First Presidencey


Very Active Member
I was reading through the threads about Trump and Hillary and started wandering if either one will have a second term. Hillary has health problems, Trump has people problems. My prediction is that either one will have only one term. Thoughts?
Neither will have a 2nd term, if we re-ran the primaries given the circus show we have seen neither would have a 1st term.
Both parties screwed up with their picks. Democrats should have picked Webb who is a moderate. Only reason Trump got nominated was the fact the GOP side was fed up with the typical slick talking career politician that will say what you want to hear and do the opposite when elected.

If Hillary wins, sure. Anyone who would challenger her for a second term is either a fool or has a death wish.

If Trump wins, it all depends on if we win WWIII that he will get us into.
I feel pretty sure saying Hillary will be a one term president. due to her age if nothing else.

I feel damn sure saying Trump will never have a first term.

I think Mark Cuban has the best chance of being the president in 2020. will he run as a republican or a democrat? I don't give a FF I'll vote for him.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Trump will not be president but he'll be broke in 6 years if that's what you mean.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I'm sure he does take all the breaks he can. so do I.

But Cuban isn't a loser so I bet there aren't any years he paid nothing. and if he runs I bet we see his taxes so we'll know.

We have no idea what Trump's hiding but we can rest assured it's at least as bad as what he's being accused of or he'd release them to make it stop.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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