Fuel price and change to hunt plans?


Active Member
My kids are hitting their peak for out of state youth hunting, trying to cash out points while still youth for either the discounted tags and/or better opportunities. This year we have 5 NR tags between 3 of my kids (AZ, NM, CO). Been starting to calculate fuel costs at varying potential prices by Oct thru Nov. Spooking me a little and making me wonder what is too high to be worth the trip causing us to eat the tag or to try turning it in and hope somehow it’s better next year. (Then I hear Apollo yelling in my head “there is no tomorrow!!”)

What are y’all’s thoughts on this? Do you have a fuel price that is your cutoff for cancellations or major changes in your plans? Care to share what that might be?
Go Hunting!

Prices on Everything are Going Up Every Day!

Hunting Isn't & Hasn't Been Getting Any Better For How Many Years Now?

Take Your Kids Hunting!

And Thank Brandon & The JOKERS That Voted For Him For The Situation We're In!

Americans Are Getting Bent Over Like No Other & More By The Day!

Don't Let Brandon Ruin Your Hunts!

Alot Of People Are Hoping Prices Come Back Down But I Don't Know about That This Time?

And If & When They Do I'll Bet it's Minimal!

Go Hunting & Best Of Luck To All of You!
Yup, I echo what Bess said. Go hunt. In the fall, prices will come back down to $5.00/gal. And everyone will be thanking Brandon for “making things right” because this is how the majority are in this country now. It’s always the justification route….”well it could be worse.” Every day it gets worse.

My wife and I grabbed something to eat last night. We weren’t hungry enough for our own meals so we split one. $22.00 for one meal and two drink cups…this was a fast food joint!

Hope you are looking at more than just fuel. Anymore, you gotta start saving early for these hunts that you may never draw…
Go Hunt! My youngest daughter will be a senior in High School this year. We will have one last year for some type of hunt and then off to College. The sad thing is they will never be able to hunt like I have, but both girls and my wife have had some amazing hunts. Hunt while you have the tags and take a lot of pictures. These are truly my best memories!
**** hunting. Do something fun with your kid. Take them to the Smithsonian, some water park, a bad ass 3D movie. All those things beats walking around in the wind and rain. Chasing down an animal that just wants to live. Why does bonding with our children have to involve the pursuit of possibly killing something?
Honestly, I would go spend the time with your kids at all costs. With the rate of inflation by the time they have kids they will be bragging about how we only use to pay 5 dollars a gallon.
The best thing to do : Go ! Enjoy ! NOW !! Make it happen, whatever it takes ! I’m going on 75 & my warranty is running out- wish that clock ⏰ could be turned back. Your kids are only young once- make it a thriller for them & yourself & make memories! Time waits for no man ?. Do it !
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado ?
Shouldn’t brake your bank. Be smart.
In state options possible?
Waterfowling or upland can be nice ,options / bit less expensive ? Steal is ridiculous at $30 a box.

I guess it’s mow a lawn?!
Do some lifeguarding : it is paying well this summer
Work extra and make it happen!!
The only thing keeping me and the kids not going is not drawing which sucks!
Not stopping anyone out here ???? the roads , mountains and lakes are packed over full already!
Go hunting no matter the gas price.

Now as far as to what I have to pay for gas to drive to work and get paid ever decreasing valued dollars for? It's getting close!
They AIN'T & WON'T Be Killing Humans!

**** hunting. Do something fun with your kid. Take them to the Smithsonian, some water park, a bad ass 3D movie. All those things beats walking around in the wind and rain. Chasing down an animal that just wants to live. Why does bonding with our children have to involve the pursuit of possibly killing something?
It’s only money. My kids are just about all grown and out now. 2 of the 4 are and the 3rd leaves for U of I in a couple months. It was a blink of an eye and they were gone. I’m actually having pretty tough time with it. I spent a ton of time with my kids and it still feels like it wasn’t enough. They wanna hunt take um. They want to go to a museum, take um. You dont get it back, you can make more money
**** hunting. Do something fun with your kid. Take them to the Smithsonian, some water park, a bad ass 3D movie. All those things beats walking around in the wind and rain. Chasing down an animal that just wants to live. Why does bonding with our children have to involve the pursuit of possibly killing something?
You seem lost. Let me steer you back to your roots…
You can celebrate your interests with your own kind.
Screen Shot 2022-06-11 at 10.21.04 AM.png
These times call for creative solutions. If I had drawn a tag from Nevada, I was going to mail it to feddoc and he was going to harvest the animal and Fed Ex the meat to me. He said he'd do it for a hamburger.

I'm trying to work a deal with SS on a caribou or moose, but he won't respond to my PM's.
These times call for creative solutions. If I had drawn a tag from Nevada, I was going to mail it to feddoc and he was going to harvest the animal and Fed Ex the meat to me. He said he'd do it for a hamburger.

I'm trying to work a deal with SS on a caribou or moose, but he won't respond to my PM's.
He hasn’t been sober enough to respond/respond correctly to anyones posts since he went from the tit to booze.
I’m going to go about my regular plans. Tags are too hard to come by and I want to give myself a good chance to fill it. I will make cuts in other areas for now. The only way I would consider changing plans would be if I was guaranteed a tag every year.

When I lived in remote AK gas was regularly around $6 per gallon and I would normally use up a drum of gas (55 gallons) on a boat trip for moose hunting. Sometimes it was more, but it was always worth it.

We do what makes our family happy.
Ok I’m going to be serious here. If a few hundred dollars more in fuel food etc is a deal breaker whether you do a trip or not then you couldn’t afford it to begin with.

There are a lot of ways you can offset the additional costs. There is no better time than now to ask for a raise if you feel like you deserve one. I can’t think of one industry that isn’t having issues filling jobs.

Sell some ****. I promise you that you have too much ****.

Identify as transgender and sue your employer if they deny your raise

Side hustle. Second job, etc

Sell drugs to friends only. Low risk if you keep it friends only

Get rid of streaming services, find ways to cut cell phone costs, cancel pornhub subscription.

Dine and dash. It’s really easy. Easily save a few hundred this way. And the adrenaline rush is unreal. And just remember, they can’t touch you. They grab you? Sue them. Repeat after me. “I can’t breathe”.
Well SS!

Next Time My Wife Asks Me If I'm Going Hunting again?

I'll tell Her Once Again I Don't Hunt & If You Don't Believe Me Just Ask SS!

I'm a Thinkin One Of These Days You're Gonna Come In Handy For Something & This Just Might Be It!
My kids are hitting their peak for out of state youth hunting, trying to cash out points while still youth for either the discounted tags and/or better opportunities. This year we have 5 NR tags between 3 of my kids (AZ, NM, CO). Been starting to calculate fuel costs at varying potential prices by Oct thru Nov. Spooking me a little and making me wonder what is too high to be worth the trip causing us to eat the tag or to try turning it in and hope somehow it’s better next year. (Then I hear Apollo yelling in my head “there is no tomorrow!!”)

What are y’all’s thoughts on this? Do you have a fuel price that is your cutoff for cancellations or major changes in your plans? Care to share what that might be?
One guys opinion.

Worst case. You live in New York City. Your kids draw tags in Kingman, Arizona.

5,000 highway miles, round trip.
At 15 MPG, that’s, give or a take, 350 gallon of gas.

Gas is presently $2.50 per gallon more this year than last year. So the worst case increase in fuel is $875.00 or $75.00 a month.

Worst case, if you can set aside an extra $75.00 a month, worst case, you can do it.

If you can’t…….. you can’t. If you want them to have something else with $75 a month, that’s your decision to measure value against cost.

If you live closer, it’s less than $75 per month.

Your family, your money, your values…….. you do you……would be my recommendation.
I have three good tags this year, I will make it happen. Still cutting lawns for my hunting fund side hustle for gas money and working some overtime. I have run the numbers, each year I do about 6/7k miles for hunting over several months. It is gonna hurt but it will still happen. I have been riding my Harley a little more, that has helped recently for sure.
Everyone has there own situation. When raising young ones it was thigh and this would hurt. Retired now and working part time job gives me the play money needed. Save up cash prior to hunts and just pay the card off after the hunt. Makes the hunt enjoyable not worrying about the money.

Like mentioned before. May not do as many scouting trips and just show up a few days earlier to scout before the actual hunt.

Lucked out and drew good tags in Wyoming, two different hunts in Colorado and two hunts in Utah. Been in all the units prior so have knowledge of units which will help.

Time with wife and kids making memories is what my fall will be about.

Best of luck to all and best of luck with funds and gas prices.
As long as it does not impact your family financially, go. There are plenty of part time jobs out there.

What it sad is when you see people who now, based on health and/or age cannot go now. Do it while you can, life passes by too quick!

I just spent (probably) close to $1,000 on fuel, fir a Utah bear hunt. Dragging a trailer, scouting trips etc. was not cheap. It was worth every Penny and we made it work.

I’ve been putting off a lot of hunting the past 15 years (still have had some great trips). However, it’s time to start burning points (and gas) and get going!!
Go hunting! Only live once and we never know for how long. Whether $1,000 or $2,000 in gas, its a lot of money and only a fraction of the total trip cost (10-50%)
And there will never be so many trails to hike without a permit . Permits are going to be the norm in the future. Hell they are even pushing to make people carry their ? out of the woods.
Go hunting it isn't going to improve for us.

Or just go on a great hike or camping trip.

Hunting is over as we know it.

There will never be less hunters

There will never be more tags.

They will be lucky to draw a tag in their adult lives.

Sell your soul and make it happen now.
Ok I’m going to be serious here. If a few hundred dollars more in fuel food etc is a deal breaker whether you do a trip or not then you couldn’t afford it to begin with.

There are a lot of ways you can offset the additional costs. There is no better time than now to ask for a raise if you feel like you deserve one. I can’t think of one industry that isn’t having issues filling jobs.

Sell some ****. I promise you that you have too much ****.

Identify as transgender and sue your employer if they deny your raise

Side hustle. Second job, etc

Sell drugs to friends only. Low risk if you keep it friends only

Get rid of streaming services, find ways to cut cell phone costs, cancel pornhub subscription.

Dine and dash. It’s really easy. Easily save a few hundred this way. And the adrenaline rush is unreal. And just remember, they can’t touch you. They grab you? Sue them. Repeat after me. “I can’t breathe”.
What about starting an Only fans?
Some minor changes... I will probably drive my commuter car to scout my unit. Roads are usually really good in, but not having 4 wheel drive is always taking a chance.

I didnt read all the posts above, but I would recommend encouraging your kids to do some work this summer and save some money for the hunts. I had to save for my first Mountain Bike and my first 30/30 when I was 13. Did me good to pass over my own money for those two things... killed my first buck with that 30/30... Snuck over to my first girlfriend's house on that mountain bike... LOL both good memories.

Good luck. Hope you share the hunts later on with us...
Yup, go hunt, in the grand scheme of things and extra $300-500 in fuel more than worth it. Make memories as none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Read that somewhere.
One guys opinion.

Worst case. You live in New York City. Your kids draw tags in Kingman, Arizona.

5,000 highway miles, round trip.
At 15 MPG, that’s, give or a take, 350 gallon of gas.

Gas is presently $2.50 per gallon more this year than last year. So the worst case increase in fuel is $875.00 or $75.00 a month.

Worst case, if you can set aside an extra $75.00 a month, worst case, you can do it.

If you can’t…….. you can’t. If you want them to have something else with $75 a month, that’s your decision to measure value against cost.

If you live closer, it’s less than $75 per month.

Your family, your money, your values…….. you do you……would be my recommendation.
I put 5000 miles on AFTER I get to camp.

These fuel prices will really hurt us dedicated roadhunters on the biden negative fixed income plan :mad:
I agree...HUNT. These opportunities with your kids are worth their weight in gold. I will be honest though, I have decided to take mn VW Jetta to Colorado and leave the Silverado at home. I may have to hike farther, but I can get there and back for cheaper than just getting there in the truck
My kids are hitting their peak for out of state youth hunting, trying to cash out points while still youth for either the discounted tags and/or better opportunities. This year we have 5 NR tags between 3 of my kids (AZ, NM, CO). Been starting to calculate fuel costs at varying potential prices by Oct thru Nov. Spooking me a little and making me wonder what is too high to be worth the trip causing us to eat the tag or to try turning it in and hope somehow it’s better next year. (Then I hear Apollo yelling in my head “there is no tomorrow!!”)

What are y’all’s thoughts on this? Do you have a fuel price that is your cutoff for cancellations or major changes in your plans? Care to share what that might be?
$100 a gallon is my cutoff.
I am changing plans. If a trip now costs $1,500 for tag, gas and food, it makes me reconsider.

We still have plenty of hunts, but the doe antelope hunt we normally do in Wyoming just isn't worth the gas money this year. I didn't apply my son for any easy Idaho tags and I didn't apply myself at all in Idaho. Just wasn't worth the price of application for the slim chance of drawing a great tag, and not worth the trip for a general tag. A weekend fishing or hiking will be awesome.

To the op - enjoy those hunts with your kids. I have enjoyed the videos you have done in the past.
It's June and $5+ a gallon gasoline. We've still got 2-3 months before hunting season and gas prices are rising daily. I'm betting there's more of us that will be changing up some plans between now and then if we hit $6-$7 a gallon, we could even pass that if we hit $200+ for a barrel of crude like some are projecting. :eek:

Honda civics and Toyota Prius' are going to be the new fashion statement in hunting rigs for the next three years expect for the wealthy, they will be driving Subaru Outbacks. I don't know if Prism is still scouting out of a Civic this days but if I recall he was during the Obama gas crunch.

Hang on guys it's going to get worse before it gets worse.

On the bright side there should be a lot of low mileage diesel trucks on the used market in a few years hopefully they won't be selling for $100k+
I took my daughters 40 MPG sedan on a trip to NE Wyoming last year. Parking at the main road and walking in can save a bunch of money.

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