first of 08


Active Member
This morning was the first day i got to go out, and boy did it pay off, i found my first horn not two minutes into my hike, and the next three with in an hour. They are all browns the picture makes them look white, but they are fresh. and of course i forgot my camera at home, two were burried in the snow and two were under trees. I think the three and two are a set but i am not sure, really wierd two, but alot of same chahttp://

I cant wait till they start droppin here!

"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
Sweet!!! Dude you gotta be focused to find them spike antlers .... good job!

In the muledeer forum people are ripping shed hunters up and down for putting so much pressure on struggling muledeer and on this forum shed hunters are being praised for picking them up. I love shed hunting as much as anyone and will do almost anything for a horn but shouldn't we atleast wait until the snow melts off?
NeverStop, Your absolutly right, we all should wait until the snow melts, but not everyone is going to wait. Thats probably why we will have a shed season statewide soon. Its sucks to say that, but it probably needs to happen, especially on winters like this one. But what about the people that are not shed hunting? Snowmobilers, rabbit hunters, trappers, coyote hunters and I've even seen some cross country skiers out there. They all spook and run the deer too. I'm not gettin out there until most of the snow is gone, I dont really feel like walking around in knee deep snow, piss on that. On a winter like this, everyone needs to stay off the winter range, not just the shed hunters.
Great first sheds of the year. Congrats!

Why must everyone assume that the winter everywhere is a diaster? Must I stay home till spring just because some Utard says the winter is bad down there. Up here the winter has been pretty damn good. Lots of snow in the highcountry. Very little snow in the lower elevations. Heck, I haven't even had to shovel my driveway this winter.
Thats good for you BC, what you probably dont know is that before this winter we have been going through a 10 to 12 year drought. The vegetation that the muleys rely on is not quite what it used to be, as in there is none. That is what makes this winter bad. If we didnt have the drought it might not be as harsh, but the deer are seriously struggling. There is probably 2 1/2 to 3 feet in the winter ranges covering up everything. That has'nt happend for a really long time. By the way its not just some Utard saying that, its all of us Utards.
> Heck,
>I haven't even had to
>shovel my driveway this winter.
Oh now you're just showing off! Quit rubbing it in, man! LOL (Good post though.)
>Great first sheds of the year.
>Why must everyone assume that the
>winter everywhere is a diaster?
>Must I stay home till
>spring just because some Utard
>says the winter is bad
>down there. Up here the
>winter has been pretty damn
>good. Lots of snow in
>the highcountry. Very little snow
>in the lower elevations. Heck,
>I haven't even had to
>shovel my driveway this winter.

LOL, i figured u hadnt shoveled your driveway since muley camp of 07. You know, when you broke your shovel digging the jeep out of the ditch. Pick up any tine today?
LOL! I do have another shovel, just haven't used it yet. I suppose I could have, but what is 4 wheel drive for anyways? :) I didn't find any tine today. Snow is too fluffy. Any tine would just fall to the bottom. The forcast is for several days of rain come the end of the week. That should knock the snow back a bit especially on the fir slopes.
Your sheds are brown and your carpet is orange. Ya sure...

If you get that excited about 4 dinkers, I can't wait to see your post when you find something worthwhile. :)
why cant people just be excited for someone when they find something that they are excited about. why do you assume that where he found them has bad weather and the deer are hurting.
Probably because much of the deer winter range in the West is in bad shape. But you are correct, we can't assume it was bad where everyone is looking. Still, waiting is a good idea until spring begins to show up for more than one day before the next storm.

and you forgot your question marks...;
I totally agree with you, i just dont like when everybody jumps on someones case when they dont even know the whole story. thats all i was trying to say. but you are right we should just wait until spring comes.
I agree with evershed.. This is one of the worste winters in History for Utah, so don't go callin us utards.. I have three feet of snow in town. My fathers ground is a major wintering area for the deer here, and I can tell you they are suffering here. I tried callin and pushing feeding the deer a little earlier than what the DWR wanted, but it didn't work out.. Finally after many, I MEAN MANY of your fawn crop have died, they decideded to feed.. I wll show you a pic of your low sage brush area, then you decide how our deer while live.. SAVY?? It's not good here in northern utah. Atleast in Summit county.. Worste winter ever according o our parents. I'm not goin to push the deer for a single shed, as their survival, and a good hunt is much more important to me over a shed, big or small.. I know where there has been big bucks sheddin, but many I wont look for for quite a while even if et means lettin someone else bein unethical and trespassin on my own ground.. I hope to have some great sheds for you all in the future.. I'll show you pics of some bucks i'll be lookin for when my film is developed.. good luck to all shed hunters, but please be ethical!!!! by the way i'm not tryin to say anyone in this post is unethical.. I just want our deer to survive. I could have many sheds by now, but I know the importance of not pushing them.. they need all the help they can get this winter in summit county!! oh and by the way if anyone wants to find a way to help our winter range deer each year, we should put something together and present it to the DWR.. Sorry if this has lots of different topics in it.. just wanted to state opinions.. Forever live the hobby/sport of shed huntin.. Lets keep our deer alive and healthy huh?? good luck to everyone with sheds, but hopefully better luck to the deer that need to survive this winter...
Everyone needs to calm down and see that its not bad everywhere, even though we have alot of snow here in NE utah, the deer I've seen are in real good shape and the fawns are doing good to.(this dosent mean people sould be out chaseing the deer, or looking for sheds and I havent seen anyone out doing so)

Heres a sugestion, if someone posts something and its in a area that YOU know the deer arnt doing real well then you can say something if not then keep your mouth shut!!!

But its safe to say if theres alot of snow then you should wait for it to melt.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
i like finding sheds as much as the next guy but i'm not much for walking around in snow. all the snow is gone down here has been for a week or so but still plenty of mud. things are starting to green up below about 4500 feet
JakeH is exactly right. People have thier spots, and know the animals. They know when animals are stressed. USE YOUR JUDGEMENT, AND DON'T ABUSE IT. It is as easy as that. Good luck to everyone.

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