Elk Area 41

Good one chipc, LOL! It will probably take 3 PPs to draw it and the country is mostly BLM, except along the boundary in some spots and a big chunk of private in the northeast section. Terrain varies from 4,100' on the west side toward Greybull and Basin up to 6,000'+ on the east side going up toward the private property and National Forest areas. That's about all I can tell you off my mapping program and I've never been on the ground in that unit hunting or scouting, so I can't help you on spots to hunt, etc.
Thanks Top Gun i'm a resident so no points just looking to try something new. went with a friend to 39 this year i didn't have a tag what a joke that was people all over.set up and they would walk up on you.
Hunted it a couple years ago. An early snow limited where hunters could go so they where bunched up. Took a meat bull on day 6. Had a great time but don't plan on being alone between the elk and deer hunters.

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