right now we'll run these elk back in the mahoganies in the dark and nobody is going to shot anything. If you want, I'll get back in my truck and start in because I'm in front and I intend to go in first, now or when it gets light. Or, we can all set here an wait until it gets light enough to shot, then you can follow me in and we'll all take our chances. So, it's your choice, we can go in now and run them off in the dark or wait. You decide, I won't keep you from going in but I will be going in ahead of you, one way or another". It took another 60 seconds for them to discuss it and they decided we should all wait for day light.

On other occasions I've done similar things.

I have, on more than one occasion, been driving up a road and had an animal break and run and I've bailed out, left the truck running, door wide open and given chase only to come back 5 minutes later (not 30 minutes) to find someone waiting to go by because they couldn't get around. It wasn't intentional blocking, I'd call it circumstantial, not premeditated. I've always apologized and hurried to move and always been treated with understanding because I'm sure those that were being blocked had done something similar themselves. Sometimes they isn't time to pull off or the opportunity is lost. I've done it, had it done to me, never had a problem with it.

We did skid a pick-up out of the way on the Loop Road on the Pauns. a number of years ago. It had been left there over night to block access, it didn't.

I'd say it depends on the situation but if you'd ask me if I've every blocked a road I'd have to answer yes.

In your first scenario, you are WAY out of line.

I'd walk right around you.....unless I pushed your truck off the road with mine.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
actually....the road is blocked because the 6.0 took a

Lumpy, Why would you start a blog about yourself regarding this issue? Remember when we were blocked off a dead end road on the Pauns. You wanted to throw the guide's vehicle down the ravine.

This year on the Pauns again there was a jerk blocking the road down by the highway. We were trying to get seven miles away on this rough road to the area we planned to hunt and he had a line of trucks waiting. He wanted that seven miles to road hunt. He said that the DWR said no one was to go up the road before it started to get light. TOTAL BULL. I tried to go around him and he run me into the rocks, but we made around him. Thank goodness for the RZR. Later I ran into the same people who were blocked and all of us were very irritated at this total jerk. At the checking station the story was told and the officers couldn't believe their ears.

There are so many idiots out there it reminds me of my last pheasant hunts. The real sportsmen are on main street, not in the mountains now days.

I do agree with the way you handled the situation though.
WAY out of line for explaining the situation to another group of hunters????? Or way out of line for setting setting in the truck on a dark road with a virtual stanger for 2 hrs in uncomfortable silence??? LOL.

You always seem to find the assssholes...must be the company you use to keep...birds of a feather buddy!!! Ha ha ha
I think that we've all had times when, for some reason, we didn't want other people to get around us.

I hate it when i'm taking my time going slow going in or coming out and another vehicle comes busting up on my tail in a hurry like and i pull over to let them on by only for them, once ahead of me, to then slow down the same speed as i was going.

I can't ever recollect having been completely blocked out of a road though. I wouldn't take too kindly to it if it was public land.

Adapt and overcome...this is what cannonball has done by driving a RAZR instead of truck! Hats off cannonball.

I have other techniques that can produce the same results at lumpys without the personal face to face conflict.

1.A well felled tree across the road a half mile back.

2.Nails up the main gravel road on my way into a spot.

3.With 2 hrs to spare lumpy had plenty of time to dig a fairly sizable hole in road a half mile from where he wanted to stop and wait.

All of these things would have bought lumpy the time he needed. Preventing the ugly exchange that result from stopping in the road and trying to explain the scouting report the other hunters.

BTW I beleive he and his buddy killed a 370 bull that morning and the other hunters went home with out one??? So much for Karma I guess!!!
I've had a couple of Blocked Roads to deal with over the years.
Was headed up bright & early one morning many moons ago & sure enough,there's a guy sitting in the middle of the road in a mud puddle that ain't got 2 gallons of mud in it claiming He's stuck,He explains the situation & then gets back in his Truck & turns his Tunes up,I sneeks the tow strap out of the tool box & rigs it up,I hit it as hard as I could,poor bastard got some whip-lash out of the deal,but I did get him out of the mud puddle and did get his attention:D Then through the Mud Puddle I went in 2WD.

One other time I moved a Guides Truck that was blocking the Road on an LE Unit,I gave it 10 Minutes before I moved it,nobody showed,after I got looking,the Truck was locked up,the mistake He made was not hiding his keys no better than He did,I moved it and yes I locked it back up for him:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can

Do it, and an emergency occurs and it is proven that you impeded the response time, you may end up never again owning a bicycle!

Happens all the time around here. In case you have never tried it, a parked truck is WAY easy to drag on a dirt road. It won't steer to good though, so you might be in a ditch, when I finally stop.

30 years ago, I would have taken ALL your lug nuts.....but I have mellowed with age.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Cool it nicky!
There are reasons for buying a 6.0

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
2Lumpy wrote:
"Good Morning, I'm don't want to be an as-hole but there's the situation",

Any time you have to start a sentence out with 'I don't want to be an as_hole, but...."

That usually means you are being exactly that.


I would have had a fit. If it were private, yes, I understand. BUT ON PUBLIC GROUND????? That is no where near a sportsman action.

I have been block in a parking lot ice fishing at strawberry. And so was the guys next to me. So the 6 of us unhooked my trailer, and moved it. Pushed out sideways the small s-10 pickup the other guys were in, found a tow strap in the back of another truck (did not know them or talk to them to ask) and i got my truck out and towed this guy that blocked us in all the way down the road, he ended up about 200 yards from where he had parked. And yes, I put the tow strap back.

What a true Idiot you are for blocking a road.
I thought the original post was a "theoretical story". Further posts suggest it was true.

IF TRUE, I've a couple of additional thoughts: I'm glad I live in Idaho...never met a jerk trying to block the road.

The mentality necessary to allow someone to do what was described, had better be glad he grew up someplace else. Make a habit of that (ANY kind of road blocking) and many many of us would kick your butt and drag you truck...into a very inconvenient situation. (And to reduce the chance of retaliation, wrapping your rifle around a tree would have been wise.)

If that's really true, give away your guns, get out of my sport....take up coaching little girl's soccer or something. We don't want "hunters" of that ilk.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
So what are the rules for when it is acceptable to block a road. If I get their the night before then it is not ok? If i get there 2 hours before shooting light then it is ok? Where is that break point? If I tell the other vehicle that I am not trying to be an a hole then it is ok? Is a hole the only acceptable word? Could I use d-bag, jerk, azz hat, whiney little b#### boy? Are those acceptable? I just want to make sure I have it right if I ever decide to hunt in Utah. Are these rules in the Proclamation?
gb, You sure do talk tough, like I said on another post you better come try on some of these guys shirts before you let your mouth get to out of control!!! L.T.
Why cant people pull off the road and leave a note saying you are hunting up ahead? Especially when sitting a water hole. I've done it and used to see it done. Not so much anymore. If I come across a truck pulled off with a note I will respect you and turn around. Block the road and I will drive right around you and hopefully piss you off.....
Your doing well guys. Let's just say I used a different set of terms. Like "No one was on the road but us at that hour of the day, so we stopped far enough back from the area the elk were feed out to wait until legal shooting light. While we were waiting, a few minutes before light, a couple of trucks came up behind us. I got out and walked back and explained to the guys that we'd been seeing 5 bulls a half mile up ahead but if we got any closer before light we would most like run them back in the trees. We thought about it for a minute or two and decided it would be better to wait rather than run them off before we could see. I told them, I'd go on up the road if they wanted me to but I agreed, it would be better if we waited." Got back in my truck and waited until we could see then we all moved on up the road.

Like I said, "the devil's in the details".

"Road Blocker Extraordinaire" & "All Those Other Things"
Now wait a minute. Lumpy did nothing wrong except start this blog. He was there in his truck. He explained the situation and explained the consequences (choices) and he had full right to be the first one down the road. Maybe some of you better re-read his first post.
If he did it, he deserves it. I never talk what is not my belief....EVER.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
If you wouldn't do something...there is something wrong with your character.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
>Your doing well guys. Let's
>just say I used a
>different set of terms.
>Like "No one was
>on the road but us
>at that hour of the
>day, so we stopped far
>enough back from the area
>the elk were feed out
>to wait until legal shooting
>light. While we were
>waiting, a few minutes before
>light, a couple of trucks
>came up behind us.
>I got out and walked
>back and explained to the
>guys that we'd been seeing
>5 bulls a half mile
>up ahead but if we
>got any closer before light
>we would most like run
>them back in the trees.
> We thought about it
>for a minute or two
>and decided it would be
>better to wait rather than
>run them off before we
>could see. I told
>them, I'd go on up
>the road if they wanted
>me to but I agreed,
>it would be better if
>we waited." Got back
>in my truck and waited
>until we could see then
>we all moved on up
>the road.
>Like I said, "the devil's in
>the details".
>"Road Blocker Extraordinaire" & "All Those
>Other Things"

You didn't block them. You were parked, were upfront and honest about your reasons for parking there. You offered to let them decide. You were still in front. Had they said "we wanna drive I n now" the choice was your to either move over and let them by or drive on in.

Parking your truck I n that same spot and then leaving it there while you hunted ahead would be blocking the road and would be wrong.

My $0.02

(Sorry for some of the spelling. This is from my phone and sometimes its hard to edit)
LOL!!! The devil is in the details. It's public land and I'll stop in the road if I like. I'll deal with the consequences if I leave my vehicle. (Which I've never seen lumpy do). Lumpy stated that he let the other hunters know he was NOT trying to be an a hole???? Yet many of you tough guys that are blowing up seem to be looking for a reason to be just that.... An a hole!!!!!! This stuff cracks me up, after 35 years of hunting with lumpy I know for a fact he would not actually block a road. It's funny to see some guys true colors come out!!

Now seeing a few of these guys try and fit into you shirt after they drug you out of your truck would be a story for the ages!!!! LMAO!!!!!

Early bird gets the worm!!!! Not the tough guy plowing up the road just before light, beating peoples azzz that get in his way!!!
Id like to see the look on your face while you watch you rig pushed out of the road,Ive never seen it done here in MT,people know better.
You guys would really push a rig out of the road with the person still in it? Just setting there waiting? Even after they said hey I'll move on up the road I just think I ought to go first as I was here first??? Guess I don't understand that??? Should lumpy have not had the option to be first up the road once another vehicle came behind him???

Bean, why not Walk in. Well because if they would have that same truck would have drove around them and right into the elk in the dark. Why because there was a road there and it was an open public road. Now if truck #2 had been doing some scouting they also would have know that the elk were there and also would have not been so gung ho to drive in in the dark. They should have thanked lumpy for explaining the situation and sharing his knowledge. Without it they would have probably not even know the elk were in the area???
Hay, Muley73 maybe you and Lumpy should get your butts over to Colorado and start blocking some roads.
Bring that BS attitude up here some time and find out how it gets delt with.There are laws against it for starters,secondly nobody I know is going to stand for it,youd have a long walk back to town if you were in good enough shape to walk.
I wouldve backed up out of sight and walked around your truck and killed the 370 bull. Hell I'd even let you help me pack him out! Lol.

I'd of hashed the conversation out & said:
We gonna have a Drag Race to the Hot Spot & somebody's gonna Inhale:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Roperlt, you ready for a road trip?
I have tried the note on the vehicle thing and it went over about as well as a lead fart.
Had a 350ish bull coming to the water hole I was sitting on at the end of this out of the way road, and here come a string of wheelers flying up to the water hole. I don't think they ever seen me sitting there 30 yards from them. Jerks!
You are going to find those who understand and those that will totally blow up over the same situation. If you are on the road first by being early, then you should be first driving in on public land with those circumstances.
We had two groups of guides/hunters unload and start down a trail after I had dropped my son and daughter and her husband off to hike around the back side of a local lake, actually chase them down the trail and pass them just to be the first ones into the area. That one really pissed me off.
"the devil's in"...haha
Good on you if you knew the bull was there!!! Funny thing is I know for a fact lumpy would have helped you pack your bull out! Lol
I am wondering if your plan worked and you got to shoot at any of the 5 bulls you had been scouting? I dont think you could of handled that situation much better then what you did, IMHO.
This thread speaks volumes regarding the modern "hunter".

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-11 AT 04:26PM (MST)[p]I never met lumpy but read plenty of his post and i'm pretty sure hes a good ol boy,, but sittin' in a truck waitin' to drive up and shoot a bull don't even sound like huntin' to me, I don't care how big it is.

I'll take a spike in the back country over that sh!t anyday.
Sadly this type of behavior gets passed down from generation to generation. Telling a person that you are not going to let them pass you on a public road for any reason is rediculous. It don't surprise me because I see that same type of mentality every year. What happened to common sense?

>For stopping in the road and
>sitting in the truck?
>Please tell me what law
>that is?????
If you do ANYTHING here in MT that interferes with a legal hunt your ass is gettin a ticket,ANYTHING.Its a law passed to prevent the PETA fools from interfering with hunting but it applies to anyone that intentionally dicks around like these idiots are talking about.Im sure there are plenty of other laws against blocking roads that have nothing to do with hunting.In what ass backwards part of the world besides UTARDIA is this considered OK?
I'll bet he would, from what I know he is a great guy. I know this post was meant to stir the pot so I threw some in too!

Lumpy did not actually have a tag. He was taking an older gentleman 70+ on this hunt. They eased into the area as the sun was starting to show and spotted a huge 6x7. Let's call him "Joe" made a great 200 yard shot and dropped the bull. Pretty sure as all stood back and watched Joe admire his big bull with a tear in his eye nobody was to concerned about the earlier conversation with the other hunters.......and that is a true story!!!!
Good for joe, I'm glad he got his bull of his dreams! I don't neccisarily agree with blocking the road but the more I hunt the less I'm suprised at what people will do. I'm leaning more towards bird hunting, no B&C scoring, cordial people and have hunted with total strangers and walked away friends.

I will always deer and elk hunt, its a addiction I have. It bothers me what people will do to gain a upper hand such as block a road, slash tires, threaten etc. Good luck to all on their hunts!

>>For stopping in the road and
>>sitting in the truck?
>>Please tell me what law
>>that is?????
>If you do ANYTHING here in
>MT that interferes with a
>legal hunt your ass is
>gettin a ticket,ANYTHING.Its a law
>passed to prevent the PETA
>fools from interfering with hunting
>but it applies to anyone
>that intentionally dicks around like
>these idiots are talking about.Im
>sure there are plenty of
>other laws against blocking roads
>that have nothing to do
>with hunting.In what ass backwards
>part of the world besides
>UTARDIA is this considered OK?

So by ANYTHING are we to assume that if you passed another truck in this scenario and interfered with their hunt, then you too are in violation of these rather broad law you speak of? Or does this law just protect YOUR hunt?

As with all things in life, a little reasonable common sense goes a long way with all parties involved. Unfortunately reasonable common sense is a rare commodity.

Are any of you muscle heads named Sea Bass?
I dont give a ##### what the circumstances were,you dont have the right to block someone else from going on their hunt as they planned on public land.
>Good for joe, I'm glad he
>got his bull of his
>dreams! I don't neccisarily agree
>with blocking the road but
>the more I hunt the
>less I'm suprised at what
>people will do. I'm leaning
>more towards bird hunting, no
>B&C scoring, cordial people and
>have hunted with total strangers
>and walked away friends.
>I will always deer and elk
>hunt, its a addiction I
>have. It bothers me what
>people will do to gain
>a upper hand such as
>block a road, slash tires,
>threaten etc. Good luck to
>all on their hunts!


ROAD TRIP???Hell yeah...Where we goin'??? Maybe to see if some of these tough guys want to try my shirt on...J/K...
Sounds like a California duck hunt to me...

The difference between letting the guy that beat you to the spot
hunt in peace or " acting like an A-hole" is also in the details.
If someone were to pitch that scenario in the verbiage you used
I'd probably park my rig and walk on past.

Now if ya said "hey look I've been scouting these bulls for months and I'm trying to help a 70 year old man kill one" I'd leave the bow in the truck and offer to help your party any way I could.

Your old enough DC to know you catch more flies with honey than
B.S. Ignorance is usually reflected.

I block roads for fun...just makes me smile seeing people get pissed off...soon as thier about to do something to my vehicle I hurry back and tell em I had to take a life threatening chit, pull over to the side and let them pass, then back up right where I was so I can #### with the next guy coming down the road!! :D

Lol ~Z~
Gosh is Lumpy ever in trouble over this one:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
This really does crack me up! I've hunted with lumpy for 30+ years and I think his story might be the only time he has ever had a questionable conversation about anything hunting related. Yet it seems that some of you guys must run into this kind of stuff on a regular basis...based on your piss and vinegar reactions???

Let's hear some stories of personal abuse you have experienced???

Never-catch, that is why I have started to go directly in the road behind my truck!!! This way there is never a question as to why I'm stopped. I just feel like it's the curtious thing to do!!
this is illegal in idaho as well. if someone tells me this i will give them 30 seconds to move out of the way or i would start blowing the truck horn every 5 seconds. i have very little free time to hunt . i wouldn't tolorate this regardless if it was a 99 year old dying of cancer, kid in a wheelchair wanting an elk is wrong. go find a farm to hunt on
>tolorate this regardless if it
>was a 99 year old
>dying of cancer, kid in
>a wheelchair wanting an elk
> is wrong. go find
>a farm to hunt on

Great attitude.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-11 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]Public land archery hunt a few years back, we had to drive by a lookout on top of the mountain, to get to a "honey hole"where we had a tree stand. We had had a conversation with the guy in the lookout about the tree stand before the Season; he asked me if I owned it, and I said "I know the owner" (my cousin)

Opening morning, I dropped my brother off on the jeep trail that led down to where the stand was before first light. As he is walking down, the guy from the lookout comes driving up alongside him, rolls the window down, and asks "are you going down to the tree stand"? My brother replies "Yes". The guys says "well, I'm going in there", and rips around him in his Jeep!

Just curious, how many of you would have been the guy in the lookout?

Best of Luck,
LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-11 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-11 AT 07:55?AM (MST)

You guys are silly using a truck to block the road!!!!

The best way I have found is to cut down trees with my chain saw!! This chit works wonders. :):)

J/K calm down!! :):)
i can understand the frustration elkmtgear. many years ago i regretably allowed my good buddy to bring along one of his venders from his business to hunt with us as a azz kissing gesture. the guy had never even seen an elk in his life. i had a very succesful rock pile i always staked out. this guy found out where i sat , got up out of the tent an hour ahead of me and set on " my " spot and killed a five point before legal shooting hours. needless to say i was pissed. the next year it looked like wallmart parking lot in the meadow i used to camp in. i hiked up too my spot and there were 5 guys on the rock pile. was it " my" rock it was on public ground . they still hunt there and kill many elk. i washed my hands of it.......

last year near emmett idaho i was working my way up a draw for a mile or so and saw a guy franticly waving his arms at me . i thought maybe there had been an accident. i went up to the guy and he said his son was stalking a 3x3 and it was going to be his first deer and didn't want me to go in. i thought what the heck. i went back to the truck and went to another couple spots and saw nothing. later in the evening i glassed a small 4 point and decided to get a closer look. a guy was blocking the trail thru the heavy brush with his atv. he said his wife that has type 2 diabeties was stalking the buck. i stayed and watched her miss 7 times. this stuff is happening more and more.

i feel on public land it's anybodies animal. if you watch the buck all summer and have a cute name for him, know the times and locations of every poop pile, have 17 hours of film on him and dream of him as you fall to sleap at night you shouldn't be surprized when billy luke shaver who drives down the road with a hangover and holding a keystone light at 7 a.m. shoots your buck out of the cab of his truck. it is on " public land ". i won't stop for anyone anymore not enough time and to much expence.
>last year near emmett idaho i
>was working my way up
>a draw for a mile
>or so and saw a
>guy franticly waving his arms
>at me . i thought
>maybe there had been an
>accident. i went up to
>the guy and he said
>his son was stalking a
>3x3 and it was going
>to be his first deer
>and didn't want me to
>go in. i thought what
>the heck. i went back
>to the truck and went
>to another couple spots and
>saw nothing. later in the
>evening i glassed a small
>4 point and decided to
>get a closer look. a
>guy was blocking the trail
>thru the heavy brush with
>his atv. he said his
>wife that has type 2
>diabeties was stalking the buck.
>i stayed and watched her
>miss 7 times. this stuff
>is happening more and more

Why didn't you run over and knock the kid down and shoot the three point?

You should have buttstroked the b!tch for missing.
WOW this crap kills me...I dont think 2lumpy was wrong in that situation, he gave them a choice. It pisses me off that people cant respect the fact that someone got to an area first and move on. Yes its public land but common courtesy (not to common in souther cal) is they were there fist find a new area, or talk to them about their hunt plans and see if you could help each other some way and work the same area. It gets harder and harder to find unoccupied public land to hunt down here and even harder to communicate with the people occuping it(no speaky). Can't wait to retire and move, but listening to some of this crap makes me wounder if its better in other states. Any way yes its public land but we all need to share it politely. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, and the world would be a much better place. :)
The first year the Pauns was opened after being closed for eight years, my wife and sister-in-law drew those coveted tags. We knew where there was a 36" buck. Some tourist who didn't want the deer shot blocked the road and wouldn't move. After several nice requests to move their vehicle of which we were ignored. I said move it or lose it - - I'm coming through. We got very close to their bumper before they took us serious. They accomplished their goal on that deer at least.
Lumpy does dress like a tourist on occassion. I always just thought it was bad idea it was a road blocking uniform!!!
>+ a whole bunch knthartter

+ 1

knthartter, just to be clear, and as if this thread does not speak for itself, no, Cali does not have a monopoly on pricks. Just most of them in the hills around here speak very good English.

Back in Oregon, I worked with a guy that put on a chain and lock on a gate going into an area a logging company just finished up in. He got to hunt it for 2 weeks (during archery season)before someone got smart enough to cut his lock off(which wasn't me). It wasn't funny at the time becasue I wanted to go in there! But looking back, I giggle at his master plan.
What Caliber key did you use?

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
I don't think anything was done wrong. He offered to move if they wanted him to. Even if it wasn't they way the rest of you would of liked. Personally if it was me i would be happy that he let me know there was elk in the area. He even offered to let them hunt with him. Sounds like most of the guys on here would of claimed all five bulls were there elk. Even though they only had one tag to heck with the rest of us.

Don't be afraid to live for fear of dieing.
Sounds like California hunters...I would have just drove around you...(cut a tree down , winch out of a ditch, what ever, my choice would have been to ask you to move please!). You said you found theses Bulls for a friend of a friend?
are you a guide? charge a fee? get a hummer from them or what?
I can see the effort for me but a friend friends? no sense! Again some people are as smart as a bag of rocks! and public land....1/2 mi... I can walk that in 15 minute that include a pee and a dump!
ShowThem, I tried going into the area 2-3 different times, but the gate was locked. About the 3rd-4th time I realized the gate was opened up. I went to work talking to people about the gate being unlocked, and 1 guy I worked with started giggling and told me he put the lock on it. I was like "wow, you had that all to yourself for 1/2 the bow season." Not sure who "unlocked" the gate....I cant believe the Forest service never even questioned the lock. I just figured the logging outfit was tired of their stuff being jacked with....
Well Mr. Goat,
You remind me of the last time I went pheasant hunting and that was when there were a lot of pheasants. We had sat at each end of this ditch bank for an hour to save a spot and that ditch bank was not that long of a distance. There were plowed fields on each side of us. Some late comers ran across this large field a few minutes before the season was to open. They certainly could see us saving both ends. It was my son's first year of hunting and a rooster came out between my son and one of them. My son had enough sense not to shoot, but the other guy did not. The bushes were trimmed by the gun blast near my son's head and after my threats he and his buddies headed out. I felt bad about not containing my tongue, but both my son and I were scared.

Like I have said before and I will say it again the sportsmen are now the minority in the mountains and fields today. I feel like Lumpy handled the situation about the best way he could.
I would agree to a point that "sportsmen" are not as visible as those whom I would call other terms but that doesn't mean they aren't there. There have always been those with the "my, me, I" attitude but it seems they are just a bit more vocal and forward now days. Whether it's those who have the "I was here first" attitude, or the "road blockers", there is always the "take the high road" attitude that fellow sportsmen can take during those situations. It just isn't worth it to sink to the level some would take. There are always more critters to hunt someplace else.

Interesting you'd say that because I was thinking with a name like goatroper you sound desperate for sexual partners.
Sometimes I take off early in the morning and head to a wilderness area. I try to hit the trailhead an hour or so before daylight that way I can hike to a glassing point before the sun comes up. The trailhead is about 25 miles from the main hiway and all N. forest/ dirt roads on the way in. I see roadhunters all the time doin there thing.... guys camping along the creeks, etc. That IS'NT where I intend to hunt, I dont even pay attention... I could have drove right past countless monster bucks. Point is... if someone was blocking that road, or wahtever you call it... they would get moved. All I'm saying is if you're screwing with someone elses hunt and preventing them from getting where they need to be it aint right. It's unfortunate your spot is right next to the road, you are more than welcome to drive in first but you better not be dic$in around.

P.S. If you told me it was a 70 year old guy who had no other chance at an animal due to his pysical abilities I would cancel my plans and offer to help...My $0.02

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Man this is so funny .
There was a time when i
was going up a road and
came up on a truck that was
laying on all four hub's .

After asking how the hell
you lost all 24 lug nut .

Then the light went on . I
bet you guy were blocking
the road . One man said no
the truck broke down . After asking
him it is running . the only thing
broke here is your lug nuts .SO they were
a little upset with me after about
5 minn. of cracking up .

To make a long story short
i back up a bit then one of the men
asked me if i could lend them some
of mine . I replyed i would but
i mite lose the other four on my
four wheels . And i dont wont to
block the road. I did go back that night
to see if they were still there . The
truck was pushed in to the side of the
hill man i felt bad when i seen that
bumper the way it was . lol !!!
Hell I have seen pictures of Lumpy and he don't need a pickup to block the road. LOL
He just needs to stand there in the middle.J/K

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Gater, your right on. No need to drop a tree across the road when I'm around. I can just stretch out for a nap, nobody goes anywhere. Actually, being toolumpy is self inflicted torture . Never had trouble with other "killer" vices but can't push away from the trough.

I've been watching for your report on the So. Dakota pheasant hunt trip this year. I'm jealous every year then I hear you're heading back to the homestead. The best days of my youth were plowing the willows along the ditch backs of Southern Alberta when pheasants were in their hay-day there. I still dream of taking my sons back there to relive the glory days. So how was it this year in SD?

We did OK got 54 birds in 4 days, I will put up a reoprt in a few days after I collect some pictures (I didn't take but a few) so I'm hoping the other guys took some LOL.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

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