Found a Shooter in Wyoming


Active Member
Sorry I am still trying to figure out how to take pictures through a cheap spotting scope. This buck is Wide, Heavy, and got some Trash. The one side is pretty visible with a big cheater. The top of the other side is just above his butt. He looked good through the spotting scope and a clear view. How wide could he be. I think just over 30 then adding the cheater I would give him 33 inches. If any one has suggestions on getting better pictures of deer in the field let me know. My set up not helping me out.

I have the same issue and looking at a better scope. Just can't get a clear picture using blurry glass..


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
I do have a Swarovski 65 spotter, but just use a Nikon point n shoot. It's still tough getting good shots. Sometimes it's a trick focusing the scope, adjusting things, etc.

Anyway, that buck looks big. It is hard to tell. Get back out there and get us better pics!! Ha Ha

I'd like to see one with a big ole cheater like that in Wyoming.

Brian Latturner
Will you LIKE on Facebook! I need a friend....
Good looking buck.
Do you have an adapter like a tines up or phoneskope? Those help a lot especially if you camera has a self timer.
But yes a better spotter is the way to go. I ran into the same thing this weekend. Good, possibly great deer but 20x60 scope at last light couldn't get it done. Time for an 80 or bigger. Anyone need their lawn mowed so I can start saving up?
Use the focus on the scope too, a lot of times through my leica that is what I have to do to get a clearer picture. I usually leave it on a lower power and zoom the camera in some.
I have my best luck with a decent camera. And get about 100 yards away if you can. :)

Those phone scope deals don't stay real steady in the Wyoming wind. In fact, some days it's tough to see through the spotter with the wind shaking it. And yes, I have a solid tripod with a liquid head.
That is a beautiful deer, ive been having the same problem, also trying to take pics with the wyoming wind doesnt help
Thanks for the advice. I probably just need a better spotting scope. I hope to get out in a couple weeks to try finding the buck again.
Having good glass helps but isnt needed for decent photos. Its all about focus, stabilization, and using as low a power on the scope and camera as possible.

Set the scope on 20 power. Use a big heavy tripod this will keep the wind shaking down. Use a timer on your camera or use video. Dont touch the tripod or camera. the camera akso needs to be attached to the lense as square to the lense as possibl

Buck looks like a smoker good luck


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Forgot to nention dont use the zoom on the camera. Some cameras will have an optical zoom which uses a lense for magnification. Some do it electronically. Tg e electronical ones will get grainy the more zoom you use.


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