EXPO Tag Drawing Complete


The Expo Tag draw was completed this morning with no public representation or witnesses. The reason given was covid restrictions in the SLC office.

Supposedly not even SFW had a representative, but perhaps that was misdirection and MDF was present, I don't know. There has typically been about 20-25 people in attendance, including a reporter or two. This year I was told the draw was happening with the contractor and division personnel only.

While I have generally had reasonable faith that the drawing was held without undue bias, the process should probably be reviewed more carefully this year now that it was held in private. I can accept that many things were different about the Expo this year, but a gathering of 20 people doesn't seem unreasonably risky, and would have reduced suspicion. I have previously attended the actual drawing each year.

The results won't be posted until Friday, and then we will see if just the "usual" number of high profile individuals draw once again.

I’m sure I didn’t draw so y’all go ahead and squabble about it.
I didn’t send my dough in this year even though I didn’t have to validate. I meant to but life got in the way.
Will Utah DWR and Wildlife board learn form this? Will they learn that they can handle this draw and tags and keep 100% of the money and use it to better our deer herds? Will they learn that there does not need to be an Expo to pimp out all these tags?

Asking for a friend!
I bet your friend knows the answer.
Will Utah DWR and Wildlife board learn form this? Will they learn that they can handle this draw and tags and keep 100% of the money and use it to better our deer herds? Will they learn that there does not need to be an Expo to pimp out all these tags?

Asking for a friend!
The final numbers will be interesting on the over under from years past.

However I do still shake my head at people not understanding what the states goal is with the Expo and the tags.

Question for all, how many units and species did everyone put in for in the Utah draw? The 200 tags offer more opportunity to draw than any single state draw. Anyone supporting opportunity should be all for the 200 tag draw.
Can’t wait till Friday, I’m gonna tuck my ears into my flatty for good luck and celebrate with a Mt Ops ignite when I draw. Nothing more fulfilling than wildlife conservation in the Beehave state. Thank you SFW for all your amazing selfless hard work during the pandemic to make this possible, I for one look forward to seeing our diminishing deer herds rebound with your impeccable guidance and transparent commitment towards wildlife conservation, I have full faith. Good luck to all in the Expo Draw.
Will they learn that they can handle this draw and tags and keep 100% of the money and use it to better our deer herds?

I find it humorous the people who think government pays no costs in doing business when in fact their costs are usually much much higher than the private sector.
I find it humorous the people who think government pays no costs in doing business when in fact their costs are usually much much higher than the private sector.
No one said there are no costs. They mentioned they get 100% of the money. Good grief.
why not just zoom this into a live feed for people to watch? Seems shady to me anytime to do this in private when this mutch money is put into something that's sought after like these tags. Oh well, I know I didn't draw anything. lol
I find it humorous the people who think government pays no costs in doing business when in fact their costs are usually much much higher than the private sector.
That's because they buy Waygu beef and booze with discretionary funds.

Oh wait, wrong state. Sorrry.
In the past. It's been the evening before the dead line ! But I think COVID IS TO BLAME ! It's holding up the process ! The extra time for all the workers to mask up before they come into the building.
It has been a few years since it was posted the night before the deadline date I think. It has been pretty consistent recently on the deadline date.

Should post before lunch time, I'm guessing.
By the time it's posted everyone who won a tag has already been notified so it's kind of anti-climatic.
By the time it's posted everyone who won a tag has already been notified so it's kind of anti-climatic.

I did not realize they notified via email prior to posting. That must be a reasonably new practice. I found out when I drew mine in 2012 because a friend texted me and told me I better go check the website.
Lots of outfitters drew. Also wonder if that guy from Alaska will come down for that Paunsaugnant elk hunt
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Heres one thing UT took

116 tags
200 tags

84 tags to NR

R still got the lions share

congrats to all

So how did all of you guys pan out. Let me guess I know a cousin of a cousins sister who drew. For the 1 or 2 that did draw congrats.
I personally used to spend 500$ on this thing until the corruption got exposed.
Since then I have put that 500$ in a pot and me and my buddies will be going on a guided/ not guided private property hunt again this year
I hope this not true! My name is on the list and I haven't got an email yet. Sweating bullets hoping I drew one of the best mule deer tags!
I've never herd of anyone getting notified before the announcement, the only reason i could see them doing that now is they only allow you to get one tag in the rare chance your name is pulled for more then one, they let you choose which one you want.
We usually only get to hunt OTC in Colorado for elk and OTC in Az for deer bc we never draw any tags. So to get this one is awesome!! I guess we will have to start going to the EXPO every year!!
The final numbers will be interesting on the over under from years past.

However I do still shake my head at people not understanding what the states goal is with the Expo and the tags.

Question for all, how many units and species did everyone put in for in the Utah draw? The 200 tags offer more opportunity to draw than any single state draw. Anyone supporting opportunity should be all for the 200 tag draw.
They could offer this "opportunity" directly. No middle guy. Isn't the states goal to maximize conservation revenues to improve wildlife habitat? The world would still turn without SFW.
They could offer this "opportunity" directly. No middle guy. Isn't the states goal to maximize conservation revenues to improve wildlife habitat? The world would still turn without SFW.
Honestly zero desire to argue with people that have no knowledge of the actual process and history behind the tags. Sorry Johnny.
Does anyone know how many people put in for the Utah draw and how many bought chances in The Expo Tags?

Honestly zero desire to argue with people that have no knowledge of the actual process and history behind the tags. Sorry Johnny.
Haha, i started typing something up as well.... then decided it wasn't worth the effort.

People believe every negative thing they read about sfw/expo. Some of it is valid, alot of it isn't. The Truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

Most have already made up there minds one way or the other. No need to try and change it.
Just because someone doesn’t agree with you does not mean they have no knowledge of the process or the history behind the tags. Some people that actually know everything about those specific things cited might be very against expo tags. Just maybe...
Just because someone doesn’t agree with you does not mean they have no knowledge of the process or the history behind the tags. Some people that actually know everything about those specific things cited might be very against expo tags. Just maybe...
I'll remember you said that. You never seem to.?
Every time I read about the expo tags I'm reminded of this story. The people of Utah are the Chicken. The expo tags are the bread crumbs.

On one occasion, so it was narrated, Stalin called for a live chicken and proceeded to use it to make an unforgettable point before some of his henchmen. Forcefully clutching the chicken in one hand, with the other he began to systematically pluck out its feathers. As the chicken struggled in vain to escape, he continued with the painful denuding until the bird was completely stripped. “Now you watch,” Stalin said as he placed the chicken on the floor and walked away with some bread crumbs in his hand. Incredibly, the fear-crazed chicken hobbled toward him and clung to the legs of his trousers. Stalin threw a handful of grain to the bird, and it began to follow him around the room, he turned to his dumbfounded colleagues and said quietly, “This is the way to rule the people. Did you see how that chicken followed me for food, even though I had caused it such torture? People are like that chicken. If you inflict inordinate pain on them they will follow you for food the rest of their lives.”

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