Dove Hunt Reminder !


Active Member
I was on the Cali forum and some guys were talking about the Dove hunt. And what day it started on because Sept 1st falls on a Sunday. Just a reminder in Utah when Sept 1st falls on a Sunday it opens on Monday Sept 2nd. A few people out there have got tickets from the DWR in the past because they don't read the guide books every year and think it open's Sept 1st all the time no matter what. Just a heads up!
How can DWR/Church screw up a time honored start date on a simple hunt like dove.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Ya folks better take a look at some of the regs back east. Many states don't allow hunting on Sunday period OR you can't hunt turkeys between the hours of 12-4pm OR you can only hunt public land Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat.
I love the anti mormons and their stupid comments.

Like mentioned, back east there are a lot of places that dont allow you to hunt sundays. It is set to give the animals a day off from hunting pressure.

I bet the different churches had something to say about that rule.
Canada too. A few years ago a couple of friends left Minneapolis and drove to northern Saskatchewan. All that way and when they got up Sunday morning to head out hunting the little B&B they were staying at informed them "No Sunday Hunting". So they got the chance to sit around and stare at the beautiful plains of Saskatchewan for the day.

Now some-one is showing their stupidity. Guess which one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
You guys can all keep fighting about religion..... just like the rest of the world does. More people have died, in the name of religion, than in all other wars put together!
I'm going dove hunting on the 1st and I hope I don't get caught. JK
Thanks for the heads-up. We really were talking about a Sunday hunt.
That all I'm saying is Dove season has been opening on the 1st for years, If you don't want to hunt Sunday then Don't.
My way of hunting isn't the same as your, But it doesn't mean your are wrong or I'm right.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Question: can you hunt the following Sunday and the Sunday after that so why would the opening day(Sunday Sept 1st) have to be moved to Monday. Doesn't really make a lot of sense that all the other Sunday's in the season allow dove hunting, Maybe it because the church is pulling the strings to have it changed just for that one day. But now everyone in the state isn't a Mormon, So their rights are just push aside for that right to hunt that Sunday if they so chose.
What that thing about State and Church being apart. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I would guarantee the church had ZERO to do with the opening of the hunt. They dont care what you do. Its a choice everyone has to make. They dont tell you what you can and cant do.

I would bet that the Fish and Game thought that since the majority of the people in the state are religious, that they would not have a big turn out for the opener. So they thought that this might be better.

But I bet that the church had nothing to do with it.
I happen to be a devout member of a predominant religion and I think it's wrong to change the regularly scheduled time-honored opener!

Everything should be about choices, not being forced into conformity. Remember that lesson in Sunday school?

Oh well, I'm going to start Sunday the 1st anyway.... on Eurasian doves! LOL

Gator makes a great point, the law of the land doesn't normally include Sunday closures so it must be religiously based. It only affects that one day. Weird at best, bad for sure.

Just my 2 cents
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-13 AT 11:44AM (MST)[p]>I would guarantee the church had
>ZERO to do with the
>opening of the hunt.
>They dont care what you
>do. Its a choice
>everyone has to make.
>They dont tell you what
>you can and cant do.
>I would bet that the Fish
>and Game thought that since
>the majority of the people
>in the state are religious,
>that they would not have
>a big turn out for
>the opener. So they
>thought that this might be
>But I bet that the church
>had nothing to do with

I bet you're right Robiland. The F&G probably thought that they'd sell more licenses if they skipped a Sunday opener.... Still, I think it's religion-based.

Hunters in UT only hunt the opener,LOL Come on, most hunters already has a license for Deer/elk/moose/small game/etc
So all you are really getting is the migratory bird stamp and that is good for the whole season.
I would think opening on a work day would cut into those opening day numbers of dove hunters vs opening on a day off like a Saturday, So why didn't they open it on Sat Aug 31st, so every one would be able to buy those "licenses" and hunt. NOPE had to be Monday.
I know if I only got so many days off from work, I would be saving them for deer or elk season, look at deer rifle season how many places/towns have hardly any kids in school, Why because they are out hunting. Education isn't more important then a Sunday start date for dove. I was always happy when I could a day off from school so I know most of those kids are too.
But Hell it really doesn't matter other then you think I'm anti Mormon, I just think there is people in Utah that are losing rights and that is usually the first thing that happens they take away the right of the smallest group and then move up to the next size group and take their rights. So standing up for those people should be everyone GODGIVEN duty because next time it might be your group that is targeted.

In California I will be out there on Sunday wacking some birds.
Hoping for a good dove season.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the Feds control the earliest that it can open. I don't think the State could do the opening on the 31st of August even if they wanted.

Anyway, that kinda gives me 2 openers, Sunday AND Monday! He!!, I might start next week! LOL (I'm just kidding, for you guys who can't take a joke)

Did you ever think that maybe....just maybe, this is much ado about nothing? Maybe, just maybe, the evil "church" isn't actually a puppet master pulling the strings on the start date of the dove hunt in Utah and this is just what the DWR/Wildlife Board want done?

No, has to be "the church." It's much more logical that the 1st Presidency dedicated an entire meeting to study the hunt start dates in Utah and is pulling the strings on this one. That is definitely more realistic.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-13 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]>Did you ever think that maybe....just
>maybe, this is much ado
>about nothing? Maybe, just
>maybe, the evil "church" isn't
>actually a puppet master pulling
>the strings on the start
>date of the dove hunt
>in Utah and this is
>just what the DWR/Wildlife Board
>want done?
>No, has to be "the
>church." It's much more
>logical that the 1st Presidency
>dedicated an entire meeting to
>study the hunt start dates
>in Utah and is pulling
>the strings on this one.
> That is definitely more

Well atleast you have figured out the Evil "church" is behind everything. But if you want to use a logical arguement, since there is absolutely no seperation of church and state in the great state of Utah, no the first presidency did not dedicate any time to this matter. It is a case of the Majority of the population is Mormon and therefore they cannot hunt on Sunday, so they go with majority rules type of mind set.

That is definitely more realistic approach to the discussion at hand. It has nothing to do with the church pulling strings but the vast majority of the population being Mormon means they are reserving opening day rights to all people, not just the heathens.

by the way I enjoyed how you put the scare quotes ("") around church as opposed to around evil. It really made my day.
Someone's sarcasm meter is broken. Go back and re-read my post and figure out what it is actually saying.
Vanilla Ice
So you are saying that the STATE put the opener on a Monday so the kids could miss school or part of a day of school, so education isn't that important in the UT state thinking.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Yup, California has it all figured If there was ever a state that needed some religion that would be the one. And the opening Monday is Labor Day. Last time I checked they didn't have school on Labor Day.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-13 AT 10:58PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-13 AT 10:56?PM (MST)

>Vanilla Ice
>So you are saying that the
>STATE put the opener on
>a Monday so the kids
>could miss school or part
>of a day of school,
>so education isn't that important
>in the UT state thinking.

Actually, no...I'm not. Especially being that the Monday in question is Labor Day and there is no school. Seems like a GREAT day to open to me. Sometimes it pays to think things out before speaking. Free advice for the day.

Again, maybe....JUST MAYBE, this is much ado about nothing. Just maybe.....
>AT 10:58?PM (MST)

>AT 10:56?PM (MST)

>>Vanilla Ice
>>So you are saying that the
>>STATE put the opener on
>>a Monday so the kids
>>could miss school or part
>>of a day of school,
>>so education isn't that important
>>in the UT state thinking.
>Actually, no...I'm not. Especially being
>that the Monday in question
>is Labor Day and there
>is no school. Seems
>like a GREAT day to
>open to me.
>Sometimes it pays to think
>things out before speaking.
>Free advice for the day.
>Again, maybe....JUST MAYBE, this is much
>ado about nothing. Just

Lol perfect.
>AT 10:58?PM (MST)

>AT 10:56?PM (MST)

>>Vanilla Ice
>>So you are saying that the
>>STATE put the opener on
>>a Monday so the kids
>>could miss school or part
>>of a day of school,
>>so education isn't that important
>>in the UT state thinking.
>Actually, no...I'm not. Especially being
>that the Monday in question
>is Labor Day and there
>is no school. Seems
>like a GREAT day to
>open to me.
>Sometimes it pays to think
>things out before speaking.
>Free advice for the day.
>Again, maybe....JUST MAYBE, this is much
>ado about nothing. Just

Very funny post, No my sarcasm meter is not broken.

My question for you is do you want me to believe that every year the hunt opens on the 1st of September except the years that it falls on a Sunday and that the there is no relegious undertones that make that happen? That it is more logical that they want it to start on a holiday (seems every year that it opens on a Sunday Labor Day is the following day) opposed to a Sunday for no other reason than it was a better start day according to the wildlife board.

Maybe.....Just maybe you are right but I highly doubt that relegion did not play some sort of role in that decision. If that is your serious arguement than I think we should reconsider doing like we do on ducks, geese, grouse and pretty much every other hunt (with the exceptions of Muzzle loader and some antlerless) and start it on the first available Saturday.
I don't care when the dove opener happens. And I am 100% positive the LDS Church doesn't care either.
Nor do I. Nor did i say the Church was the one pulling the strings, I simply stated that it was because of religion not the so called "church" but because of its constituency.
Is it not a great thing that we live in a country that each state can choose things based upon their population desires? Just maybe that is a good thing.

Not true try opening it on the Sat. Aug 31st
Fed's will say no go.

Holiday so no school, great deal for the kids, so ALL the dads don't have work that day too that's even better. So instead 2 days hunting with dad and friends they get ONE (1) day, because Sunday is a no go day for them.(free to say how great that is)
Piece of Advice: 2 days are always better then one UNLESS, something bad is happening, like you have your balls in a Vise and some-one is turning the handle then you are right and a one day deal is better.
Sorry to say that is a crappy deal there.

So Does your season run a day longer since it opens a day later.
I sure hope so, wouldn't like to see those kids screwed out 2 days of hunting

Like I said before I will be shooting Dove Sunday morning Bright and early.

I'm Glad a killing season is about to open that I can get in some shooting, so I don't have stir the pot much longer.(arm is getting tired).

Your State is falling behind in the beer drinking(like 14th or something) so maybe this will help you catch up.

I love that California thing. Now that really hurt.
City slicker, LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
The more you "stir" the fewer brain cells you exhibit!
Now you're just posting in bad taste!
Good luck on your Sunday opener. Push a few our way.
Oh, and if you're so concerned about OUR opener, why don't you call the UDWR and ask them why the opener is on Monday?
That has got to be the dumbest rule I have ever heard of! How can they actually enforce that? You can hunt all the rest of the Sundays during the hunt, but not the first???

Maybe that's the DWRs day to let the employees hunt before the public.
I agree HJB, it seems pretty silly to me regardless of the reason.
They can enforce it because the FEDS allow the local F&G to set the hunt dates (within the parameters which the Feds set). That's the reason the UDWR can't set an opening date of Aug 13st.
Obviously the UDWR thinks they have a good reason to deviate from the usual opener.?.?.?.
OK, I'm calling them to see what they have to say!
I mean I have heard several different reasons for the move, None of them made sense to me because all the other sundays are still in the works. I'm not sure the head guys at DWR aren't Mormon, because if they are Mormons, we need to talk about the deer and elk herd instead of Doves.
If you call ask if the season runs a day longer since it started a day later.

This has been the most posts on Utah forum since the tags came out.
Don't worry about the brain cells, we use beer to get rid of the ones we don't need.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>OK, I'm calling them to see
>what they have to say!

The DWR has an E-Mail site for Questions & Comments. So a few days ago I asked them the Question about the Dove hunt. Why they do this with Sundays on Sept 1st. But I have not got anything back from them as of today.
To you Sunday hunters, there are a lot of parents, and others, out there who will not hunt or take there kids hunting on Sunday regardless of their religion - just maybe they are a majority and not those of you who seem to blame the "CHURCH".

Why not blame it on to the Black people - - OH! That's not politically correct is it. That's how ridiculous you sound.
No hunting on Sunday is their right, It also the right of people who want to hunt on Sunday to be able to hunt. So what is the difference between the first Sunday Sept 1st and all the other Sundays in the season?

No one is blaming the church, it just seems odd that all the other places open on Sept 1st EVEN the south where they love Sunday church and lots of them wouldn't be hunting on opening day because they don't hunt SUNDAYS and it not just the first Sunday but all Sundays. Lots of people DON'T work Sundays either so does it make us bad for working on Sundays.
But it the church guys on here that are claiming it WASN'T the church(how can they know is one of them in the circle of power) and I'M asking why not open the same as other States/Places what was the reason not to. Was it because of the church or what reason Did the DWR do it for I'm sure some-one really knows the answer.
That simple question does not in anyway blast the church for being the one's that did it. Maybe the DWR talking heads are Mormon and they thought it was a great idea or maybe the they had a sound and tried method why it should be that why.

I can't blame my middle son, He already get's enough blame for the things he does wrong. I'm sure he will be happy to hear you was sticking up for him. I wouldn't take him hunting that day, he needs to be working if I'm hunting that day.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Somehow I feel there is a difference between opening day and the other days of a hunting season. I for one would not buy a dove or pheasant license if I couldn't hunt on the opener. There are others who don't eat and sleep hunting in the same boat, I'm sure.
>Somehow I feel there is a
>difference between opening day
>and the other days of
>a hunting season. I
>for one would not buy
>a dove or pheasant license
>if I couldn't hunt on
>the opener. There are
>others who don't eat and
>sleep hunting in the same
>boat, I'm sure.

I was thinking the same thing Its all about License sales. Allot of guys if they can't go on the opener they will not go at all it is the best day. And if it's on a Sunday and they don't hunt on Sundays they don't buy a license! Maybe the DWR knows this.
>I was thinking the same thing
>Its all about License sales.
>Allot of guys if they
>can't go on the opener
>they will not go at
>all it is the best
>day. And if it's on
>a Sunday and they don't
>hunt on Sundays they don't
>buy a license! Maybe the
>DWR knows this.

Oh course they do!
Gator says nobody is blaming the church. Yet his first post on this thread asks how the DWR/Church can screw this up so badly? So which one is it? Are you blaming church, or are you not?
DWR/Church mean which one is the Blame, Do you know which one it was.
ME I'm thinking it a high member in the DWR that is a Mormon that MHO.
Now I have no idea if He was asked to do it or did it on his own.
I heard all the reasons for the change of dates and it still doesn't make sense on the date change in my mind.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
"government is a direct reflection of its electorate'" So are you then saying there is no separation of State and Religion.
If the Government is run by people of religion and they make the laws that are in nature religion based and not made by common sense. I would agree with you then, Is that what's happening with the date change.

Then maybe this was all really done for a religion group and not base on sound wildlife management that should govern the DWR or was it based on hunters that ONLY hunt opening day and then don't hunt the rest of the season, So they made sure that everyone would be able to hunt opening day.
Sure wish Amy would enlighten us.

You are right about the borders being open, They let you out and they let you back in.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
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