Elk Liver…..Not so much!


Long Time Member
I’m a deer liver guy but decided to give elk a try because I never got any buck livers this year. I was very hopeful. But…… quite disappointed in how it turned out.

Man I'm sorry! One of my favorite meals shortly after and sometimes the same day of killing an elk is liver and onions with potatoes and liver gravy.

I've always preferred it over deer because it's usually a little milder and a lot more tender. At least to my palate.

I wouldn't hesitate to try it again and hopefully it will be better.
Sorry, but to me the only liver I eat are chicken. I don't mind donating any deer/elk liver or heart to friends that like them, but just not my thing.
Got it, Chef Blank. Kinda how I feel about jalapeños.

Sure was looking forward to chowing down on this liver tonight. I eat every mouthful but it was not what I was hoping for. Just not as good as a deer liver….. imo, of course.
My wife makes me bring home some deer liver. I told her no on the elk liver this year.

She will mix 1/3 liver and 2/3 ground into meatballs or meatloaf. I swear it’s better with the liver mixed in!

She is very into the “health benefits” of it.
My dad and uncles always saved the heart and liver. They offered anyone they ran into on the mountain a "fry of liver." No one ever took them up on their offer.
I just leave all the guts in one pile on the hill. No need to scatter them around. A perfect shot would take them both out. Lol
Got it, Chef Blank. Kinda how I feel about jalapeños.

Sure was looking forward to chowing down on this liver tonight. I eat every mouthful but it was not what I was hoping for. Just not as good as a deer liver….. imo, of course.
You have a yard full!
So @2lumpy what did you not like about it?
To Bitter?
To Tough?
I love all liver's Where is the cream of mushroom soup and mozzarella cheese MAN? LOL
I judge the taste of meat when it’s seasoned with salt and pepper, believing you can make pretty much anything palatable with enough different spices and marinates.

My favorite deer liver recipe is: Soften some onion, add some canned mushrooms, slice liver 1/4” thick, flour it, season with salt and black pepper, and fry until it’s crisp on the outside and tender in the middle. No pink color left. About 3 minutes per side on medium/high heat.

This elk liver had a different texture and it tasted more bland than deer liver. I guess the best way to describe it was, unimpressive/bland. Not strong, not chewy, not tough, not nasty…… just not like deer liver.

Easy solution though. Gut pile deer livers! 😁
I've had good and bad liver on deer and elk. My favorite is deer but I have had elk that was really good as well.
My grandmother used to soak it in Salt water the first night then cut it up the next day. I've never taken the tongue but have had some tongue tacos over here in California that were mucho good.
I've had good and bad liver on deer and elk. My favorite is deer but I have had elk that was really good as well.
My grandmother used to soak it in Salt water the first night then cut it up the next day. I've never taken the tongue but have had some tongue tacos over here in California that were mucho good.
Yep, I understand. I soaked the elk liver in salt water for 24 hours, then rinsed and soaked it in milk for 1 and 1/2 hours before frying.

I used to soak antelope meat in butter milk for 24 hours but the chefs of the world say to limit liver for only an hour to an hour and a half or liver will get mushy.

I really want to like elk liver, it’s as available as deer liver now days…….. so few people eat any liver. I’d eat it weekly if I could get it. I will give it another try……. But not tomorrow.😁

By the way I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying your retirement 53. Keep swinging that bat, boss!! 😎
I find it interesting….. the guys call that calf nuts, rocky mountain oysters, call liver, guts……. Just saying hoss. 🤪
2lumpy, you sure get an A for effort. It should never be cooked over medium or medium well. A little pink inside is just right. Too well done and it gets bitter and even tough.

Having said that, I think there is sometimes a natural variation between animals. Some are just better than others.

I got some Roosevelt Elk meat from Oregon this year. It was just okay. Nothing to write home about. I was disappointed because I've had really good elk meat from the same area in the past.

Sorry you had a not so good experience.
2lumpy, you sure get an A for effort. It should never be cooked over medium or medium well. A little pink inside is just right. Too well done and it gets bitter and even tough.

Having said that, I think there is sometimes a natural variation between animals. Some are just better than others.

I got some Roosevelt Elk meat from Oregon this year. It was just okay. Nothing to write home about. I was disappointed because I've had really good elk meat from the same area in the past.

Sorry you had a not so good experience.
You’re so gentle and kind eel. I’m touched. I will try again and report back. Too bad OutdoorWriter isn’t around to explain how it’s done.
You’re so gentle and kind eel. I’m touched. I will try again and report back. Too bad OutdoorWriter isn’t around to explain how it’s done.
I learned how to cook game meat from a few guys just like Outdoor Writer. They were the camp cooks back when I belonged to a deer hunting club. Both Tony and you would have fit right in.

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