Getting my butt in top shape for summer scouting


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So after taking 3 months off to remodel my kitchen, I'm now working on getting my body back into peak condition for summer backpacking. Who else works out during the off-season and what activities and workouts do you do to stay in shape?

I hike, run, bike and lift weight. (I also eat ice cream, but that doesn't help much. ha ha) I think for building leg strength for backpacking, my power hikes up the mountain above my house work best. But not certain. Maybe there are better workouts for leg strength and endurance?????

It's a 1300 vertical foot, 2 mile run/power hike.

Anybody up for an off-season workout challenge of some sort to keep each other motivated??? Anyone done anything like that before?

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
My thought has always been that hiking will always produce the best results. Its such a natural movement that I think allows your body to respond to it more quickly than lifting weights and you are training for exactly what you are doing.
I do 3 days gym and 2 days hypoxic swim each week year round. I live down in this low land air and my knees are shot to hell. Hypoxic swim is the best thing I have found that keeps me ready as I can be for the mountain.

I am very weak for ice cream also. Constant battle. Good luck scouting this summer. I never get to summer scout because I am too far from the action. But its always nice to be surprised by the big buck come November. Sometimes I find a big deer when I am guiding antelope in October.
I like to do everything, ski, mtn bike, road bike, run, hike and lift weights. If something hurts I do another activity, My old basketball coach told me the best way to get into shape is not to get out of it. My two passions are hunting and skiing, everything else just helps me in those two sports.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-17 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]I ski, mtn bike, road bike, and hike. No running for me since I ruptured a disc 7 years ago. I am signed up to ride the Iron Horse Classic again on Memorial Day weekend, Durango to Silverton, 52 miles and 7200' of elevation gain.
Gym, mtn. bike, road bike, and hiking. I started the road bike two years ago because of my knees and my feet (have had surgery on both). I'm addicted to the speed as well as the pain of pushing up hill. I don't know what it is. But I love it!

I like running to stay in shape, however I realize that road running will eventually wear out knees, feet, hips, etc....I mix in a little weight lifting to maintain upper body muscle mass. At 62 I
am finding it difficult to do the peaks and valleys of getting in good shape and then letting it go for an extended period of time.A year round program is a must for me. I believe a good cardio workout is a must, stair stepper, eliptical, treadmill, anything that gets your heart rate up and maintains it for at least 30 minutes...once you get cardio fit then work on strength and power. At least this my formula and it has served me well.
1st off I am addicted to Mormon Heroin aka Ice cream too. I have been blessed to go off of God given endurance most of my life. I go and do a lot. Haven't trained since High school. But 3 knee surgeries and a major back surgery I am feeling like either my just go days are coming to and end or I need to start doing something. But my boys and myself have harvested 14 elk in the last 3 years and I have packed out close to half of that meat. Some easy ones like a mile and some like 6 miles not so easy. I spent three days on one by myself two years ago. So Brian I might need a challenge to get me out there. But where do I find the time.

After a few expeditions,I came to the conclusion the best way to train is to live with the elk...Other than that, I attempt to not get any weaker by following Swat Workout by Stewart Smith.Also biking as much as possible..At 67,I want to keep hunting as long as possible...good luck hth
I have always tried to stay in decent shape, but with a Wyoming elk tag and a Utah bear tag already drawn this year, I am upping my game.

I recently signed up to run a half marathon at the end of July in the Tushar Mountain range down by Beaver. The run involves 3,800 feet of vertical gain/loss in elevation so should be pretty brutal. I decided that paying money to enter this race and having it looming out in front of me would give me the motivation I need to get in and stay in tip-top shape for my hunts. So far it is working and has helped me get after it.

I think mountain trail running and hiking with a pack at elevation is the best overall way to get in and stay in "hunting" shape. I plan to do a lot of that this summer along with weight lifting and eating as clean as possible (high protein wild game/chicken, veggies, fruits, nuts & grains)
I agree with staying in shape year round. It's easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape. I'm not a machine so I'm a little more lax in the winter but starting in April weather permitting I go into work 2 hrs early and climb a 1500' mountain with a pack on. It's a steep sob. I wear baseball cleats for traction.
Mt Garfield outside of Palisade is my workout hike. 2000' in 2 miles. 1.5 hours is my goal roundtrip. I'm getting slower.
Lifting Weights seems to be My Favorite way to stay in the Shape I'm In!

16 ounces at a time!:D

CHILLED DEW just startin to get Slushy!

Any they're easier to pack out than they were in!:D

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>I like to do everything, ski,
>mtn bike, road bike, run,
>hike and lift weights.
>If something hurts I do
>another activity, My old
>basketball coach told me the
>best way to get into
>shape is not to get
>out of it. My two
>passions are hunting and skiing,
>everything else just helps me
>in those two sports.

DL, where do you ski? I have a pass at the bird.
I walk the hills where I live, lift weights and have recently begun swimming twice a week. I tore my meniscus a year ago and that really slowed me down a bunch. Had knee surgery at beginning of February and am now working on getting back in shape. Swimming is fantastic for cardio conditioning. Soon, I plan on getting a Mtn bike or hybrid and adding riding into my cross training routine. Gotta get there as my girlfriend and I have scuba classes in mid-May and that requires a 200 yard uninterrupted swim followed by 10 minutes treading water. I expect that by late May, I'll be in better shape than I've enjoyed in years.
At 54 I have figured out that I have to stay active all year, if I take time off I "rust up" I am hiking a 5.5 mile route in the local hills 3 times a week, and will build up to 15-17 mile trips on Sat. recovering from a foot surgery right now so it has been slower than normal this year. I joined a gym this year because I was getting too bored with my at home push up, pull up and plank routine. Try to stay doing at least something 5 or 6 days a week. We (my wife an I ) are planning on trying the Rim to Rim Grand Canyon one day hike this year(24 miles) if the weather doesn't get too hot. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE THIS YEAR IN THE DRAWS!!
I quit snuff after close to 40 years for 14 months..On March 1 2016 I weighed 260 lbs...Quit quitting and bought a roll..240 in 15 days...Climbed a MT In June knees hurt like hell on the down hill. Gave up Bread Potatoes sugar and energy drinks...220 at the end of Big Game season.. Have leveled out around 225...Feels good... Bought a new bike Canondale Beast of the East...The Jeep of mt bikes..Try and ride a hour a day...UP HILL hikes every chance I get...On duty I walk stairs and climb warming house hill, down hill to the car when I get a call..Going to start "caking" the cows in the evenings this week that will be 1/2 mile of steep uphill with 50 lb bag of cake in the freighter frame... at 52 it is frustrating to "Have to work at it" You young guys don't get it "yet" but you will...metabolism slows...then reader glasses... All ready committed to several Peak climbs and one epic one day 22 miles through the West elks.. doing these with guys 1/2 my age. In 2015 I went sheep hunting with three tough guys in their 20's...I have been applying for the same tag longer then the tag holder has been alive...I have to "work at it now" We have all heard it... (Diet and Exercise) Now I live it... My personal peak was Oct 1 1994...29 years old 210 lbs.. just got back from 60 days working moose,sheep ,goat in South East Alaska... I wish I was "That guy" today.
After having disc issues last fall, I'm thinking maybe I need to lay off the running and either hike with my weight vest or do more mountain biking instead.

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
Lap swimming is my go to exercise....back pain/hip pain...really works it out and for sure lung capacity.

I am always hiking or snowshoeing in the winter, lifting and yoga for stretching/flexible.

I hope you are in shape if we draw G haha

I run in the SLC half marathon every April. Helps me come out of winter and into the spring in decent leg shape. Also keeps my lungs in check. Then I parlay that into hiking & scouting in the mountains with the dog and wife. Win-win for everyone involved!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-17 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]>If you have a lower back
>issues, make sure you are
>constantly stretching and staying flexible

+1 Esp the hamstrings. Tight hamstrings can ruin a lower back.
Im in! What do you say to a physical challenge/scouting trip in western Wyoming this summer. New area, not my honey hole or yours. Just like minded company, in some new country, find a couple giant bucks, no loose lips. Safer too, which my wife wouldn't mind. I'll be making some trips up there this summer. Let me know if you want to split some gas money.
>Lifting Weights seems to be My
>Favorite way to stay in
>the Shape I'm In!
>16 ounces at a time!:D
>CHILLED DEW just startin to get
>Any they're easier to pack out
>than they were in!:D
>[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My
>Signature Just for NVB!
>Like 6 Damn Times Now!

Don't forget the gentleman jack.
Where do you live? I do Crossfit 5 days a week. Run a 5-10k or swimming on Saturday. Weight training in Crossfit gets me strong and the extra cardio keeps me moving. I know of a lot of people with back or joint issues who found that weight training helps resolve those issues. The key being to build slowly. Understand that it's a process to build you strength up.

You want to make hiking with a 70+ pound pack easier get to where you can squat 350-400 pounds.
Training for a marathon coming up in about 6 weeks.

Averaging 47 miles a week right now. Just crossed 500 miles for 2017.

Hoping to run a BQ qualifying time. I need to come in under 3 hours and 25 minutes for my age group, a 7:49 pace.
RE:20 Minutes everyother day; top shape for summer scouting

Why waste all your precious time at the gym or running for miles, when you can increase stamina and equilibrium with "Vertical Movement" using the G-NAT system. Global Neuromuscular Activation Technology. What is it? G-NAT protocol when done properly will improve endurance by using over 200 of the bodies 603 voluntary muscles with each of the 12 specific moves instead of the 5-10 used in cardio or weight training. This device costs a fraction of what a home gym would cost and does much more. For just a few minutes every other day you can be in the best physical and mental shape of your life. .... I dare you!
For more information
[email protected]
RE:20 Minutes everyother day; top shape for summer scouting

I've always love to work out in camo and army boots.
RE:20 Minutes everyother day; top shape for summer scouting

I'm old too. Realized about 10-15 years ago this has to be a year-round deal. I get up at 4:30 every morning (yep 7 days a week) and work out at home. I have a commercial treadmill and I run or walk on an incline mostly. I also carry my pack quite a bit. I'll put in a 40-50 pound sack of salt and hike on an incline. Also do other stuff, but that's my main deal right now.

I also go outside and work. Irrigating, fixing fence, checking cattle. And I hike and scout quite a bit too. But in Wyoming, that's pretty seasonal.

I also have to lose a bit of weight this year; maybe 10 pounds. I'll just take it slow and easy and do it through diet and exercise. No gimmicks.

I agree that hiking the hills with a pack on your back is best. Went on a 5 hour adventure like that a week ago Saturday. And I hunt coyotes quite a bit too.

Lots of choices, but being active is the key. Break a sweat every day. Not many here will remember Tom Seaver. He said "as the legs go, so goes the body" and I think he was right.

Good hunting in 17 to all.............
Training for a half marathon May 6. Typically run 3-5 miles a day and a longer run on the weekend. Also, lift weights pretty regularly. Going to start doing weighted/backpack hikes on Saturday mornings after the half marathon. We do some kayaking and scouting a lot of whitetail land around our home state as well. As many have hit on, staying active every day is key. I have found the stronger I keep my core, the less back issues I have. So as much of a hassle as stretching is, it's a must, and try and keep it to a few small bowls of ice cream a week :)
Still a few weeks until my goal marathon but I ran a half marathon on Saturday and finished in 1:36:13 for a 7:21 avg pace. Ended up 8th place out of just over 200 and 1st place for 40 and older.
Some of you are really getting after it. That's awesome. I've been hiking and biking. I'll be ready to throw on a pack and travel this summer. I'm sure getting excited.

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
I rode 135 miles of singletrack on my Mtn bike in the last 8 days, now I need to combine some hiking to keep my 58 year old butt going strong.
Sounds like your butt ought to be strong after 8 days-135 miles. At least chapped! Ha ha

I've been mountain biking myself a couple times a week and have thrown in some antler hunting hikes and rock climbing.

Brian Latturner
on Facebook!
I ended up hitting my goal and then some this weekend in my marathon. Ended up running a 3:14:36 for a 7:25 avg pace per mile.

That qualifies me for Boston with over 10 minutes to spare!

Cheated a little bit by running a downhill marathon to qualify (not technically cheating, but it does make it easier).

My quads are still screaming at me 48 hours later!

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