Email from AZSFW



I received an email from AZSFW explaining their tag grab ideas and etc. Did anyone else receive this? They asked me to respond to a survey about wether I was in favor of or disapproved of the idea. I strongly disapprove and feel there is better ways.
I have not got one wonder where they get thyre email list from?
Folks they're against the ropes. They are looking to either compromise or show in someway that they are the voice of the Arizona sportsmen and women.
I'm sure they are doing this to garner enough to show the gov staff
" hey look see we are the voice of the masses we should get this thing passed."
Desperate measures that are too late if you ask me. They showed their colors when they backdoord us, when they insulted our intelligence and tried to sneak past game and fish . I say again let everyone you know that hunts or uses our natural resources to voice their opposition to their reps. We have to be heard united and loud or this will get passed and AZ will just be lumped into one of those other places where the people have no say or voice when it comes to wildlife. From then on laws will be written and introduced in backdoord
Deals with people makin money off wildlife and the avg sportsman will fit the bill and hunt less. The kings deer is the way they want it. And more
Money for a lobbyist job.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-12 AT 05:35PM (MST)[p]Anybody else not get it, it can be forwarded and still taken. It's a very biased survey with a one-sided story.

So can someone please put this AZSFW email/survey up on this thread so we can see what they have written?
I just received the same email. The funny thing is I'm not an AZ resident at the moment. Not sure where they got my email from. I have no problems pasting it here but on the road and on my phone so it will be a couple more days.

I just call em as I see em!
Seems to me responding to them about anything can only help them and does nothing for what you are fighting for. Better off to send another email or letter to your legislators everytime they send you something.
I did not get the email. I am a member of Ada and normally get all azsfw emails....kinda weird............ Thanks, Allen Taylor......
Heres the pile of crap "poll".

That poll wont prove anything as the sportsmen in AZ have already let their voices be heard...they dont want SFW in their state and they dont want a tag grab.

Over the past 16 years, the costs of operating the Arizona Game and Fish Department have increased by 138% while the number of permits they have issued have plummeted by more than 27% and big game harvests are down 32%. Except for elk, the harsh reality is we are losing on average about 2,000 permits per year.

Why is this happening?

There are a number of reasons behind these massive tag reductions - including declining wildlife populations due to various uncontrollable factors. The one factor which we can control is not being properly addressed. We have not filled the void in predator control which resulted from the ban on trapping in 1994. In addition, the subsidized environmentalist activities leading to more land being taken for wilderness, monuments and habitat for endangered species have reduced our access to large tracks of land. This combined with a decrease in the number of Sportsmen means we are facing an uncertain future.

What are we going to do about it?

How do we solve the problem? We solve it by empowering Sportsmen to create a system to increase wildlife herds, improve access, and get more involved in recruiting and retaining the next generation of hunters and anglers.

By setting aside less than half a percent of our current tags (280 tags dedicated to a special Sportsmen draw which will have very favorable conditions for sportsmen and 54 auction tags), we can generate over $25 million in new economic activity and invest in programs specially designed to start bending the trend lines in a positive direction and create a 3-4 day Sportsmen Expo in Arizona.

We can't afford to continue to lose thousands of permits a year. Please take the survey and let us know how you feel.

Learn more at
They are asking for a vote on the most critical issue facing AZSFW. They left one out: "that 99% of Arizona hunters are trying to eliminate our organization".
This could be a real Catch-22. If you don't respond and only the Yes voters respond, we lose. If you do respond with a No vote, then they can count you as a hunter they represent. If the poll comes out 1,000 yes and 10,000 no, they can ignore the vote and claim they represent 11,000 hunters.
I wonder if azgfd could send out a mass email. If they are allowed to do that by law to ask sportspeople if they support the bill or not. Since they have emails u believe of most that applied this fall.
I think that might be a better representation of how people feel and we probly don't have to worry so much about those issues .
If not the only way I see to get the message out is by media . Either news coverage of a rally type thing at the Capitol or newspaper coverage.
Got one from the ABA this morning also. I do not have an issue with selling a few more tags to raise some money or some other fashion to raise more $. The issue I have is a select few deciding where the $ go. The AZSFW should be as passionate to work with the AZ F&G department and have all the funds go there
and work together on the issues.
Yep after the way they tried to slip this bill past the hunting community the AZSFW can't be trusted. When it comes to polls probably best to start your own and stay away from any of the AZSFW polls . The more I think about it the more I feel we might need to have a hunters march on the capital. I'm normally not one to protest but it seems this might be the best option right now for those of us who oppose HB 2072. Can you imagine all of us anti HB2072 showed up at the capital building deck out in our camos all blowing on a elk bugle. That would awesome!
kelco - I hope you won't support any additional tag sales for fund raising. If they don't get all 350 tags in one attempt, they will just keep whittling away over the years until they do. There are other more appropriate ways to raise funds. I am a proponent of a statewide habitat stamp. Check out my proposed solution. I would appreciate any comments you may have.
I think a march to the capitol steps is exactly what you guys in AZ should be planning. Do it peacefully, but do it so that the legislators know the AZSFW does not speak for the average guys out there.

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