Ya he got lucky. Thank god for the wreck or he wouldnt have done anything. He is still a puke!!
It's pretty cool when you cross the line second and still get the win huh? Pretty lame I think, although it's not Smoke's fault I just hate the way it went down.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-08 AT 07:54AM (MST)[p]Smoke won fair and square. Smith broke the super speedway rules as soon as he dropped down on the apron. Don't get me wrong, Smith had one hell of a fast car. But rules are rules. 18th is better than 43rd.
If you take a minute and try to imagine what it'd be like if they didn't have that apron rule on super speedways. There would be so many wrecks that they'ed have to start a scrap pile in the infield.
I'll tell ya who impressed me was that kid dirving in Martin's Army car, I think his name is Aric Almirola. If he doesn't loose his edge he's gonna break all kinds of records. Mark my words.

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